[キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
Marco Cher-Gibard (laptop/sampling, from Melbourne)
高岡大祐 (tuba) + Grégoire Tirtiaux (baritone sax, from Belgium)
Nicholas Field (drums, from Switzerland) + Jasper Stadhouders (guitar, from Netherlands)
Kevin McHugh (piano) + 安藤暁彦 (alto sax and effects) + 吉田隆一(baritone sax) + 若杉大悟 (drums)
Samuel Dunscombe (clarinet) + Judith Hamann (cello) + Cal Lyall (guitar) + Chris Golinski (drums)
Evil Penguin
Artist Information:
Marco Cher-Gibard (laptop/sampling, from Melbourne)
メルボルン在住のサウンドアーティストMarco Cher-Gibardは、即興やインスタレーションをベースにして、サウンドや音楽を探求する。用意した音を分解、サンプリング、再構築して、日常何気もない音を素晴らしい変身させてしまう。
[Marco Cher-Gibard Homepage](http://www.marcocher-gibard.net)
高岡大祐 (tuba) + Grégoire Tirtiaux (baritone sax, from Belgium)
tubaという楽器で様々なジャンルに対応できる高岡大祐は、坂田明やChris Corsanoなどとコラボレーションをしてきた。今回のTest Toneでは、彼の友人、ベルギーのサックス奏者Grégoire Tirtiauxと共演する。tubaとバリトンsaxがぶつかり合う。
[高岡大祐 Homepage](http://www.bloc.jp/daysuke)
[Grégoire Tirtiaux Movie](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fae7K2GpzeM)
Nicholas Field (drums, from Switzerland) + Jasper Stadhouders (guitar, from Netherlands)
巧みなテクニックを持つスイス出身のドラマーNicholas Fieldが、ギターのテクニシャンJasper Stadhoudersと共演する。
[Nicholas Field Sound Cloud](https://soundcloud.com/nicolas-field/live-ecurie-21-04-2013)
Kevin McHugh (piano) + 安藤暁彦 (alto sax and effects) + 吉田隆一(baritone sax) + 若杉大悟 (drums)
ピアニストKevin McHughのユニット BULLSの音楽は、ジャジーながらもユニークなサウンドで、ジャンル分けするのは難しい。ダークでリズム感にあふれる、夢のような大きなサウンドは、様々な場所をさまよう。
[Kevin McHugh Officail Web](http://therealmchugh.com)
[安藤暁彦 hatena](http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fuseimyaku)
[若杉大悟 Tumblr](http://daigowakasugi.tumblr.com)
Samuel Dunscombe (clarinet) + Judith Hamann (cello) + Cal Lyall (guitar) + Chris Golinski (drums)
世界を駆け巡るオーストラリア出身のこの3人組は、多彩な才能を持っている。Samuel Dunscombe (クラリネット)、Judith Hamann (チェロ) とChris Golinski (ドラム)の3人は器用で、不可能な即興や、コンテンポラリーな作品にも挑戦している。今回のTest Toneでは、ギターのCal Lyallが参加し、どんな夜になるかが楽しみだ。
[Samuel Dunscombe Homepage](http://www.samueldunscombe.com)
[Judith Hamann Homepage](http://www.judithhamann.com)
[Cal Lyall – subvalent.com](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall)
[Chris Golinski](http://chrisgolinski.wix.com/chrisgolinski)
About Test Tone….
[Test Tone Homepage](http://www.soundispatch.com/ttsnews/)
[Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)](http://sdlx.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post.html)
Marco Cher-Gibard (laptop/sampling, from Melbourne)
Daysuke Takaoka (tuba) + Grégoire Tirtiaux (baritone sax, from Belgium)
Nicholas Field (drums, from Switzerland) + Jasper Stadhouders (guitar, from Netherlands)
BULLS (Kevin McHugh (piano) + Akihiko Ando (alto sax and effects) + Ryuichi Yoshida (baritone sax) + Daigo Wakasugi (drums))
Samuel Dunscombe (clarinet) + Judith Hamann (cello) + Cal Lyall (guitar) + Chris Golinski (drums)
Evil Penguin
Artist Information:
Marco Cher-Gibard (laptop/sampling, from Melbourne)
Melbourne-based sound artist Marco Cher-Gibard uses improvisation, composition and installation to investigate and infiltrate audio culture and popular music. Deconstructing, resampling and re-imagining his source material, Marco transforms everyday sounds into stunning and extraordinary compositions.
[Marco Cher-Gibard Homepage](http://www.marcocher-gibard.net)
Daysuke Takaoka (tuba) + Grégoire Tirtiaux (baritone sax, from Belgium)
Extracting a mammoth world of sounds from his chosen instrument, Daysuke Takaoka's versatility on the tuba has taken him into exceptional collaborations with the likes of Akira Sakata and Chris Corsano. In the course of his travels, he befriended singular Belgian saxophonist Grégoire Tirtiaux, a heavyweight in his own right who will pit his baritone rumblings against some gusts of tuba turmoil in this special meeting.
[Daysuke Takaoka Homepage](http://www.bloc.jp/daysuke)
[Grégoire Tirtiaux Movie](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fae7K2GpzeM)
Nicholas Field (drums, from Switzerland) + Jasper Stadhouders (guitar, from Netherlands)
Melding technical pyrotechnics with deft improvisational skill, incalculable Swiss drummer Nicholas Field meets Cactus Truck's guitar virtuoso Jasper Stadhouders in a mind-melting tête-à-tête. Ringside seating still available.
[Nicholas Field Sound Cloud](https://soundcloud.com/nicolas-field/live-ecurie-21-04-2013)
Kevin McHugh (piano) + Akihiko Ando (alto sax and effects) + Ryuichi Yoshida (baritone sax) + Daigo Wakasugi (drums)
Another heavy unit by pianist Kevin McHugh, BULLS takes the elusive jazz beast by the horns and drags it from the shadows. Dark, rhythmic, loud and dreamy, the compositions take the four piece (including Akihiko Ando on alto sax and effects Ryuichi Yoshida and baritone sax and Daigo Wakasugi on drums) into dangerous terrain, without losing step on the precipice.
[Kevin McHugh Officail Web](http://therealmchugh.com)
[Akihiko Ando hatena](http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fuseimyaku)
[Ryuichi Yoshida](http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/sincerely1)
[Daigo Wakasugi Tumblr](http://daigowakasugi.tumblr.com)
Samuel Dunscombe (clarinet) + Judith Hamann (cello) + Cal Lyall (guitar) + Chris Golinski (drums)
This globe-trotting Australian trio excels in virtually everything they sink their teeth into. Samuel Dunscombe (clarinet), Judith Hamann (cello) and Chris Golinski (drums) are mercurial artists indeed, tackling everything from impossible improv to no-nonsense contemporary works. On this evening they'll be joined by local guitar interrogator Cal Lyall for a decidedly adventurous outing.
[Samuel Dunscombe Homepage](http://www.samueldunscombe.com)
[Judith Hamann Homepage](http://www.judithhamann.com)
[Cal Lyall - subvalent.com](http://www.subvalent.com/cal-lyall)
[Chris Golinski](http://chrisgolinski.wix.com/chrisgolinski)
About Test Tone
A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.