2010/11/19 金曜日金曜日
3D Garage3D Garage
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
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3D Garage: The Movie
SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
Live: Mabanua, Trippple Nippples / Photo Installation: Krescent Carasso of San Francisco CA / Live Painting by: Pinkman / Live Art by:Brother Kyle (Redbox) / Live writing and story phrases by Renee / DJ: Rapid Ear Movement, Shotaro Maeda, Tez (Raft), David Dicembre (Combine), Sam Fitzgerald (P4P), DANTE (Push) / VJs: Ben List, Remo, VJ "CoreMelt" (Roger Bolton) / Brought to you by : SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
ドラマー/ビートメーカー/シンガーという他に類を見ないスタイルが話題の日本人クリエイター。全ての楽器を自ら演奏しそれらの音をドラマーならではのフィジカルなビートセンスでサンプリングし再構築、Hiphopのフィルターを通しながらもジャンルに捉われない音創りが世界中から絶賛される。Youtubeにアップした「全て1人で完結するTrackmaking映像」や「ノンストップでDrumを叩き続け歌うLIVE パフォーマンス映像」に世界中から絶賛のコメントが入り続ける。その唯一無二のスタイルにジュラシック5のAKIL THE MC、アレステッド・デベロップメン トのEshe、Kev Brownらも共感、MySpaceを通じ彼らと交友を深めコラボした1stアルバム[done already]は英国営放送BBCラジオでOAされ話題となり、ヨーロッパ全域のiTunes HIP-HOPのトップページでPICK UP、ヨーロッパ、アメリカでのCD発売など日本のみならず各国で話題に。またShingo Suzuki、関口シンゴと共にバンドOvallとしても活動、朝霧JAM2009でのパフォーマンスが大きな話題に。2010年はOvall名義で FUJI ROCK、RISING SUN、SUNSET、GREENROOMなど数々のFesに出演が決定。現在最も注目されている日本人ドラマー/クリエイター。
Trippple Nippples
"Trippple Nippples deal in terminally infectious party music, electro-pop infused with punk attitude and new-wave frivolity. They also do a nice line in chaos." Jody Godoy for the Japan Times
myspace / facebook
Krescent Carasso
One of San Francisco's top Artists….!
Krescent was born in St. Augustine, Florida and raised in Southern California and British Columbia. In 2005 She graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in painting. Early on she established herself as a prolific painter of the human form, exhibiting her work throughout the west coast and in several parts of Europe. Her paintings then relied heavily on a visual reference, often a collaboration of several photographs that Carasso would take herself. It was through this practice that her painting eventually led her to discover her love of photography, and the connection between the two resulted in an interesting dialogue between two seemingly separate bodies of work. Although still painting and
even branching out to film, in the last year Carasso has focused primarily on photography. She currently lives and works in San Francisco working full time, as a painter, filmmaker, and photographer.
Homepage / krescentcarassophoto.com
Brother Kyle (Redbox)
Live Art
This is a Live Mix up of bliss
Live writing and story phrases
You know her!
Rapid Ear Movement
Shotaro Maeda
Tez (Raft)
David Dicembre (Combine)
Sam Fitzgerald (P4P)
Dante (push)
Ben List
VJ "CoreMelt" (Roger Bolton)
VJ "CoreMelt" Roger Bolton has worked in post production and motion graphics since 1996 as a Digital Compositor, Flame Artist and Online Editor. During this time highlights include feature film credits on
"Lord of the Rings", "Kingdom of Heaven" and Tim Burton's "Charlie on the Chocolate Factory" and working as Visual Effects Supervisor for a Sony Bravia commercial shot in the deserts of Rajasthan. In 2006 Roger
joined the UK's multi-award winning "Inside-Us-All / Pixel Addicts" team and worked with them for three years on on events and festivals such as Glade, Glastonbury, Secret Garden, Synergy Project, Ozora
Festival, Sonica and many others before returning to Australia in 2009.
Brought to you by :
SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
3D Garage: The Movie
SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
Live: Mabanua, Trippple Nippples / Photo Installation: Krescent Carasso of San Francisco CA / Live Painting by Pinkman / Live Art by Brother Kyle (Redbox) / Live writing and story phrases by Renee / DJ: Rapid Ear Movement, Shotaro Maeda, Tez (Raft), David Dicembre (Combine), Sam Fitzgerald (P4P), DANTE (Push) / VJs: Ben List, Remo, VJ "CoreMelt" (Roger Bolton) / Brought to you by : SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
Artist information:

Multi-talented artist, mabanua, has different musical faces such as drummer, beat-maker, and singer. He samples the sounds that he plays. Most of his music is hip-hop flavored; however, he is open to various kinds of music. He made a video showing the creation of a song. It caught the attention of people on Youtube, and the British music website, NME featured the video on their webpage. AKIL THE MC of Jurassic 5, Eshe of Arrested Development, and Kev Brown shared understanding of mabanua’s musical style. They have collaborated on mabanua’s 1st album ”done already.” His talent as an entertainer also attracts the audience to his stage performance. He plays the drums and sings at the same time without stopping just like a DJ spinning. mabanua is also a member of a jazz hip-hip band, Ovall. The band consists of Shingo Suzuki (bass/keys), Shingo Sekiguchi (guitar) and mabanua (drums/programming). Their music is a unique mixture of sampling and live sound.
Trippple Nippples

"Trippple Nippples deal in terminally infectious party music, electro-pop infused with punk attitude and new-wave frivolity. They also do a nice line in chaos." Jody Godoy for the Japan Times
myspace / facebook
Krescent Carasso
One of San Francisco's top Artists....!
Krescent was born in St. Augustine, Florida and raised in Southern California and British Columbia. In 2005 She graduated from the San Francisco Art Institute with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in painting. Early on she established herself as a prolific painter of the human form, exhibiting her work throughout the west coast and in several parts of Europe. Her paintings then relied heavily on a visual reference, often a collaboration of several photographs that Carasso would take herself. It was through this practice that her painting eventually led her to discover her love of photography, and the connection between the two resulted in an interesting dialogue between two seemingly separate bodies of work. Although still painting and
even branching out to film, in the last year Carasso has focused primarily on photography. She currently lives and works in San Francisco working full time, as a painter, filmmaker, and photographer.
Homepage / krescentcarassophoto.com
Brother Kyle (Redbox)
This is a Live Mix up of bliss
Live writing and story phrases
You know her!
Rapid Ear Movement
Whitewall Studios
Shotaro Maeda
Shotaro Maeda: twitter
Tez (Raft)
David Dicembre (Combine)
Sam Fitzgerald (P4P)
Dante (push)
Dante: facebook
Ben List
Whitewall Studios
VJ "CoreMelt" (Roger Bolton)
VJ "CoreMelt" Roger Bolton has worked in post production and motion graphics since 1996 as a Digital Compositor, Flame Artist and Online Editor. During this time highlights include feature film credits on
"Lord of the Rings", "Kingdom of Heaven" and Tim Burton's "Charlie on the Chocolate Factory" and working as Visual Effects Supervisor for a Sony Bravia commercial shot in the deserts of Rajasthan. In 2006 Roger
joined the UK's multi-award winning "Inside-Us-All / Pixel Addicts" team and worked with them for three years on on events and festivals such as Glade, Glastonbury, Secret Garden, Synergy Project, Ozora
Festival, Sonica and many others before returning to Australia in 2009.
Brought to you by :
SET Japan x SKinni Pants = In 3D
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