2013/07/13 土曜日土曜日
This & That CafeThis&That Café Vol.16
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
ドリンク込み/Drink included
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Metro Ongen
tomy wealth
Live Painting:
DJ Ace-K
Kazuya Ito as toi whakairo
D.H. ローゼン
Metro Ongen
[Metro Ongen Homepage](http://metro-ongen.com)
tomy wealth
ドラマーでありビートメイカーである Takayuki Saekiのソロプロジェクト。15年以上に渡るドラム歴を生かし、自身のトラックは全て自ら叩いたドラムプレイからサンプリング、エディットするというスタイルをキャリア当初から貫いている。ドラマーの枠を越え、ピアノやストリングスを主とした琴線に触れるエモーショナルなメロディメイク、どこか品や知性を感じさせるワビサビのある楽曲に定評がある。映画の様に架空のストーリーを立てながら作曲する事が彼の手法であり、ある種自閉的な世界観を頑に死守している。 ライブでは自身はドラムを叩き、サポートメンバーにBassのDemsky、SamplerのMitsuaki Aoyagi、VJのKazuya ito as toi whakairoを加え、シーンやジャンルに拘らず多岐にわたり活動中。音源をベーシックにしつつも、ライブ限定曲やカヴァー曲を取り入れるなど、より視野の広い一面を見せている。
[tomy wealth Homepage](http://tomywealth.net/)
三船雅也 (vocal/guitar) 、中原鉄也 (drums/piano) の2人組バンド。2008年結成。2010年に自主制作による1stEP「ROTH BART BARON」をセルフリリース、diskunionやJETSETから多大な支持を受ける。ギター、バンジョー、マンドリン、ピアノ、和太鼓、グロッケン、マリンバ、フィドルなど多種多様な楽器を使い、壮大なサウンドスケープと美しいメロディ、剥き出しの感情と生命力に満ちあふれた歌詞が作り出す圧倒的な世界観は日本の音楽シーンだけに留まらず、SoundCloudをはじめとする音楽系SNSサイトから多くの賞賛コメントを受けるなど、海外での評価も高い。2012年12月13日には2年ぶり待望のNEW EP「化け物山と合唱団」をリリース。The National,Local Natives,ペトロールズ等のVideoを制作しているSLEEPERS FILMと制作したMusic VideoをYouTubeにて公開中。
[ROTH BART BARON web](http://rothbartbaron.tumblr.com)
[ROTH BART BARON Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/rothbartbaron)
[輪派絵師団 Homepage](http://www.rinpaeshidan.jp)
DJ Ace-K
Kazuya Ito as toi whakairo
Graphic Designer / Web Designer / VJ RHYMSTERのDJ JIN率いるBreakthroughのフライヤー制作、DJ SARASAプレスキット制作、日本発ビートミュージックポッドキャストCosmopolyphonic Radio、フリーマガジンDESTINATION MAGAZINEへのアートワーク提供、CD、レコードジャケットデザイン等、音楽との関わりは深い。同時にANACHRONORM×Kuumbaのパッケージや、アパレルブランドのロゴ、カタログ、WEBも手掛けている。近年は、LOW END THEORY JAPAN、tomy wealthのライブサポートなどVJとして数多くのイベントに出演中。
[Kazuya Ito Homepage](http://itokazuya.com)
D.H. ローゼン
[Tokyo Dex.com](http://www.tokyodex.com)
This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[thisnthat@tokyodex.com](mailto:thisnthat@tokyodex.com)>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストからの連絡をお待ちしています。
##Powered by TokyoDex
Cold drinks, hot tunes, cool art. Entrance is free and it’s a Saturday night, so no excuses! Sounds in various styles, but all Songs for the Sunny Season.
Metro Ongen
tomy wealth
Live Painting:
Rinpa Eshidan
Daniel Cesar
DJ Ace-K
Kazuya Ito as toi whakairo
D.H. Rosen
Artist Information:
Metro Ongen
Metro-Ongen were formed in Tokyo in 2002. Combining lullaby melodies and lush harmonies with a new-wave sound that has been compared to Blondie and Television, Metro-Ongen have steady gained a devoted fanbase across Japan. One show at Osaka’s Minami Wheel Festival (the Japanese answer to SXSW) was so over-crowded fans had to be turned away. Moreover, with regular VJ performances at their shows and a poster design that won a 2010 New York design award, the band are evolving into an art collective under the banner Team M-O.
[Metro Ongen Homepage](http://metro-ongen.com)
tomy wealth
Being a drummer as well as a track maker for the past 15 years, he has created a sound that amalgamated these two concepts in perfect harmony. Enormous soundtrack-like landscapes, aggressive hip hop beats, sophisticated sampling styles, nostalgic piano lines, overlapped with some electronica, create a unique story line within his music which many people can find homage in. This is the matchless world of tomy wealth.
[tomy wealth Homepage](http://tomywealth.net/)
ROTH BART BARON is a two-member rock band group that formed in Tokyo in 2008. The band consists of Masaya Mifune (vocals & guitar) and Tetsuya Nakahara (drums). In 2009, the band won the “Outstanding performance award” and ”Best audience award” (voted by the attendance) while competing with other 5,409 groups at the 3rd Music Revolution Japan Final – a music contest hosted by YAMAHA.Since then,they have started performing actively at various venues.Subsequently,they released their first debut EP – ”ROTH BART BARON”, which was highly acclaimed by renowned Japanese record shops such as disk union and JET SET Records in 2010. Despite being a new and unknown band, they have also launched their EP on the iTunes Music Store to release their EP world widely.The usage of various instruments such as guitar, banjo, mandolin, piano, taiko drum and fiddle, are combined to create an epic soundscape and aesthetic melody with lyrics full of vitality and raw passion. Not just domestic music listeners, overwhelming admiration comments from all over the world are also captured from music social networking sites such as SoundCloud.
[ROTH BART BARON web](http://rothbartbaron.tumblr.com)
[ROTH BART BARON Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/rothbartbaron)
Rinpa Eshidan
Since the group’s first breakthrough video went viral on YouTube in 2006, Tokyo-based Art collective Rinpa Eshidan has been creating “motion paintings” and commercial films that have earned the group fierce notoriety in the global art scene. With over 90 million collective hits worldwide, Rinpa’s signature style is recognized and emulated the world over.
[Rinpa Eshidan Homepage](http//:www.rinpaeshidan.jp)
Daniel Cesar
Daniel Cesar is a Graphic Designer, Video-maker and Painter, based in Tokyo, with a multi-discipline skill-set that allows him to design and create artistic concept across any support. After Graduating from a leading visual effect and cinema school in Paris, Daniel is now traveling around the globe to explore and absorbe different cultures that he translates throught the colors in his art.
DJ Ace-K
Born in northern Japan, DJ Ace-K currently lives in tokyo with his wife. He started DJing techno 10 years ago but has recemntly turned his focus to Afro Funk. He organizes “interpassional,”a regular DJ party at Ebisu’s Enjoy House as well as “Dominion,” a techno and jamband party.
Kazuya Ito as toi whakairo
Graphic Designer / Web Designer / VJ
Ito is a designer as well as a DJ with the group Breakthough lead by RHYMSTER. A designer and artist, he work is deeply linked to the Japanese music scene. He produces SARASA press kit, the Japanese beat-music podcast “Cosmopolyphonic Radio”, and the free magazine “DESTINATION MAGAZINE.” He also works on apparel identity designs such as with ANACHRONORM×Kuumba. As a VJ, he has worked throughout the Tokyo event scene with artist such as LOW END THEORY JAPAN and tomy wealth.
[Kazuya Ito Homepage](http://itokazuya.com)
D.H Rosen
Tokyo-based visual artist D.H. Rosen loves to play with analog and digital media. His live sets are a combination of prepared digital
imagery and spontaneous collage.
[Tokyo Dex.com](http://www.tokyodex.com)
This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[thisnthat@tokyodex.com](mailto:thisnthat@tokyodex.com)>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.
##Powered by TokyoDex
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