This&That Café Vol.15

2013/05/23 木曜日

This & That CafeThis&That Café Vol.15

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


ドリンク込み/Drink included




5 and Nori from The Lo-Fi with Hiroki Murakami (drums) and Ogawa Sho (guitars).

Live Painting:
Unusual Club
D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)
Space Cadet (TokyoDex)

+ More Coming Soon!

[スチュアート・オコナー Homepage](

5 and Nori from The Lo-Fi with Hiroki Murakami (drums) and Ogawa Sho (guitars).


高橋 洋平 / タカハシ ヨウヘイ(ライブ・ペイント)
1987年/ 東京都生まれ。洗練された線を幾重にも束ねて表現された世界は、「静」と「動」両方の性質を持つ。線の流れを追えばその筆運びに躍動を感じ、一歩引いて全体を眺めると、まるで剥製の様に停止した時間が画面を支配している。
[高橋 洋平](

Unusual Club
僕らは多岐にわたるスタイルの音楽をやるので、名前も「普通じゃない(Unusual)」ものにしました。演奏は、だいたいいつも2セット続けて行います。1回目と2回目で好みやムードが変わることがあるので不協和音となることもありますが、その結果生ずる「波動」がいいと思っています。ロックからインディー、レゲエ、ダブ、ファンク、ジャズ、ニューウェーブ、ヒップホップまでいろいろな音楽をやりますが、僕らに共通の「ルーツ」でよく立ち返るのはエレクトロニックやテクノ、ハウスです。SNIFF SNIFF(現Roarrr)やCONTROLのパーティで正規のDJをしていました。ポールはイギリス人、セバスチャンはフランス系カナダ人で、2人とも約8年、東京を拠点に活動しています。
[Profile iflyer](

D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)

This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[](>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストからの連絡をお待ちしています。

##Powered by TokyoDex

Join artists from near and far as they gather at Tokyo’s grooviest international creative space. It’s still springtime so the sounds remain cool, but it’s definitely about to get hot in here!

Stuart O’Connor
5 and Nori from The Lo-Fi with Hiroki Murakami (drums) and Ogawa Sho (guitars).

Live Painting:
Yohei Takahashi
Unusual Club
D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)
Space Cadet (TokyoDex)

+ More Coming Soon!

Stuart O’Connor
Stuart has made his living with 4 albums under his belt as a psychedelic singer/songwriter and has attracted attention from record labels but so far has remained independent. He has done 1200 shows in 5 years and counting as a full time touring musician. 7 tours in Japan, 5 in New Zealand, 3 in Australia, 2 in Italy and 1 off tours of Thailand, Holland, Greece and even Colombia as well as numerous tours in his home country of the UK.
[Stuart O’Connor Homepage](

5 and Nori from The Lo-Fi with Hiroki Murakami (drums) and Ogawa Sho (guitars).
[Lo-Fi Homepage](

An electric-halation group, golf projects primary color sounds towards listeners’ eardrum. They perform at the Ginza Apple Store and WOMB Shibuya regularly.
[golf Homepage](

Yohei Takahashi (Live Painting)
Born 1987 in Tokyo, Yohei Takahashi strives to capture movement and quietude with refined lines. Crafting each line with great care, he concentrates both on the whole image and every intricate detail as the piece evolves.
[Yohei Takahashi Homepage](

Unusual Club
Our musical style is very broad, hence the “Unusual” name. We typically play a back-to-back set. It sometimes creates discordances since our taste and mood can be different, but we appreciate the “wave” that results. Although our musical styles range from rock, indie, reggae, asl the way to dub, funk, jazz, new wave and hip hop, the common ‘roots’ that we often revisit are mostly electronic/techno/house. We have been regular DJs at SNIFF SNIFF (now
Roarrr) and CONTROL parties. Paul is English and Sebastien is French Canadian, both based in Tokyo for about 8 years.
[Profile iflyer](

D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex)
Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital imagery and spontaneous collage.

This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[](>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.

##Powered by TokyoDex

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