G / R / L / Z #3

2013/03/29 金曜日

G / R / L / Z #3G / R / L / Z #3

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




Moon Duo (from USA)
Limited Express (has gone?)
Miila and the Geeks

Tommi Tokyo (group A)

前売りチケットの取り扱いは e+ (イープラス)

1日券 [PC](http://eplus.jp/sys/T1U14P0010843P0100P002093635P0050001P006001P0030001) / [携帯](http://eplus.jp/m/msys/T1U55P0010844P0100P002093635P0050001P006001P0030001?uid=NULLGWDOCOMO)

 / R / L / Z #3

予約後、ファミリーマート、セブン-イレブン他 各種コンビ二でも支払い可。

[MELT-BANANA Official Web-Site](http://www.melt-banana.net/)
[A-ZAP Records Web-Site](http://www.a-zap.com/)
[MELT-BANANA Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melt-Banana/192954987398661)
[MELT-BANANA Twitter](http://twitter.com/melt_banana)
[MELT-BANANA myspace](http://www.myspace.com/azap)

Moon Duo は、Wooden ShipsのギタリストRipley JohnsonとSanae Yamadaが2009年にサンフランシスコで結成したバンド。彼らの最初の2枚のEP 『Killing Time』 (2009)、『Escape』 (2010)は高い評価を受け話題にもなった。スペイシーなロックサウンドを目指し、Suicide やSilver Apples等のアメリカンロックのリバーブやディストーションを取り入れていて面白い。同じく2010年にはデビューアルバム 『Mazes』 もリリースしている。サンフランシスコで録音されベルリンでミックスされた『Mazes』 は、よりワイドでより軽く、を追及している。タイトルトラックはVelvet Undergroundを彷彿させ、このアルバムで彼らはMoon Duoのアイデンティティーを確立したと言える『Horror Tour』、これは翌年2011年の EPで、サウンドは暗くほとんどがインストルメンタルで構成されている。Horror Tourとは、東ヨーロッパで秋に行われたツアーのことだそうだ。2012年のRecord Store Day(毎年4月第三土曜日)には 『Mazes Remixed』 を限定版LPとしてリリースした。Sonic Boom、Psychic Ills、Purling Hissらのリミックスものがフィーチャーされているところが興味深い。そして現在、Souterrain Transmissionsというベルリンのレーベルから LP 『Circles』 の発売が待たれる。この『Circles』は、彼らが冬の間ロッキー山脈のスタジオに長い時間籠り、その後半年かけて、曲作りはバンドの故郷コロラドのブルーリバーで、サンフランシスコのアパートに移り住み、エンジニアのPhil Manley (Trans Am, Life Coach)とレコーディング、ミックスはベルリンのKaiku Studios、というふうに移動しながら最終的に完成されたフルアルバムだ。アルバムに含まれる曲の多くは、また、タイトルのCirclesは、Ralph Waldo Emersonの1841のessay、『Circles』からヒントを得ている。このエッセイは、自然界のいたるところに見られる無数の輪(円)が哲学的にとらえられ書かれている。例えば、出だしでは、“目は最初の輪(円);水平線は2番目;自然界ではこれが永遠と繰り返されている”そして、全ては繋がり続いて行く、錆は錆で終わることなく、時の流れと共に姿を変えながら永遠と続いて行く。。。

MOON DUO / Ich Werde Sehen

Limited Express (has gone?)
2003年、US、ジョン・ゾーンのTZADIKから1st albumをリリースし、世界15カ国以上を飛び回る。その後、日本のレーベルmemory labより、2nd album、best albumをリリース。WHY?、NUMBERS、そしてダムドの日本公演のサポートを行うなど、名実共に日本オルタナ・パンク・シーンを率先するバンドになるも、2006年突然の解散宣言。半年後、突然の復活宣言。なんとニュー・ドラマーには、日本が誇るPUNK BAND、JOYのドラマーTDKが正式加入!!! メンバーのJJは、ボロフェスタを主催。YUKARIは、ニーハオ!のリーダー等、各人の活動は多岐にわたる。最新作は、Less Than TVからリリースしたDODDODOとのsprit albumと3rd album。中国やオーストラリア等、引き続き海外活動も盛ん。
[Limited Express (has gone?) Homepage](http://www.limited-ex.com/)

Miila and the Geeks
moe(vo, Gt, Ba) Kaoru Ajima(drums) Ryota Komori(sax) のスリーピースから成る、これぞ NY ポストパンク / ノーウェーブのクール、90年代オルタナティヴのルーズさを受け継いだカジュアルな進行形サウンド!と称され、今、尚最高なライブバンドのひとつである Miila and the Geeksは、即完した2枚の7inchと、その後の1st Album “NEW AGE”のリリースで一気に脚光をあび、“SXSW 2011″への出演をはじめとする全米ツアーと国内ツアーを敢行。2012年5月には”UK + PARIS”に渡る5箇所を回る欧州ツアーも行い、同年10月には新作7inch”Funny & Control”をリリースしたばかり。その音楽のみならず、ミュージックビデオ、アートワークやマーチャンダイスに至るまで、確固たるDIYスタイルを地でいきながら、現在のジャパニーズライオットガールの筆頭株と最高評価されるフロントウーマンのmoeによるその枠にとらわれない数々の活動は、TWEE GRRRLS CLUB、LOVE AND HATESとしても注目を集めている。

Live: Melt-Banana Moon Duo (from USA) Limited Express (has gone?) Miila and the Geeks DJ: Tommi Tokyo (group A) e plus Ticket: Now On Sale! Advance Tickets will be available online from: e+ (eplus) Ticket [PC](http://eplus.jp/sys/T1U14P0010843P0100P002093635P0050001P006001P0030001) / [mobile](http://eplus.jp/m/msys/T1U55P0010844P0100P002093635P0050001P006001P0030001?uid=NULLGWDOCOMO) G
 / R / L / Z #3 Artist Information: Melt-Banana ![/sdlx/130329-MxBxphoto.jpg](/sdlx/130329-MxBxphoto.jpg) Melt-Banana is a band from Tokyo, Japan. Yako formed Melt-Banana around 1993 and since then they have been able to continue playing music with the support of great people, bands and fans all over the world. After playing around 1,300 shows as a “regular” four piece band they started playing shows as a duo in 2012 in order to evolve their sound. Yako sings and Agata plays a guitar. Their appearance at "The Nightmare before Christmas curated by Shellac" is their first outside of Japan utilising this new format. [MELT-BANANA Official Web-Site](http://www.melt-banana.net/) [A-ZAP Records Web-Site](http://www.a-zap.com/) [MELT-BANANA Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melt-Banana/192954987398661) [MELT-BANANA Twitter](http://twitter.com/melt_banana) [MELT-BANANA myspace](http://www.myspace.com/azap) MOON DUO ![/sdlx/130329-moon-duo-fall.jpg](/sdlx/130329-moon-duo-fall.jpg) Formed in San Francisco in 2009 by Wooden Shijps guitarist Ripley Johnson and Sanae Yamada, Moon Duo’s first two critically acclaimed EPs, Killing Time (2009) and Escape (2010), fused the futuristic pylon hum and transistor reverb of Suicide or Silver Apples with the heat-haze fuzz of American rock ‘n’ roll to create tracks of blistering, 12-cylinder space rock. Their debut album Mazes, recorded in San Francisco and mixed in Berlin during 2010 as the band prepared to move to the mountains of Colorado, explores a far broader, lighter, sound. That’s most clear on the dreamy organ and skipping riff of the title track, which recalls the Velvet Underground, or the handclaps and swinging organ bloops over the potent shredding and guttural riff delivered by Johnson in When You Cut. Throughout, Mazes is the sound of Moon Duo carving out their own identity, looking to the horizon, and moving forward. Late 2011 saw the release of the darker, mostly instrumental Horror Tour EP around the band’s fall tour of Eastern Europe; Record Store Day 2012 brought a limited edition LP Mazes Remixed which featured remixes by the likes of Sonic Boom, Psychic Ills, and Purling Hiss. Now Moon Duo are set to release Circles, their second full-length LP with Souterrain Transmissions. The band will also set off on a worldwide tour in support of the album in October and November. Circles is the product of a long winter’s isolation in the Rocky Mountains, though the road to its fruition stretched over six months and several locations. The groundwork for the album was laid at the band’s home in Blue River, Colorado in the early months of 2012, where all songs were written, and the preliminary tracks recorded. For two weeks in early April, Moon Duo moved into a small apartment above Lucky Cat Recordings in San Francisco for an additional recording session with engineer Phil Manley (Trans Am, Life Coach). Like its predecessor, the album was mixed and tweaked at Kaiku Studios in Berlin. Inspiration for many of the songs themes, as well as the title Circles, came from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1841 essay by the same name, on the symbol and nature of “the flying Perfect.” From the opening lines: “The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end.” And so it goes. Rust never sleeps. MOON DUO / Ich Werde Sehen Limited Express (has gone?) ![/sdlx/130329-Limited-photo.jpg](/sdlx/130329-Limited-photo.jpg) They released First Album in 2003 from TZADIK record which is famous for John Zorn,after that they flew all over the world of 15 countries. After that they released Second album from Japanese label"memory lab".They supported the performance of WHY?,NUMBERS and The Damned,Limited Express(has gone?) became the band which took the lead in alterenative and punk music scene in Japan in reality as well as in name.However,suddenly,they declared their break up in 2006.Six months after,they declared their come-back.TDK who performed drums and member of JOY which representative Japanese punkband, became a member of Limited Express (has gone?) officially.JJ organized "BOROFESTA" which is music festival in Kyoto.YUKARI is the leader  of 'NI-HAO!' band.Their activities include many different things. The latest works are the 'spirit album'with DODDODO released by Less Than TV and their third album.They're going to continue the activity energetically, over seas,China,Australia and  more. [Limited Express (has gone?) Homepage](http://www.limited-ex.com/) Miila and the Geeks ![/sdlx/130329-miller.jpg](/sdlx/130329-miller.jpg) miila is one Japanese girl solo project which filled with her imagination and temptation. Her style of music is every song she plays the guitar and sings on tracks she made. She recorded,designed and packaged by herself then she set up her own label and release her cassette tape.After 2007 frantic noisy Sax and chaotic Drummer join her project and these 3 would be miila and the geeks. Having 80's no wave face, 90's alternative loose sound, Riot Grrrl fight spirit with 00's indie free style of music, They create new and original style. And they bounce off their pop and punk sound style with their high admiration live performance. However they had recorded for self release but they are found by Japanese Best Indie label Niw! Records. In December 2010,the debut 7" EP titled "6 Songs"(contain 6 songs with CD), 2nd 7" EP "3 Songs", 1st Album "New Age", New 7" EP "Funny & Control" was released from this label. This high-profie 7" in Japanese indie music scene had sold out in 3 days after release and re-pressed, it clear that miila and the geeks is standing in the center of attention.Upcoming 2nd album will be released in 2013. [miilaandthegeeks.tumblr.com](http://miilaandthegeeks.tumblr.com/)

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