Test Tone

2012/03/13 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Government Alpha
Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland)
Manuel Knapp (Vienna)
Masako Tanaka

DJ Evil Penguin

[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)

##Government Alpha
Government Alphaは’94年発足の吉田恭淑のエクスペリメンタルノイズプロジェクト。’95年のUKのSusan Lawlyレーベル、Extreme Music from JapanのコンピレーションCDで注目を集めた。それ以来、Government Alphaでも個人名義でもコンピレーションやコラボレーション作品を常に発表してきた。ノイズレーベルXerxesに長年関わってきただけでなく、彼自身も素晴らしいビジュアルアーティストで、アルバムのコラージュ作品、本なども手がけてきた。

##Zbigniew Karkowski
Zbigniew KarkowskiはスウェーデンのGothenburg音楽大学で作曲を勉強し、現代音楽の美学をGothenburg大学の音楽学学科で、コンピューター音楽をChalmers工科大学で勉強した。アコースティックでもエレクトリックでも作曲活動を精力的にこなしている。大規模なオーケストラにも曲 (Gothenburgシンフォニーオーケストラ) を提供し、オペラや管弦曲もスウェーデン、ポーランド、ドイツの楽団用に作曲した。Sensorbandのエレクトロアコースティックトリオ(ISDNやインターネット上でコンサートを行う)の発起者でもある。KarkowskiはHaflerトリオ、Blixa Bargeld, Merzbow, Stelarc, John Duncan, Aube, Kelly Churko, 古舘徹夫など数え切れないほどの多くのエクスペリメンタルグループやアーティストとコラボレーションをしてきた。

##Manuel Knapp (Vienna) + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto
ウィーン出身のアーティストManuel Knappはビジュアルアートの勉強の他、実験映画や音響に関するマルチミディアの研究もした。彼の作品は映画祭や世界各地のマルチミディアのイベントで使われてきた。現在は何本かのコンサートのため来日中で、Hiroshi Hasegawa (aka ASTRO)とのユニットCosmic Coincidenceを含む日本のアーティストたちとも共演する。
今回のTest Toneでは、Natsumenや他のグループで月20本以上ものライブをこなしながらも色々なプロジェクトで活躍するドラマー、山本達久が、おなじみの「ドラムとメタル」で参加。サイケジャズやプログ、ノイズを織り交ぜ、個性的な音を持ち味にドラマーとして名を広めてきた。

##Masako Tanaka | たなか まさこ (Video works w/ Markus Popp: Sound)
東京出身のビジュアルアーティスト。2010年までサンフランシスコのプロダクションやレコードレーベルで様々な映像制作に取り組む傍ら、個人のプロジェクトも推し進め、作品はこれまで主に欧州と北米で発表されている。2007年頃からはThe Recombinant Media Labs が開発した全方位スクリーンサラウンド音響システムのためのパノラマビデオ制作に主に従事し、教育機関への提供、CTM、CYNETART、Musikprotokollなどを始めとするメデイアフェステイバルに出品している。 ビデオインスタレーションからミュージックビデオなど広いジャンルを手掛けるが、作品に一貫していることは、常に音が全体を支える骨組みとなる構造であり、視覚イメージを用い、鑑賞者がより効果的に音を深く細部まで感じとることができるように、様々なアプローチを試みている。
90年代初期からコンピューターミュージシャンとしてOval名義で活動してきたMarkus Poppは、 Thrill JockeyやMille Plateauxレーベルのグリッチ風作品で注目を集めた。元来スリーピースの Ovalは、通常のエレクトロニクス楽器を使わずに、初期のアルバムはディスクにスクラッチを入れてグリッチのサウンドを作ったという。Markus は2010年にニューアルバム「O」でシーンに戻ってきた。
* アーティスト本人の出演はございません。

##Evil Penguin

About Test Tone….

Featuring: Government Alpha Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland) Tatsuhisa Yamamoto Manuel Knapp (Vienna) Masako Tanaka DJ Evil Penguin [Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/) [Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html) Artist information: ##Government Alpha ![/sdlx/0313-government_alpha.jpg](/sdlx/0313-government_alpha.jpg) Government Alpha is Yasutoshi Yoshida's experimental noise project, running strong since 1994. He first started turning heads in 1995 with a track on the Extreme Music from Japan compilation CD from UK label Susan Lawly. Since then, there has been a steady stream of Government Alpha output on compilation and collaboration CDs, as well as his own releases. In addition to sitting at the helm of long-running noise label Xerxes, Yoshida is a singular visual artist, contributing his collage work to albums, books and a range of other releases. ##Zbigniew Karkowski  ![/sdlx/0313-Karkowski.jpg](/sdlx/0313-Karkowski.jpg) Zbigniew Karkowski studied composition at the State College of Music in Gothenburg, Sweden, aesthetics of modern music at the University of Gothenburg's Department of Musicology, and computer music at the Chalmers University of Technology. He works actively as a composer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. He has written pieces for large orchestra (commissioned and performed by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra), an opera and several chamber music pieces that have been performed by ensembles in Sweden, Poland, and Germany. He was also a founding member of the electroacoustic music performance trio Sensorband, a unit notable for its network concerts played via ISDN and Internet. Karkowski has collaborated with many experimental groups and artists, including The Hafler Trio, Blixa Bargeld, Merzbow, Stelarc, John Duncan, Aube, Tetsuo Furudate, Kelly Churko and more. ##Manuel Knapp (Vienna) + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto ![/sdlx/0313-manuel_knapp_yamamoto.jpg](/sdlx/0313-manuel_knapp_yamamoto.jpg) Viennese artist Manuel Knapp began his studies in the visual arts, but has followed a interdisciplinary trajectory involving both experimental film and sound, his works being shown and numerous film festivals and multimedia events worldwide. He currently back in Japan for some concerts with a number of fine local artists, including his unit with legendary Hiroshi Hasegawa (aka ASTRO), called Cosmic Coincidence. On this night, Manuel will be joined by bombastic drummer Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, who despite 20+ gigs a month and sold-out shows with indie supergroup Natsumen, still finds the time to take part of these evenings with his signature 'drums and metal'. From psych jazz and progressive rock to scumcore and noise, Yamamoto has developed a reputation for holding his own in a number of unorthodox musical settings, while still keeping his unique voice as a drummer. ##Masako Tanaka (Video works w/ Markus Popp: Sound) ![/sdlx/0313-masako_tanaka.jpg](/sdlx/0313-masako_tanaka.jpg) Based in San Francisco until 2010, Tokyo-born visual artist Masako Tanaka has long been making waves abroad with her resplendent video compositions. Since 2007, Tanaka has been working with panoramic audiovisual systems designed by Recombinant Media Labs for learning institutions, the extraordinary results of which have been displayed at European festivals such as CTM, CYNETART, and Musikprotokoll. Tanaka also worked as the main video production head for the "Multiple Otomo" Project on the Asphodel label where she was the primary editor, assembler and visual composition coordinator/adjuster. A computer musician since the early 90s performing under the name Oval, Markus Popp was influential in so-called glitch with releases on Thrill Jockey and Mille Plateaux. Originally a three-piece, Oval disdained conventional electronic instruments – their early albums were composed through the creative abuse of compact disc players. Markus Popp returned with a new Oval album, O, in 2010. ##Evil Penguin ![/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg](/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg) Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin poses the primordial question of evanescence against a backdrop of New Wave folk. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces. ##About Test Tone A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo. The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected. For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit. ![/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg.jpg](/sdlx/test_tone_388.jpg)

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