Japanese Cinema Eclectics

2006/08/04 金曜日

Japanese Cinema EclecticsJapanese Cinema Eclectics

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




Sponsored by Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (TUJ)
裸の島 -1960年 新藤兼人監督作品
主演:殿山泰司、乙羽信子 – 92分

Japanese Cinema Eclectics
Sponsored by Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (TUJ)
8月4日金曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
開場 19:00 | 上演 20:00 | 1500円
「裸の島」 -1960年 新藤兼人監督作品
主演:殿山泰司、乙羽信子 – 92分

A multi-part series devoted to unexplored tangents of the Japanese film
Curated by Donald Richie
Sponsored by Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (TUJ)
"Naked Island"
Produced, written and directed by Shindo Kaneto. Photographed by Kuroda Kiyomi. Music by Hayashi Hikaru. Edited by Enoki Kazuo. With Tonoyama Taiji, Otowa Nobuko and Tanaka Shinju. Produced by the Kindai Eiga Kyokai. B/W, 1960. 92mins
Winner of the Grand Prize at the 1960 Moscow Film Festival this is a feature-length film made entirely without dialogue - but with full sound and a feature- length score. Director Shindo, who called this picture "a cinematic poem," wanted to make a film everyone would understand about a family struggling for existence on a small island in the Inland Sea. Showing their struggle during the four seasons - summer to spring - the director later famous for Onibaba made a film unlike anyother.
free entrance after 11 pm!

Japanese Cinema Eclectics
A multi-part series devoted to unexplored tangents of the Japanese film
Curated by Donald Richie
Sponsored by Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (TUJ)
Aug.4th (Fri) at SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
open 19:00 | start 20:00 | 1500 yen
"Naked Island"
Produced, written and directed by Shindo Kaneto.
Photographed by Kuroda Kiyomi.
Music by Hayashi Hikaru.
Edited by Enoki Kazuo.
With Tonoyama Taiji, Otowa Nobuko and Tanaka Shinju.
Produced by the Kindai Eiga Kyokai.
B/W, 1960. 92mins
Winner of the Grand Prize at the 1960 Moscow Film Festival this is a feature-length film made entirely without dialogue - but with full sound and a feature- length score. Director Shindo, who called this picture "a cinematic poem," wanted to make a film everyone would understand about a family struggling for existence on a small island in the Inland Sea. Showing their struggle during the four seasons - summer to spring - the director later famous for Onibaba made a film unlike anyother.
"Japanese Cinema Eclectics"
This monthly series will feature relatively unknown but important Japanese avant garde films selected by Donald Richie, the former Curator of Film at the New York Museum of Modern Art in New York (1969-1973), and a renowned authority on Japanese film.
Donald Richie came to Japan in 1947 as feature writer for the Pacific Stars and Stripes.
After the end of the Occupation, he became film critic for The Japan Times and still continues with that paper as Arts Critic.
During the following years he wrote a number of books, including The Films of Akira Kurosawa (1965); Ozu (1974), and One Hundred Years of Japanese Film (2002).
In addition, he has written over forty books about the country in which he has been resident for nearly sixty years.
These include: The Inland Sea (1971), Japanese Portraits (1991), and his latest work, The Japan Journals: 1947-2004.
From 1968 to 1973 he was Curator of Film at the New York Museum of Modern Art.
Named by TIME magazine,"the dean of Japan's arts critics," he is regarded as the preeminent authority on Japanese film.
Susan Sontag has said of him "Donald Richie writes about Japan with an unrivaled range, acuity, and wit."
* Contact Information
Temple University, Japan Campus
Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies
Address : 2-8-12 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047
Tel : 03-5441-9800 ext.709 (or 0120-86-1026)
E-mail : icjs@tuj.ac.jp
Website : http://www.tuj.ac.jp/newsite/main/index.html

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