Sam Gendel SOLO

2024/07/14 日曜日

FRUE presents:Sam Gendel SOLO

Open: 17:00 | Start: 18:30 - 20:00

鴨川 SupernaturalDeluxe


開場 17:00 開演 18:30 終了 20:30
前売:¥5,000 | 当日:¥6,000

11歳のときに50ドルで購入したサクソフォンで音楽をはじめ、シーンには先進的ジャズトリオ「INGA」 のリーダーとして2015年の1stアルバムやローランド・カークの『Volunteered Slavery』を取り上げた演奏が初期のパフォーマンスに挙げられる。
2017年からは個人名義を名乗りギターをメインにヴォーカルやラップも織り交ぜたファースト・アルバム『4444』と路上演奏の即興によるパフォーマンスを収めた『Double Expression』、2018年リズムループとサックスの音響で構築された幻想的なアブストラクト作『Pass If Music』と全く異なる趣のアルバムを発表。LAのジャズ・コレクティブKnowerで同門だったSam Wilkesとの野心的なデュオ作『Theem and Variations』も話題になり、この年「FESTIVAL de FRUE 2018」に出演した。
彼の活動が近年大きくクローズアップされたきっかけは、米名門レーベル・ノンサッチからリリースした『SATIN DOLL』の発表の影響が大きいだろう。伝統的なジャズ・スタンダードを自ら再構築したユニークな演奏は「ジャズ・スタンダードの未来形」や「アメリカーナ・サウンドの現在進行系」といった様々な解釈を呼んだ問題作となった。
2022年、ジャズとアンビエントへの傾倒をさらに追求した34曲の大作『Superstore』と『blueblue』を立て続けに発表。12歳のシンガー、アントニア・サイトリノヴィッチと『Live a Little』でコラボレートし、ジャズとメルヘンチックでポップなソングライティングを融合させた。
2024年、すでにホームページの片隅でひっそりと発表されたトラック『Landscape 1』を皮切りに、過去のファビアーノ・ド・ナシメントとのコラボレーション『The Room』の再発売、ルース・ガルバス、サム&メランソンのジャズとインディ・ロックの間のような不思議なニュートリオ「アース・フラワー」名義で3月にアルバムをリリースと続く。
半端ないアウトプットのペースはとどまることを知らないが、最近では定期的にコラボレートしている盟友サム・ウィルクスとのデュオによる第3弾アルバム『The Doober』がリリースされたばかり。このアルバムは『FESTIVAL FRUEZINHO 2022』での演奏を皮切りに日本国内を回ったツアーで録音されたトラックが大半を締めている。
Text By Hideki Hayasaka

FRUE presents Sam Gendel SOLO

Sunday July 14
Open 17:00 / Live 18:30 / Close 20:30
Advance: ¥5,000 | Door: ¥6,000
Tickets (SOLD OUT) ⇒ FRUE

Sam Gendell is an advanced composer based in LA. As a multi-instrumental player, mainly guitar and saxophone, he has continued to present works at a high pace in recent years, and his activities span multiple genres such as jazz, avant-garde, ambient, and experimental pop.
Starting with music on a saxophone purchased for 50 dollars when he was 11 years old, early performances that featured the 1st album in 2015 and “Volunteered Slavery” by Roland Kirk as the leader of the advanced jazz trio “INGA” are examples of early performances.
From 2017, an album with a completely different flavor was announced from the first album “4444,” which mainly interweaves vocals and rap with guitar under an individual name, “Double Expression,” which contains improvised performances performed on the street, and “Pass If Music,” a fantastic abstract work constructed with the sound of a 2018 rhythm loop and saxophone. The ambitious duo “Theem and Concerns” with Sam Wilkes, who was the same student at LA’s jazz collective Knower, also became a hot topic, and they performed at “FESTIVAL DE FRUE 2018” this year.
The reason why his activities have been brought up a lot in the spotlight in recent years is probably greatly influenced by the announcement of “SATIN DOLL,” which was released by the prestigious American label Nonsuch. The unique performance, which reconstructed traditional jazz standards by oneself, became a problem work that evoked various interpretations such as “the future form of jazz standards” and “the current progression system of Americana sounds.”
In addition to his own works, Sam is also known as a musician who continues to release collaborations at a very high pace. In recent years alone, the range is too wide, including individual names, differences in taste between labels, and collaboration projects, so I would like to introduce only a few of them from recent years.
In 2022, 34 major works “Superstore” and “Blueblue,” which further pursues a penchant for jazz and ambient music, were released in quick succession. They collaborated with 12-year-old singer Antonia Cytrinovic on “Live a Little,” fusing jazz with fairytale pop songwriting.
On the 2023 album “Cookup,” along with Gabe Noel and Philip Melanson, they reinterpret hit R&B/soul songs from the 90s to the 2000s, and collaborated on “Audiobook” with an art book by Marcela Citrinowitz, who goes back and forth between sound and visual online and real worlds, and even works by the up-and-coming post-classical unit Balmoray. Looking within Japan, impromptu collaborations with guitarist Shin Sasakubo, and features in “Fire” by Yuta Orisaka and works by Takuro Okada and Gen Hoshino, and guest performances continue to increase.
In 2024, starting with the track “Landscape 1,” which was already quietly announced in one corner of the website, “The Room,” a collaboration with Fabiano do Nascimento in the past, was re-released, and an album will continue to be released in March under the name “Earth Flower,” a mysterious nutrio like between jazz and indie rock by Ruth Galvus, Sam & Melanson.
The unending pace of output knows no bounds, but recently the 3rd album “The Doober” by a duo with their ally Sam Wilkes, with whom they regularly collaborate, has just been released. Most of the tracks recorded on this album were recorded on a tour that went around Japan starting with the performance at “FESTIVAL FRUEZINHO 2022.”
Text By Hideki Hayasaka

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