2014/01/21 火曜日火曜日
AKODE + Akira SakataAKODE + 坂田明
Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
英国フリー系サックスの重鎮アラン・ウィルキンソンとノルウェーの若手実力派プレイヤーからなるAkodeと日本のフリージャズシーンを先導し続ける坂田明の共演が決定! パワフルな演奏の中にも繊細さと緻密なグルーヴを伴ったAkodeのサウンドと豊かな経験に裏打ちされた深みを伴う坂田の演奏がどんな邂逅を魅せるのか? 北風ふきずさむ冷たい冬を心底から熱くする熱量最大の一夜にどうぞご期待下さい!
Alan Wilkinson (sax)
Kim Johannesen (guitar)
Ola Høyer (bass)
Dag Erik Knedal Andersen (drums)
Artist info:
[坂田明 homepage](http://www.akira-sakata.com/)
Alan Wilkinson (sax)
Kim Johannesen (guitar)
Ola Høyer (bass)
Dag Erik Knedal Andersen (drums)
Akira Sakata
Artist info:
AKODE - intense Anglo-Norwegian free jazz featuring UK sax legend Alan Wilkinson
Alan Wilkinson
There can be few more daunting sounds in free music than that of Alan Wilkinson in overdrive, whether the headlong flights of his alto playing, or the beefier heft he gets from the baritone. Often featured lately with bassist John Edwards and drummer Steve Noble ( their CD ‘Live at Cafe Oto’ was among the CDs of the last decade in the Times) he’s also appeared with Derek Bailey, Peter Brötzmann, Chris Corsano, Talibam!, Eddie Prevost, and his trio with Simon Fell and Paul Hession, among many others.
Kim Johannesen
Guitarist Kim Johannesen has a speed and dexterity that places him closer to a Joe Morris than Derek Bailey yet with a take on abstraction that’s entirely his own. Based in Oslo his impressive record includes work with Raymond Strid, Ingebrigt Haaker Flaten, John Butcher, Pat Thomas and Roger Turner.
Ola Høyer
After a spell in Berlin but now back in Oslo bassist Ola Høyer, like many of the erudite new generation of Norwegian musicians, is equally at home in Jazz, improv and noise. What he brings to free improvisation is an acute musicality and an unfettered approach that is making him increasingly in demand, sharing a strong relationship in particular with Johannesen. His record includes work with Rudi Mahall, John Schröder, Henrik Wahlsdorf, Paal Nilssen Love and Martin Küchen.
Dag Erik Knedal Andersen
Dag Erik Knedal Andersen is the wild card whose flamboyant, hyperactive, take-no-prisoners approach to drumming place him somewhere between Paal Nillsen-Love and Han Bennink. He is an ubiquitous part of the Oslo and Norwegian improvised music scene having won the title of ’Talent of the Year’ at the Molde Jazz Festival in 2010.
Akira Sakata
[Akira Sakata homepage](http://www.akira-sakata.com/)
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