Jolt Japanese Australian Sonic Festival

2012/09/22 土曜日

Jolt Japanese Australian Sonic FestivalJolt Japanese Australian Sonic Festival

Open: 18:30:00 | Start: 19:00 - 23:59




LIVE (出演順):
Yudayajazz + 千住 宗臣 (JPN)
フィリップ・ブロフィー (AUS)
奥山順市 (JPN)
ボルト・アンサンブル (AUS)

Evil Penguin

3日間通し券: 前売 6500円 / 当日 (21日のみ) 7000円 (各日ドリンク別)
ご予約は件名を「JOLT JAPANESE AUSTRALIAN SONIC FESTIVAL通し券予約」とし、本文にお名前、人数、お電話番号を明記の上、[]( まで

Organized by: [Jolts Arts Inc.]( / [Test Tone]( / SuperDeluxe

[Yudaya Jazz Info from SONORE](

##千住 宗臣  
BOREDOMS、PARAなどで活動しているドラマー/エレクトロニクス・プレイヤー。関西から東京へ移住した現在も自らの可能性を模索し続けている。ソロとしてドラムの演奏にエレクトロニクスをトリガーさせ、複雑なリズムやテクスチャー、サウンドとシークエンスを生み出しており、またこれまでに秋田昌美(Merzbow)、アート・リンゼイ、UA、DJ Baku、高橋幸宏、細野晴臣(YMO)、小山田圭吾(Cornelius)、大友良英等と共演。山本精一率いるPARAやウリチパン郡、DATE COURSE PENTAGON ROYAL GARDEN、COMBOPIANOでの演奏も継続中。

[千住 宗臣 Homepage](


フィリップ・ブロフィー(ミュージシャン、作曲家、サウンドデザイナー、映像作家、作家)は70年代に“→↑→”(aka Tsk-Tsk-Tsk)のオリジナルメンバーとして活動、80年代には数々の実験短編映画での経験を経て93年に自らが監督したデビュー作『Body Melt』を製作。自身の映画のほぼすべて、また、数々の短編映画において作曲とサウンドデザインを提供している。映画音楽とサウンドデザインについての国際協議会「Cinesonic」の元ディレクターでもあり、そのカンファレンスでは3冊の書籍を編集。ブロフィーは現在も映画音楽と音楽に関わるレクチャーや文筆を続けており、特にホラー、B級カルト、日本のアニメなどを専門としている。また、著作『100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS』は、ここ日本でも翻訳・出版がなされている(フィルムアート社)。近作に『100 ANIME』および『PRISCILLA』。

1947年東京生まれ。日本においてもっとも影響力のある実験映画監督の一人。1964年、高校生の時に最初の映画を制作。玉川大学文学部芸術学科入学と共に本格的な実験映画制作にのめり込んでゆく。現在まで47年に渡り、70以上の作品を作り続けている。早くから国内外で活躍し、1971年には(『No Perforations』)がシカゴ国際映画祭で「シルバー・ヒューゴー賞」を受賞。独特な遊び感覚のある彼の作品は、世界的に高い評価を受けており、ニューヨーク近代美術館、横浜美術館、各地の大学等にも収蔵されている。また、東京都写真美術館での大規模な展示をはじめ、国内外で数多くの個展、グループ展を行う。2010年には「第17回シドニー・ビエンナーレ」の一環として“スーパーデラックス@アートスペース”でも演奏。 現在イメージフォーラム付属映像研究所客員講師。

[奥山順市 Homepage](
[奥山順市 Youtube チャンネル](

ボルト・アンサンブル(フルート:ベリンダ・ウッズ、管楽器:アダム・シモンズ、ハープ:メアリー・ドゥメニー、コントラバス:アニータ・ハスタス、パーカッション:ダニエル・ブエス、ヴォーカル/エレクトロニクス:ジェイムス・ハリック)は、JOLT Arts Inc.のディレクターであり、メルボルン大学のMMW(Music, Mind & Wellbeing initiative:音楽への従事と社会福祉向上にかかわる理論的構造の研究プログラム)研究員でもあるジェイムス・ハリックによる音楽とソニック・アートのプロジェクト。2004年の結成以来、広範囲にわたってテクノロジーとコミュニティ・ディベロップメントにまつわる活動を続けている。
2009年、ボルトとアンプリファイド・エレファンツはロボット機構とリアルタイムのインタラクティヴ・ヴィデオ・スコアを用いた「The NIS」を演奏。近年では「TERRAINS: JOLT Swiss Australian Sonic Festival」(2011年)にてハリックによるアンサンブル作品を初演。また、メルボルンの「ABC Classic FM」協賛による新作をレコーディング(2012年)。
[ボルト・アンサンブル Homepage](

##Evil Penguin

Featuring: Yudayajazz + Muneomi Senju (JPN) BUGGATRONIC (AUS/SUI) Philip Brophy (AUS) Jun’ichi Okuyama (JPN) Bolt Ensemble (AUS) DJ: Evil Penguin more... To reserve a 3 DAY PASS 3 DAY PASS: adv.6500円 / door (9/21) 7000円 (+ drink on each day) please send a mail with the subject header "JOLT JAPANESE AUSTRALIAN SONIC FESTIVAL PASS" to [](, including your name, phone number, and the number of passes you wish to reserve. Organized by: [Jolts Arts Inc.]( / [Test Tone]( / SuperDeluxe Artist Information: ##YUDAYAJAZZ ![/sdlx/120922-Yudayajazz.jpg](/sdlx/120922-Yudayajazz.jpg) Yudayajazz (video artist, musician, filmmaker and VJ) is an improvisor based in Tokyo who specializes in real-time audio/video manipulation that combines DJ and VJ performance with live sound textures. Yudayajazz has unleashed his unique blend of video and sound art at clubs, galleries and warehouses throughout Japan and has collaborated with the best of Japan’s avant-garde creative scene, such as Kazuo Imai, Takashi Ueno, DoraVideo and L?K?O. By mixing audio and video from multiple sources and live feeds, Yudayajazz specifically crafts an intense multimedia experience in response to the particular performance space that is challenging and provocative. He performed at SuperDeluxe@Artspace in early 2010 as part of the 17th Biennale of Sydney. [Yudaya Jazz Info from SONORE]( ##MUNEOMI SENJU ![/sdlx/120922-Senju.jpg](/sdlx/120922-Senju.jpg) Cutting his teeth playing with Boredoms a.k.a. V∞redoms and PARA in Kansai, Muneomi Senju (drums, electronics) has since moved to Tokyo to continue exploring the possibilities of his instrument. As a solo player, Senju incorporates electronic triggers when playing, running them to sounds and sequences for a complex array of rhythm and texture. As a collaborator, the list is long: Masami Akita (aka Merzbow), Arto Lindsay, UA, DJ Baku, Yukihiro Takahashi and Harry Hosono (YMO), Keigo Oyamada (aka Cornelius) and Otomo Yoshihide are just some of the artists he's been working with. He also continues to play drums in PARA (led by ex-Boredoms member Seiichi Yamamoto), Urichipangoon, Date Course Pentagon Royal Garden and Combopiano. [MUNEOMI SENJU Homepage]( ##BUGGATRONIC ![/sdlx/120922-Buggatronic.jpg](/sdlx/120922-Buggatronic.jpg) The Swiss/ Australian duo that is Buggatronic started in 2009 when Daniel Buess and James Hullick joined forces in a cyclonic collision of sound. There is the signature of industrial noise in Buggatronic, but there is also a love of tightly timed formal design and aural choreography in the work. Daniel Buess brings his percussion background to the duo, as well as an array of electronic gadgetry and memories of space rock out convulsions. James Hullick meets Buess head on with specially built robotic music machines and the grind of no-input mixing desks. Amidst the showers of amplified dynamism and hard walls of sound, Buggatronic also capture the delicate moments. And then the flood of sound through the cochlea washes it all away. Buggatronic is urban life amplified for the 21st century. [BUGGATRONIC Homepage]( ##PHILIP BROPHY ![/sdlx/120921-PHILIP-Brophy.jpg](/sdlx/120921-PHILIP-Brophy.jpg) A founding member of →↑→ (aka Tsk-Tsk-Tsk) in the 1970s, and after a series of experimental short features in the 1980s, Philip Brophy (musician, composer, sound designer, filmmaker, writer) made his feature directorial debut with Body Melt in 1993. He has acted as composer and sound designer on most of his films, and numerous other shorts. He was also director of the Cinesonic International Conference on Film Scores & Sound Design and has edited 3 books from the conference. Brophy continues to lecture and present on film sound and music internationally, specializing in horror, sex & exploitation, film sound & music and Japanese animation. He is widely published in all three areas, and his book 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS has been translated and published into Japanese. His most recent books are 100 ANIME and PRISCILLA. [PHILIP BROPHY Homepage]( ##JUN'ICHI OKUYAMA ![/sdlx/120922-Okuyama.jpg](/sdlx/120922-Okuyama.jpg) Born in Tokyo in 1947, Jun’ichi Okuyama is one of Japan’s seminal experimental filmmakers. He made his first film in 1964 as a high school student, and became fully involved with filmmaking after entering Tamagawa University’s Department of Literature. He has since remained constantly active, creating over 70 highly original experimental works over the last 47 years. Okuyama was recognized internationally early on, with his first screening outside of Japan (the radical 1971 ‘disposable film’ entitled No Perforations) being awarded a Silver Hugo at the Chicago International Film Festival. His distinctively playful approach to the medium of film is widely admired and his most famous works are included in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art (New York), The Yokohama Museum of Art Anthology Film Archives and many top universities worldwide. He has been involved in large-scale exhibitions at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and has held both solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad. Most recently, Okuyama performed at SuperDeluxe@Artspace in early 2010 as part of the 17th Biennale of Sydney. [JUN'ICHI OKUYAMA Homepage]( [JUN'ICHI OKUYAMA Youtube Channel]( ##BOLT ENSEMBLE ![/sdlx/120922-Bolt.jpg](/sdlx/120922-Bolt.jpg) The BOLT Ensemble (flute: Belinda Woods, winds: Adam Simmons, harp: Mary Doumany, double bass: Anita Hustas, percussion: Daniel Buess, vocals/electronics: James Hullick) is dedicated to performing the music and sonic art projects of James Hullick, director of JOLT Arts Inc, and Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Music, Mind and Wellbeing Initiative. Formed in 2004, BOLT has worked extensively with technology and on community development projects. In 2009 BOLT and the Amplified Elephants performed The NIS  a large show working with robotic machinery and real time interactive video scores. Recently BOLT premiered works by Hullick at TERRAINS: JOLT Swiss Australian Sonic Festival (2011) and completed recordings of new works with ABC Classic FM in Melbourne (2012). [BOLT ENSEMBLE Homepage]( ##Evil Penguin ![/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg](/sdlx/120214-evilpenguin-w-388.jpg)

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