
2009/01/24 土曜日

Nippon O Kanjiru日本を感じる

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




日本を感じる〜酒〜 by テンプル大学東京キャンパス


[Produced by テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス
現代日本研究所 (ICJS)](http://www.tuj.ac.jp/newsite/main/community/icjsj.html)

"Sake Guy" ジョン・ゴントナー
1962年アメリカ・オハイオ州生まれ。1988 年ジェットプログラム英語教員として来日後、電子エ ンジニアを経て日本酒ジャーナリストに。英字新聞「The Japan Times」に94年より8年間日本酒コラムを連載し、現在 「メトロポリス・Metropolis」にコラムを連載中。また在日外国人向け日本酒セミナーも定期的に開催している。日本酒輸出協会 (SEA) にも参加、日本酒の輸出にも力を注いでいる。

Nippon O Kanjiru & Sake Presented by Temple Universitiy, Japan

“A Taste of Japan,” with a diverse group of performers representing the intersection of traditional and modern Japanese art, aesthetics and pop culture. Featuring a mini-culture workshop of calligraphy, ikebana and traditional instruments, including professional Japanese musical performers. Sake Guy John Gauntner will sake-talk, introducing six regional varieties from Japan’s best sake breweries. Later in the evening there will be a fashion show by TUJ fashionistas in collaboration with the Vantan stylist team “Commune,” music by “Trace," dance, and an open stage with TUJ student performances.

Produced by Temple University, Japan

"Sake Guy" John Gauntner
"The Sake Guy" John Gauntner is acknowledged as one of the world's leading authorities on Japanese sake, and has been instrumental in introducing sake to the English-speaking world. He is also the only non-Japanese member of the Ginjoshu Kenkyu Kikou (Ginjo Sake Research Group), and is the only non-Japanese to have participated as an official taster in a prefectural government tasting. Gauntner is the author of several books on Japanese sake, and writes a column in The Japan Times newspaper, and Metropolis magazine.

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