
2006/09/25 月曜日

No Fun Fest TOKYO pre event楽しくない音楽祭【前夜祭】

Open: 00:00:00 | Start: 00:00 - 23:59




Japan Synth Destruction Tour
ライブ : Carlos Giffoni + 秋田 昌美 (Merzbow) DUO、Jim O’Rourke + 成田宗弘 DUO、DJ 卍 (五木田智央)

楽しくない音楽祭 「前夜祭」
9月25日月曜日@ SuperDeluxe 地図
106-0031東京都 港区 西麻布3.1.25 B1F
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
開場 19:00 | 開演 20:00 | 3000円 (ドリンク別)
【よやく方法】SDLXごよやく希望の方は、件名「9/25 NoFun-PRE」、
お名前、人数 (2名まで)、お電話番号を明記の上、
Eメール ( info@super-deluxe.com ) またはファクス (03-5412-0516) をご送信下さい。
9月23日 18:00〆切り。
: : : : ライブ : : : :
秋田 昌美 (メルツバウ)
成田 宗弘
DJ 卍 (五木田智央)
* 9月30日土曜日にUPLINK Factoryにて開催される 「楽しくない音楽祭」の前夜祭です!

Japan Synth Destruction Tour
Come join us for a special evening of sound destruction with Carlos Giffoni, organizer of New York's notorious noise & experimental music festival, the NO FUN FESTIVAL. The festival, named by Thurston Moore, has sold out every day it has happened in New York since It's inception in 2004. In addition to organizing, Giffoni also plays in bands like Monotract and Death Unit and improvises with a whole bunch of musicians including Jim O'Rourke, Pita, Lasse Marhaug and Kid 606.
for more info about Carlos and sound samples visit >> www.carlosgiffoni.com
Live : Carlos Giffoni + Merzbow DUO, Jim O'Rourke + Munehiro Narita DUO, DJ Manji (Tomoo Gokita)
free entrance after 11 pm!

Japan Synth Destruction Tour
Sep.25th (Mon) at SuperDeluxe MAP
B1F 3.1.25 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
T: 03.5412.0515 | F: 03.5412.0516
open 19:00 | start 20:00 | 3000 yen (+drink)
For reservations, mail to info@super-deluxe.com.
Please include "9/25 Japan Synth Destruction Tour RES" as the subject, and include your name, phone number, and the number of tickets you would like in the message body.
You can also reserve via FAX (03-5412-0516).
Reservation deadline: 9/23, 18:00.
: : : : Performers : : : :
Carlos Giffoni
Masami Akita (Merzbow)
Jim O'Rourke
Munehiro Narita
DJ Manji (Tomoo Gokita)

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