
2012/04/11 水曜日


Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59






Marcos Fernandes マルコス・フェルナンデス
Koyano Tetsuro 小谷野哲郎
Gianni Gebbia ジャンニ・ジェッビア

監督 ジャンニ・ジェッビア/製作企画:Objet/イタリア 2012年 (51 min.)
[facebook Funpage](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nanbanjin-the-movie/167972826641512)

スタッフ・協力 Staff & Support:
Marco Franco マルコ・フランコ
Tiago Frois ティアゴ・フロア
Gianni Gebbia ジャンニ・ジェッビア
Fabrice De Nola ファブリス・デ・ノーラ
Sonoda Ikumi ソノダ・イクミ
Koyano Tetsuro コヤノ・テツロウ
Marcos Fernandes マルコス・フェルナンデス
Ronsan ロンサン
Salvator John Liotta サルヴァトール・ジョン・リオッタ
One drop Zen Sogenji ワン・ドロップ・禅・曹源寺
Giovanni Scarcella ジョバンニ・スカルチェッラ


[マルコス・フェルナンデス Homepage](http://www.marcosfernandes.com/)
[ジャンニ・ジェッビア myspace](http://www.myspace.com/giannigebbia)

Top Image & Flyer Design by Yukako Iizuka

TALK: Oka Hiromoto (Journalist, documentarist) Screening: NANBANJIN LIVE: Marcos Fernandes Koyano Tetsuro Gianni Gebbia NANBANJIN ( The Barbarians from the South ) a movie by Gianni Gebbia / Produced by Objet-a, Italy 2012 (51 min) [facebook Funpage](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nanbanjin-the-movie/167972826641512) Staff & Support: Marco Franco Tiago Frois Gianni Gebbia Fabrice De Nola Sonoda Ikumi Koyano Tetsuro Marcos Fernandes Ronsan Salvator John Liotta One drop Zen Sogenji Giovanni Scarcella MOVIE SYNOPSIS: Nanbanjin (The Barbarians from the South) is how the ancient japanese during 1500 were calling the first europeans to land in the Japanese Islands, they were mainly christians fathers came to evangelize as Missionaries. This work refers in particlar to some of them who came from Sicily and Italy. Starting from a simple but positive misunderstanding that happened in the very first meetings between Saint Francisc Xavier and the Zen buddhist monks, the director is leading the viewer towards a reflection about the “ first sight “ impressions freed from any cultural or political frames that usually interferes with the perception. This very first exchange was based on the idea that Buddhism was a sort of lost Christian sect and the same thought the Zen people had towards this stranger who they thought was an Indian buddhist since the Christian were sailing mostly from India. Nanbanjin is also an autobiographical work since Gebbia has been spending long time in Japan as a musicians and also as a Zen student of Shodo Harada Roshi in Okayama. He has not used any actor but instead only real people, mostly artists in an totally improvised concept with no any prewiew script but only a conducting major idea. The movie has been shot in a totally indipendent way in Sicily, Portugal and Japan. Artist information: Gianni Gebbia Born in Palermo Italy in 1961, heF"s an internationally well known saxophone player and jazz composer. As a musician he partecipated in some of the maior festivals of jazz and experimental music and recorded over 40 lp and cd"s. As a soundtracks composer he has been working with some directors as Raul Ruiz, Guido Chiesa, Roberto AndAr, Franco Maresco and also choreographers as Pina Bausch, Iwana Masaki, Endo Tadashi and many others. As a director in 2011 he produced “ Asakusa no Brecht “ ( Brecht in Asakusa) about the world of Tokyo underground cabaret from an onirical and poetical point of wiew. In 2011 this movie has won the second prize in the Zen trailer film festival in Kamakura Japan and has also been presented in the Italian Queer Film Festival in Palermo. [GIANNI GEBBIA myspace](http://www.myspace.com/giannigebbia) Marcos Fernandes [Marcos Fernandes Homepage](http://www.marcosfernandes.com/) Koyano Tetsuro Top Image & Flyer Design by Yukako Iizuka

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