2007/12/22 土曜日土曜日
Big FrogBig Frog
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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Big Frog Live
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Sato (Vocals), Ton (Drums/Cho), Shimi (Bass/Cho), Moccos(Guitar/Cho)
’98 年春には渋谷オンエアーで行われたアメリカのジャムバンド、ジャグリング・サンズの来日公演のオープニングアクトに抜擢され新たなファンを獲得する。さらにその数カ月には、グレイトフル・デッドと共に60年代カウンターカルチャーの中核を担っていたニュー・ライダーズ・オブ・パープル・セージのデビッド・ネルソンの来日公演にもサポートアクトとして出演を果たす。この2つのライブは後にアメリカのジャムバンド・シーンの中心的音楽雑誌『relix』で大々的にフィーチャーされアメリカのシーンでもその名前が記憶されることになる。同年12月にはシーンの中心的大物バンド『Phish』のドラマーであるジョン・フィッシュマンが極秘来日し、彼と共に新宿ロフトでステージに上がり歴史的なジャムセッションを行った。このセッションはインターネットを通じて瞬く間にフィッシュファンの間に知れ渡り、一躍ビッグフロッグの名をシーンに轟かせることとなった。
2000 年に入るとビッグフロッグは待望の初来日を果たしたフィッシュの日比谷野外音楽堂での伝説的なコンサートのオープニングとして登場し、海外から来たフィッシュファンにも強烈な印象を与え、その名前はより明確にシーンに刻み込まれることとなる。また同月に行われた横浜ベイホールでのライブを「Live at Yokohama Bay Hall」としてリリース。そしてその8月にはついにジャムバンドの本場アメリカ、ニューヨークにあるメッカ的存在であるライブハウス「Wetlands」でジャムを繰り広げ、音楽にはうるさいニューヨークっ子をその壮絶なジャムで唸らせるに至った。同年9月にはアメリカから来日のジャムバンド「moe.」とのジョイントツアーを行い、東京だけでなく大阪、名古屋などの地方都市にも進出するように精力的にツアーを行った。
2001 年には春の全国ツアーの後、再度渡米し、フィッシュの作詞家でもあるトム・マーシャルのバンド「アンフィビアン」との共演、ウェットランズでのヘッドライナー公演を含む東海岸ツアーを行う。また同年の夏のフジロックフェスティバルに再度出演を果たし、日本ジャムバンドシーンのトップバンドとして不動の地位を築く。その後数度のメンバーチェンジを行い’03年には、G、B、Vo、Dsの最もシンプルなバンド構成となるが、そのジャムはさらに勢いを増し全国各地で好評を博している。同年11月にはジャムバンドシーンでは稀なオランダ/アムステルダムでのライブを行い好評を博した。
For reservations, mail to ticket@bigfrog.jp.
Please include 1) your name, 2) venue, 3) the number of tickets, 4) your phone number & email adress in the message body.
Big Frog official site
Sato (Vocals), Ton (Drums/Cho), Shimi (Bass/Cho), Moccos(Guitar/Cho)
about big frog:
Japan's "Premier Jam Band" as Relix magazine calls the band Big Frog, was formed in 1996 and to this day continues to be at the forefront of original improvisational music played live in Japan. They have the effect of inspiring the audience to participate in the joy created onstage and it's hard to resist dancing to the music. Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in Tokyo has at least heard the name thrown around whether they are a foreigner or Japanese.
Most every song in the repertoire is sung in English and the personnel have evolved into a tight four member unit. The instruments consist of drums, bass and lead guitar. They are three members that have been playing together in some form or another since being young boys in grammar school. The fourth member is the lead vocalist: a woman who began singing as part of a duo in Okinawa and chose to give up the Hawaiian songs she usually played for a more energetic and original music style.
Derived from a Ninja legend, a "Big (giant) Frog" is the chosen vehicle to ride and fight upon by brave warriors. Tokyo Live houses such as Club Cay, The Loft, and The Church have been favorite venues for the band and their fans but are not well known to most Americans. In America, the only venues played by the band is at the old Wetlands club located in NYC and now closed down. they played there in 2001 and 2002. In Japan there have been shows at the Bottom Line (Sister Club of the famous NYC Club), Hibiya Park (Opening for Phish), Yokohama Bay Hall (Opening for moe.) and at the Field of Heaven at the world famous Fuji Rock Festival. Big Frog has interacted with an assortment of different American musicians to whom they were given the opportunity to act as hosts for during their stay in Japan. Many of these shows ended in late night end-of-show jam sessions where East really does meet West and Big Frog would play with members of visiting bands often culminating in moments where music unites the musicians onstage beyond the limit that language allows, bridging the cultural gap in a beautiful way.
They've shared the bill with The Juggling Sons, David Nelson (NRPS) , moe., Phish, and The Zen Tricksters. They've provided the house band for a session with Jon Fishman (Drummer/Phish), Merle Saunders, and an impromptu session with Keller Williams at the band's house. They were attended by members of The String Cheese Incident for a late night session after their last show of the Japan tour.
As recently as November Big Frog and friends travelled to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup where they played The Melkweg as part of The Cup in addition to a solo gig at the Winston Hotel. After seeing a show audience members often exclaim their satisfaction upon Knowing that there are other like-minded good folks abroad bringing their own contribution into the fold and on an international level. It brings new meaning to the expression "We are Everywhere".
In 2004, Big Frog hit Field of Heaven in Fuji Rock again and the field was packed by Big Frog Heads(BFH).So, this phenomenon made the band organize their own outdoor event, which is Frog Jump. This event was held in Downtown Tokyo where the band member grew up and still living. The concept of this Frog Jump is; by us, for BFH and attributing to local area’s music achievement. This hand −made music event turned out to be big success.

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