2007/07/13 金曜日金曜日
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59
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12K Artists Japan Tour 2007
出演: クリストファー・ウィリッツ、Moskitoo、FourColor
ゲスト: グーテフォルク (noble)
1978年12月26日 東京生まれ。札幌育ち。
また、グラフィックデザイナーとして雑貨やアートワークのデザインも行っている。2006年5月より「Ash ra school」に参加、グロッケン、サンプラー、ヴォーカル、ギターを演奏。
2007年2月 NYのレーベル12kより1st アルバム「drape」をリリース。
2007年3月 1st アルバム "drape"からのリミックス曲を収録したシングルが同じく12kから限定リリース。
Taylor Deupree(12k), Frank Bretschneider (Raster/Noton)、Mark Fell (SND)がリミキサーとして参加。
主な使用楽器など : metallophone,guiter,casiotone,chinese fiddle,korg karma,melodeon,roland sh-2,toypiano….etc
好きな映画: 「夜の蝶」「手」「浮雲」「アリス」「道」「話の話」「パリテキサス」
好きな生物: くらげ
好きな動物: ラマ、ひつじ
好きな行動: 睡眠
好きな色: ピンク、薄浅葱
主な共演者は、Mitchel Akiyama, Chiristophe Charles, Waki, Ogurusu Norihide, World's End Girlfriend.
お問い合わせ先: cubic music
Tel & Fax: 03-3481-9790
Email: info@cubicmusic.com
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7月はタミオー (タミオーバンド主催)とワタル (実弟)の共同実験映像プロジェクトZONIの作品をラウンジ営業日とイベント前後に投影展示します。
Live: Christopher Willits, Moskitoo, FourColor
Special Guest: Gutevolk
Artists information
Christopher Willits
Christopher Willits is a musician and multimedia artist located in San Francisco, California. Striking a delicate balance between acoustic and electronic sounds and systems, Christopher manages to defy genre distinctions while still defining a “sound” unto his own. His numerous solo releases and collaborations cover a broad spectrum of musical styles, and include one main commonality: Willits’ unique use of the guitar with custom-made signal processing. This home-brewed software, along with Willits’ 6-string prowess, generates a unique real-time mixture of improvised melody and rhythm. Willits’ guitar lines and harmonies fold into each other. Notes and phrases hook and weave, creating complex patterns of interlocking rhythm, melody, and texture.
Willits’ music has received critical acclaim from numerous publications such as The Wire, The BBC, XLR8R, Grooves Magazine, Tylus, Playboy, XLR8R, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, The SF Weekly, Pitchfork, and URB magazine - where Willits was nominated as one of URB's next 100 artists. Christopher’s unique approaches to performance, instrumentation, and production lead The SF Bay Guardian to write: "Christopher Willits is the center cell of of a rather complex indie-rock-avant-garde-electronic-art Venn diagram here in the Bay Area".
Willits has released music on the labels Ghostly International (USA), 12k (USA), Sub Rosa (Belgium), Nibble (USA), Ache Records (Canada), Fallt (Ireland), Yacca (Japan) and Plop (Japan). His most recent solo release 'Surf Boundaries" released by Ghosty International was greated with tidal wave of positive press. In support of his rigorous release schedules, Willits has toured extensively throughout the World.
Willits’ has a vast range of collaborations he is involved in, which include bands, sound installations, and film/video projects. Flossin, a band project organized and produced by Willits, is currently working on a new release that will feature the original lineup of Zach Hill (drummer from the band Hella), Miguel Depedro (Kid606) and Willits, plus Matmos and a familiar remixing cast of indie-electronic/rock artists. Christopher Willits and Brad Laner (formerly of Medicine) recently released a new album as the North Valley Subconscious Orchestra on Ghostly International in late August 2006. Taylor Deupree (12k label-head) and Willits have released two full-length studio albums and a recent Live CD. Other collaborators include Latrice Barnett (Galactic, Kaskade, Handsome Boy Modeling School), Paul D’Amour (Tool, Lusk), Ryuichi Sakamoto (YMO), and video artist Scott Pagano.
Willits completed his Master's Degree in Electronic Music at Mills College where he studied with Pauline Oliveros, Fred Frith and John Bischoff. At Mills he explored structure-generating processes in music; a focus not unfamiliar to former Mills affiliates John Cage and Steve Reich. Prior to Mills, Willits received a solid visual arts training in painting, sculpture, and video art at the Kansas City Art Institute.
born in Tokyo ,December 26th 1978. from Sapporo,Japan.
she began making music in 1997 playing guiter and casio keyboads.
she makes music as a solo unit "moskitoo" since 2005, after playing in various bands. she also has been join the band named "Ash ra school" as a glockenspiel, vorcal, and a guitar, etc. since may, 2006.
her 1st album and remix single released 2007 from 12k (NY). also,she working as a designer usually.
Gutevolk (noble)
inquiries: cubic music
Tel & Fax: 03-3481-9790
Email: info@cubicmusic.com
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