キース・ロウ+シェル・ビョルゲエンゲン デュオ
キム・ミール ソロ
秋山徹次+中村としまる デュオ
[ソファ](http://www.sofamusic.no/)は2000年にイーヴァル・グリューデランド,インガル・ザックの両音楽家により設立されたノルウェーのレコード・レーベルで、過去11年間で40 タイトル近い即興音楽作品を世に出してきました。
今回スーパーデラックスで行われるショーケース・コンサートではソファ関連だけでなく、レーベルが持つ美学に影響を与えたアーティスト達も含め紹 介いたします。

キース・ロウ(ギター、エレクトロニクス)+ シェル・ビョルゲエンゲン(ライヴ・ヴィデオ)デュオ:
エレクトロ=アコースティック即興音楽の発明者の一人と、ノルウェーの映 像芸術のパイオニアの邂合的デュオ。ここ数年彼らはヨーロッパとアメリカのフェスティヴァルで共演してきた。このデュオを今回日本で初めて紹介で きることをソファは誇りに思います。
3名の即興音楽家、ロビン・ヘイワード、マッティン・タクスト、クリス トッフェル・ローによる、微分音チューバ音楽の理念を実行に移すためのユニット。 3台のチューバから放たれる音が一斉に混ざり合うとき、ユニークで独特の特性の音色が創られる。ヘイワードは通常の3種のチューバを用いての純正調の可能性を追求したのち、すべての微分音を論理的な方法で再生することができる新しい楽器を発明する必要性を見いだし実践。その試みは絶賛され批評家のブライアン・オレヴニックは「絡み合う音色、伸張、共鳴、それに鼓膜を美味しく打ちつける変動パルスの成形の驚異的な深み」と表現している。
ソファからアルバム『MURAL and Silencers』をリリースしているギター奏者。今回の日本ツアーでは今年秋にソファからリリースされる予定の新しいソロ・セットを演奏する。
秋山徹次(ギター)+ 中村としまる(ノー・インプット・ミキシング・ボード):
1990年代後半以降、東京の音響的音楽の現場における最も影響力を持つ音楽 家の中の二人ではあるが、 2009年にリリースした『蝉印象派』(Spekk KK020)が実はデュオとしての最初のアルバムである。彼らはソファから作品 を出しているノルウェー人と日本人の混成ユニット『古木撰集』のメンバーでもある。
##キース・ロウ (Keith Rowe)

[キース・ロウ Wikipedia 英語](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Rowe)
##シェル・ビョルゲエンゲン (Kjell Bjørgeengen)
[シェル・ビョルゲエンゲン 公式サイト](http://www.kjellbjorgeengen.com/)

ロビン・ヘイワード (Robin Hayward)
1969年イギリス、ブライトン生まれのロビン・ヘイワードは、1998年からベルリンに拠点を置いている。チューバの可能性をノイズと微分音の分野で再定義し、チューバ以外のための作曲作品でも、同様の実験と媒体を特定化するアプローチが反映されている。また、アルヴィン・ルシエやクリスチャン・ウルフといった著名な作曲家たちも、彼のために作曲している。ソロでもコラボレーションでも、広く演奏旅行をしており、その演奏は、ソロ作『Valve Division』『State of Rushing』や、多くの共同作品で聴くことができる。2009年、初の完全な微分音チューバを楽器製造業者B&Sと共同開発した。現在、ベルリン工科大学において、この新しいチューバの音について博士課程で研究中。
[ロビン・ヘイワード 公式サイト](http://www.robinhayward.de/)
マッティン・タクスト (Martin Taxt)
マッティン・タクストは、1981年ノルウェイ、トロンハイム生まれ。オスロ音楽アカデミーと、パリCNSMDPを修了。その頃から即興と現代音楽に焦点を合わせる。秋山徹次、ノルウェイ人デュオ『シュトライフェンユンコ』と共に2008年に一作、同じメンバーに中村としまるを伴って2010年に更に一作を SOFAから発表し、The Wire や Signal to Noise などの雑誌において好評を得た。ここ数年、古木撰集、ムリンガ、マイクロタブ、キム・ミール&トロンハイム・ジャズ・オーケストラと共に、欧州、日本、中国、アメリカ、カナダをツアーしている。2006年よりトロンハイムにて、フリ・レソナンス・フェスティバルを、2010年よりレーベル『ソファ』を運営している。
[マッティン・タクスト 公式サイト](http://www.taxt.no/)
クリストフェル・ロー (Kristoffer Lo)
##キム・ミール (Kim Myhr)

[キム・ミール 公式サイト](http://www.kimmyhr.com/)

[秋山徹次 on Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama/takiyamaj/index.html)

photo by Freddy Larsen
中村としまるは、ここ10年余りに残した多くの作品で聴かれるように、電子即興音楽の分野において最も個性的で独創的な演奏家の一人である。1998年頃から現在にわたり、彼自身が名付けたno-input mixing board の可能性を、ソロ演奏や他の演奏家との協働で追求している。
[中村としまるon Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/tnakamura/tnakamuraj/index.html)
Top image & FLYER Design by Yukako Iizuka & Tsunao Arita
[SOFA](http://www.sofamusic.no/) is a Norwegian record label founded in 2000 by the musicians Ivar Grydeland and Ingar Zach. During the 11 years of existence SOFA has released nearly 40 albums of improvised music. This night at Super Deluxe presents not only SOFA artists, but all of the musicians involved are somehow having an impact on the label's aesthetics.

Keith Rowe (guitar, electronics) + Kjell Bjørgeengen (live video): This duo is a meeting between one of the inventors of electro-acoustic improvised music and a norwegian pioneer in video art. In recent years they have performed together at festivals in Europe and US, and SOFA is proud to present this duo for the first time in Japan.
Microtub: In microtub, ideas of microtonal tuba music are put into action by the three improvisors Robin Hayward, Martin Taxt and Kristoffer Lo. A unique timbre is created when the sound of the three tubas merge together. Robin Hayward developed the first fully microtonal tuba together with the tuba manufacturer B&S in 2009. After exploring the possibilities in just intonation on the regular tuba, he found it necessary to invent a new instrument where all the microtones could be played in a more logical way. Their album on SOFA was released in September 2011, and received great critics. Brian Olewnick puts it this way: ...an amazing depth of twining tones, long-held, resonating, forming fluctuating pulses that buffet the eardrums in delicious fashion...
Kim Myhr (guitar): Kim Myhr is represented on the SOFA label through his releases with MURAL and Silencers. On this tour in Japan he is presenting his new solo set, scheduled for release on SOFA in the fall 2012.
Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar) + Toshimaru Nakamura (no-input mixing board)
: Being two of the most influential artists of the Tokyo onkyo scene since the late 1990's it is kind of strange that they waited until 2009 with releasing their first duo album. "Semi-Impressionism" (Spekk,KK020). Both Nakamura and Akiyama are represented in the SOFA catalogue with the Norwegian/Japanese collaboration Koboku Senjû.
##Keith Rowe

Keith Rowe (born March 16, 1940 in Plymouth, England) is an English free improvisation tabletop guitarist and painter. Rowe is a founding member of both the hugely influential AMM in the mid-1960s and M.I.M.E.O. Having trained as a visual artist, Rowe's paintings have been featured on most of his own albums. After years of obscurity, Rowe has achieved a level of relative notoriety, and since the late 1990s has kept up a busy recording and touring schedule. He is seen as a godfather of EAI (electroacoustic improvisation), with many of his recent recordings having been released by Erstwhile Records.
[Keith Rowe Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Rowe)
##Kjell Bjørgeengen
Kjell Bjørgeengen is one of the pioneers in norwegian video art. Throughout his career he has also been working with a wide range of musicians. The live works feature the production of flicker videos, which have been presented in various exhibitions since 2002. The flicker image is perhaps the most simple and fundamental image we can think of, the oscillation between shades of light and darkness, given from the outside as a simple binary pairing of the visual experience. The flicker videos came about as a counteraction to an easy intellectual approach to art viewing. The flicker works can be harsh to watch, as they are perceived on a physical level. There is a threshold that needs to be overcome. The black and white works are often perceived in colors. A still image from the video reads like a minimal work; set in motion the work turns into its opposite.
[Kjell Bjørgeengen Official site](http://www.kjellbjorgeengen.com/)

Robin Hayward
The tuba player and composer Robin Hayward, born in Brighton, England in 1969, has been based in Berlin since 1998. He has redefined the tuba’s potential both in the areas of noise and microtonality, and his compositions for other instruments reflect a similar experimental, medium-specific approach. Pieces have been written for him by such composers as Alvin Lucier and Christian Wolff. He has toured extensively both solo and in collaboration. His approach to the tuba has been documented in the solo CDs Valve Division and States of Rushing, along with various collaborative releases. In 2009 he developed the first fully microtonal tuba together with the instrument manufacturers B&S. Robin Hayward is currently doing a doctorate exploring the acoustics of this new tuba at the Technical University in Berlin.
[Robin Hayward Official site](http://www.robinhayward.de/)
Martin Taxt
Martin Taxt, born in Trondheim, Norway in 1981, finished his studies at the Academy of Music in Oslo and CNSMDP in Paris in 2006. Since then he has focused on improvised and contemporary music. With the japanese guitar player Tetuzi Akiyama and the Norwegian duo Streifenjunko he has released two albums on the reputable norwegian improv label SOFA. ”Varianter av døde trær” in 2008 and ”Selektiv hogst” with Toshimaru Nakamura in 2010. Both albums received great critics in magazines such as THE WIRE and SIGNAL TO NOISE. Over the last years Taxt has been touring Europe, Japan, China, USA and Canada with the groups Koboku Senjû, Muringa, Microtub and Kim Myhr & TJO. Since 2010 he’s running the label SOFA and he’s also organising the festival Fri Resonans in Trondheim every November since 2006.
[Martin Taxt Official site](http://www.taxt.no/)
Kristoffer Lo
Kristoffer Lo, born in Vestby, Norway in 1985, has his background from the jazz- department at the conservatory connected to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has focused his playing around noise and electrical effects. He has experienced a lot of success with his trio, PELbO, receiving great reviews for their debut album and touring Scandianavia. He has also worked with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, and has released cd's with bands such as Sunswitch and Machina.
##Kim Myhr

Kim Myhr (born 1981) is a guitarist and composer based in Oslo, Norway. He studied at Berklee College of Music in Boston from 2003 to 2005, and has since had an active performance schedule with concerts throughout Europe, Australia, Asia and North-America. In 2008, he received the JazZtipend at the Molde International Jazz Festival. The prize included a commission for Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, a large ensemble consisting of thirteen handpicked improvisers from Norway and Australia, featuring Sidsel Endresen, Clare Cooper, Jim Denley and Christian Wallumrød amongst others. The 1-hour piece, which was later entitled «stems and cages», recieved wide critical acclaim.
[Kim Myhr Official site](http://www.kimmyhr.com/)
##Tetuzi Akiyama

Tetuzi Akiyama plays the guitar with primitive and practical implications, by adding a desire of own to the instrument's characteristic nature in minimal and straight method. He delicately and sometime boldly controls the volume of the sound from micro to macro level, and tries to quantize his physical system. Akiyama is a frequent guest at international music festivals in East & West Europe, North & South America, Australia and New Zealand in recent years.
[Tetuzi Akiyama on Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/takiyama/index.html)
##Toshimaru Nakamura

photo by Freddy Larsen
Toshimaru Nakamura is one of the most distinguished and original voices in the world of electro-acoustic improvisation, with a vast body of work built up over the past decade. Since 1998, Nakamura has been exploring the possibilities of his no-input mixing board in contexts ranging from solo to collaborations with other artists.
[Toshimaru Nakamura on Improvised Music from Japan](http://www.japanimprov.com/tnakamura/)
Top image & FLYER Design by Yukako Iizuka & Tsunao Arita