Test Tone

2009/02/17 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 02:00




Test Tone vol. 42: Mardi Gras – A Lovely Carnival of Light and Sound on Fat Tuesday
Welcome to where the street parade ends, a celebration culminating in the 'Noisy Hole'. Gather around for a rhythm-drenched evening featuring imaginary flower-covered floats but real-life music, lights, dance and drink to keep you glowing throughout the night.
出演: Samm Bennett + Hiroyuki (Kalimba), Coppe' with Zak Bond, Derek Short and Jemapur, Kindapingpong (Shantell Martin + Atusi Assiv), onnacodomo (visuals), Masaru Aikawa (Live and Installation: 'CDs')

相川勝 展「 CDs」(2/10〜25) 開催中


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


サム・ベネット(ウェイブドラム)+ HIROYUKI(カリンバ)

音楽を言語に例えるなら、知らない言葉を母国語のように操れるミュージシャンがいる。アフリカ発祥の親指ピアノのカリンバ名人HIROYUKIとシンガーソングライター/パーカッショニスト/ドラマーのサム・ベネットはそんな言葉を自由に操ることのできる2人だ。音楽的素養と個性的なアプローチで2人は自由自在に様々なスタイルを行き来する。 HIROYUKIは新宿や渋谷の街角で演奏しているだけでなく、演劇や映像、ダンスパフォーマンス(コンテンポラリーダンス、ベリーダンス、タップダンスも含む)などにも参加している。サムは紹介をするまでもなく、Chunk、Semantics(エリオット・シャープとネッド・ローゼンバーグ)、Third Person(トム・コラ)、Skist(いとうはるな)などの発起人として知られており、自信も才能豊かなミュージシャンである。この2人のパフォーマンスが見れることはめったにないのでお見逃しなく。

サム・ベネット (MySpace)
アメリカ/アラバマ出身。 アメリカ南部の豊かな音楽伝統を呼吸し、ナイジェリアでドラムを学び、80年頃からエレクトロニック・パーカッションの先駆者としてニューヨークで活動。近年では実験エレクトロニクスユニット『SKIST』の他、2005年ソロ・アルバム「Secrets of Teaching Yourself Music」をリリースし、アルバム「How to Get from Gone to Here」も発表予定。シンガーUAの最新アルバム『golden green』での芳垣安洋とのパワフルなツイン・ドラムも話題となる。彼のパフォーマンスの中で様々な世界は混在・混交し、カラフルに展開されてゆく。
動画: サム・ベネット × 梅津和時 × モーガン・フィッシャー セッション


Coppe' + スペシャルゲスト

彼女のライブバンドであるダブルベース、ドラムとスペシャルゲストJemapur(Lakho / Phaseworks / W+K Tokyo Lab)がジャズスタンダードの新しい解釈を聞かせてくれる。マーティニを片手にCoppe' 風のFly Me to the Moonをまったりと聴く。

Kindapingpong (シャンテル・マーティン + Atusi Assiv)

東京のビジュアルアートシーンで活躍するイラストレーター、デザイナー、VJ、アーティスト、映像アーティストのシャンテル・マーティンはいくつものマルチミディアのコラボ経験を持ち、最近はビジュアル mix/remix DVD 'Koobs'(Lightrhythmvisualsレーベル)をリリースし、今度はバンドにも挑戦?もちろんシャンテルはバンドのバックでのパフォーマンスも経験しているけど、今回はサウンドデザイナーの Atusi Assivと共演し、即興的、フリーで激しい音と映像を作り出す。
シャンテル・マーティン HP
Atusi Assiv (MySpace)

onnacodomo (ビジュアル)

onnacodomo は日常の出来事や物からアイディアを得て、なんでもないものをすばらしいものにしてしまう。コンピューターグラフィックやすでに用意されたものを使うのではなく、メンバー3人(DJ Codomo、せきやすこ、野口路加)はビデオカメラを使い即興で映像を作り出す。

相川勝 (ライブ + インスタレーション:「CDs」)

エンタテイメント業界が著作権問題で巨額な法的問題に陥る中で、芸術の価値に 関して様々な問題が問われる。相川勝には明確な答えを与えることはできないが、彼の展示、「My 25 CDs」ではおもしろい考えを見せてくれる。Test Tone vol. 42では Super Deluxeの特別インスタレーションのパーティーもやります。2月10〜25まで。

About Test Tone….

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相川勝 展「 CDs」(2/10〜25) at SuperDeluxe

相川勝 HP



Greatest Hitsは嫌い。
Itune music storeで曲を買った事はない。

Test Tone vol. 42: Mardi Gras - A Lovely Carnival of Light and Sound on Fat Tuesday
Welcome to where the street parade ends, a celebration culminating in the 'Noisy Hole'. Gather around for a rhythm-drenched evening featuring imaginary flower-covered floats but real-life music, lights, dance and drink to keep you glowing throughout the night.
Featured artists: Samm Bennett + Hiroyuki (Kalimba), Coppe' with Zak Bond, Derek Short and Jemapur, Kindapingpong (Shantell Martin + Atusi Assiv), onnacodomo (visuals), Masaru Aikawa (Live and Installation: 'CDs')

Masaru Aikawa Exhibition: 'CDs' (Feb 10 to 25)

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist Information:

Samm Bennett (Wave Drum) + Hiroyuki (Kalimba)

If you believe music to be a language, there would be people who seem to speak it with a rare fluency, like it was always their native tongue. Kalimba (African thumb-piano) virtuoso Hiroyuki and singer/songwriter/percussionist/drummer Samm Bennett are two of these special souls. With a perfect combination of fine musicianship and an inventive approach to their chosen instruments, both move effortlessly through a number of musical contexts.
Hiroyuki can still be found busking in the streets of Shinjuku and Shibuya as well as collaborating with theatre, image and dance performance (including everything from contemporary dance to belly-dancing and tap-dancing).
Samm hardly needs any introduction, as he has already made a name for himself worldwide as a founding member of Chunk , Semantics (with Elliott Sharp and Ned Rothenberg), Third Person (with Tom Cora), Skist (with Haruna Ito) and as a stellar musician in his own right.
The two of them together will be a very rare treat, a must-see for any fan of truly fantastic music.

Samm Bennett (MySpace)
YouTube: Samm bennet X Kazutoki Umezu X Morgan fisher Session


Coppe' + Special Guests

For the songstress from Mars, a spaced out version of Fly Me to the Moon with Senor Coconut was the first stop on her way to Earth. At interplanetary arrivals she hooked up with the band and together they set out in a jazz-powered tour bus to spread the word around town. And the word is music. And the music is here.
If you've seen Coppe' play Test Tone before, then it's time to see her again: her live band of double bass, drums and special guest Jemapur (Lakho / Phaseworks / W+K Tokyo Lab) will perform a set of relounged jazz standards for an unwound Tuesday. Recommended drink from the bar: martini.

Kindapingpong (Shantell Martin + Atusi Assiv)

Of course, anyone who has any interest in the visual arts in Tokyo will already have heard of illustrator, designer, VJ, artist and videographer Shantell Martin. With a number of multimedia collaborations to her credit, including the recent release of her visual mix/remix DVD 'Koobs' (from the innovative Lightrhythmvisuals label), who knew she had it up her sleeve to start a band as well? Certainly Shantell is no stranger to live band interaction, but this time she works directly with sound designer Atusi Assiv to create a spontaneous and free audiovisual fiesta, which is head-bobbingly addictive. Bring your lawnchair for this one!
Shantell Martin HP
Atusi Assiv (MySpace)

onnacodomo (visuals)

Taking their inspiration from moments and objects from everyday life, visual unit Onnacodomo make the ordinary decidedly extraordinary. Eschewing computer-generated graphics or recorded material, the three members (DJ Codomo, Yasuko Seki and Ruka Noguchi) perform in real time using a video camera to capture their spontaneous creations.
Shimmering projections are created using water, mirrors and an array of lights, while a world of fantastic images is constructed with found photos, kitchen utensils, toys, stationary and improvised artwork.
Kaleidoscopic, absurd and unreal, onnacodomo takes you into a slightly-unhinged world that is absolutely original in its conception.

Masaru Aikawa (Live and Installation: 'CDs')

As the entertainment industry falls into expensive legal battles over copyright infringement, we are faced with a number of questions about the nature of art. Should we really be making consumables for the masses? Are we packaging our own identity? Masaru Aikawa doesn't have any answers, but he does present a brilliant idea in his exhibition My 25 CDs. Taking the appearance of a run-of-the-mill listening post at your local record shop, his latest work offers something completely out of the ordinary.
Test Tone vol. 42 will mark the opening party of the Super Deluxe special installation, running from February 10 - 25. Come listen in.

About Test Tone....
Test Tone is a free monthly event that promotes varied and, we hope, interesting live music to a wider audience in Tokyo. We wanted to create an event that highlights the diversity of great music and visual art being made here and give more people an opportunity to see and hear it.

To make Test Tone as accessible as possible we wanted a central Tokyo space with a good sound system; a place where people would want to come and hang out, eat, drink and meet people. And listen to some live music that they may not otherwise get exposed to. As a further encouragement, we wanted to make the event free—not only for the audience, but for the performers too.

All this could easily have been an order too tall were it not for the exceptional people at Super Deluxe that made it all possible. Their enthusiasm for live music and visuals and faith in the event, allowing us complete creative freedom in booking artists, has allowed Test Tone to grow into something even broader in scope than we could have hoped for back in February 2005 when we proudly presented volume 1.

Our aim is to create a wider community. To further that, please get in touch if you are interested in playing, or want to be kept up to date with Test Tone events.

Finally, we'd like to say thanks to everyone that has been involved with Test Tone, especially all the artists that have made the events such a continuing success.

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Masaru Aikawa Exhibition: 'CDs' (Feb 10 to 25) at SuperDeluxe

Masaru Aikawa HP


About "CDs" from 2007 work in progress
Those CDs covers are duplicated in acrylic on canvas. Each CD cover is accompanied by handwritten lyrics and inserts, as well as an actual CD on which I have sung the songs myself and recorded them. I have passionately and respectfully duplicated the music a cappella.

I can not play any instruments.
There are many copy bands, but I am the best.
I love music more than pictures and sculptures.
I like hearing legends about the musicians.
When I am creating my work, I can be the musicians whom I respect and love.
I sometimes think that I am cool when I sing song ardently.
To choose CDs from my favorites, was difficult but fun.
I think the jackets of Heavy Metal CDs are cool.
I like “Megadeth” more than “Metallica”.
The good jacket has good songs on the CD.
I hate “Greatest Hits”.
I never buy songs from the “iTunes Music Store”.
A lot of illegally copied CDs are sold on the streets of Asia.
I am a Japanese, and a Japanese are good at mimicry.
I think “iPods” are useful.
I love the works of Andy Warhol.
I sympathize with "D.I.Y" mind of the punk / hard core.
It is possible to listen to my song only in the exhibition.
The works of CDs are duplications, but nevertheless are myself, and also my original work of art.

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