2009/09/24 木曜日木曜日
Japanese Cinema Eclectics日本映画撰集
Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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上演:「CASSHERN」 (2004年/142分) 紀里谷和明 監督・脚本作品
映画「CASSHERN」は、1970年代にフジテレビ系で放送されたテレビアニメ「新造人間キャシャーン」を実写化した作品。大亜細亜連邦共和国とヨー ロッパ連合の2大勢力に分割された世界において、自らアンドロイドとなる道を選んだ東鉄也が人類とアンドロイドやロボットとの戦いに身を投じる、という作 品。
出演: 伊勢谷友介、麻生久美子、寺尾聰、唐沢寿明、樋口可南子、宮迫博之、要潤、及川光博、大滝秀治、他。
Pacific Stars and Stripes の特別記者として1974年に来日。占領時代後半リッチー氏は、ジャパンタイムズの映画評論家、芸術批評家として活躍。翌年、Films of Akira Kurosawa (1965)、Ozu (1974)、One Hundred Years of Japanese Film (2002) を含め数々の著書を出版。また、生涯60年間過ごして来た日本についてThe Island Sea (1971)、Japanese Portraits (1991)、最新刊 The Japan Journals (1947-2004) を含め40冊以上の著書を手掛ける。1968年から1973年にかけて、ニューヨーク現代美術館の映画館長を務める。Time紙によりリッチー氏は「日本芸術批評家の最高権威」と称され、Susan Sontag は「ドナルド・リッチーは類い稀なる視点で、鋭くしかも機知に富んだ方法で日本を描いている」と称している。
電話番号: 03-5441-9800 (ext. 709)
メール: icjs@tuj.ac.jp
A Multipart Series Devoted to Unexplored Tangents of the Japanese Film
Curatored by Donald Richie, moderated by Mark Schilling.
Film: Casshern
Written and directed by Kazuaki Kiriya, 142mins. (2004)
Introduction and Q&A by Donald Richie in English (Film in Japanese with English subtitles)
Japanese Cinema Eclectics official site
Written and directed by Kazuaki Kiriya. With Yusuke Iseya, Kumiko Aso, Akira Terao, Kanako Higuchi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Mayumi Sada, 142mins. (2004)
It is the late 21st century. Earth is in crises and mankind is at risk. Legend tells of a hero who will arise and set things right. In the mean time, it is the last day of the Fifty Year War and the robot armies are still rioting. The Neo-Cell is being developed by dedicated scientists but will this panacea be perfected in time? Meanwhile our hero’s mother is going blind and his fiancée is kidnapped. In the face of the rebels of Zone Seven he has but little choice. He, himself, must become Casshern, the legendary hero who will save mankind.
This single showing (the original Japanese with English subtitles) is made possible through the permission of Shochiku (Japan).

Mark Schilling
Mark Schilling is a noted film scholar and critic who has reviewed films for The Japan Times since 1989 and reported on the Japanese film industry for Screen International, a British film trade magazine, from 1990 to 2005. He is currently Japan correspondent for Variety. His articles on Japanese culture and society have appeared in a wide range of publications, including The Asian Wall Street Journal, the Japan edition of Newsweek, USA Today, Interview, Winds, The Japan Quarterly and Kinema Junpo.
In 1997 Schilling published The Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture and in 1999 Contemporary Japanese Film, both with Weatherhill. In 2003 he published The Yakuza Movie Book -- A Guide to Japanese Gangster Films with Stone Bridge Press.
He has contributed to several other books, including Japan Pop! (M.E. Sharpe, 2000), Ichikawa Kon (Cinematheque Ontario, 2001) and Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture (Routledge, 2002), as well as translating and writing the introduction for Princess Mononoke -- The Art and Making of Japan's Most Popular Film of All Time (Hyperion, 1999).
In 2005 he programmed a 16-film retrospective devoted to the Nikkatsu Action genre for the Udine Far East Film Festival and published an accompanying book, No Borders, No Limits: The Wold of Nikkatsu Action with the festival organization, Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche. In 2006, he contributed to Asia Sings!, a book the Centro published as part of the Udine festival retro on Asian musicals. His latest book, No Borders, No Limits: Nikkatsu Action Cinema, was published FAB Press in September, 2007.
About Donald Richie
Donald Richie, former Curator of Film at the New York Museum of Modern Art, is the author of many books on Japanese cinema, including his most recent, One Hundred Years of Japanese Film. He has also written widely on many other aspects of this country where he has spent most of his life, including the classic travel book, The Inland Sea, and his latest, Botandoro.
Presented by the Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies
Temple University, Japan Campus
in Association with SuperDeluxe
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