This&That Café Vol.22

2014/10/30 木曜日

This&That CaféThis&That Café Vol.22

Open: 20:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59


当日/Door: ¥tntcafe

ドリンク込み/Drink included




村田正樹-Muratap Masaking-
Yamada Shunji
Tanya Tanaka


ERIK PENNY (エリック・ペニー)
「私たちが共有しているこの空間のことを、今ここにいる間に物語にします」米国出身のシンガーソングライター、Erik Penny(エリック・ペニー)はカリスマ的な語り手であり、身近なことについて思索する哲学者です。自然で、原初を感じさせる曲は、繊細で控えめなところから始まり、時には意外なほどにドラマチックに盛り上がります。人物や瞬間は、特徴のある彼のバリトンと魅力的なメロディーにのって、物語へと展開します。心なごませる彼自身のチャーミングさと率直で温かい音楽で、すばらしくいい気分にならずにはいられません。
[ERIK PENNY tumblr](

[ルリイロ facebook](ルリイロ/363033170386046)

村田正樹-Muratap Masaking-
小学5年生の時、MCコミヤの”遣唐使”にのせ、学芸会で初めて人前でダンスを披露。その後小学、中学とたわいもない時間を過ごし、高校でストリートダンスを始める。24歳の時、仙台でTAP DANCEと出会い、その後上京し、熊谷和徳に師事。KAZ TAP companyのオリジナルメンバーとして、舞台に出演している。近年では香港のタップフェスティバルなどにも招かれるなど、活動の幅を広げている。。SOLO活動では、TAPだけに留まらない、マイムやダンスを取り入れたパフォーマンスで、ダンサーに留まらず様々なシーンからも面白がられてきている。
[Muratap Masaking](

Yamada Shunji
20歳より独学で作曲を始める。以降自主制作映画『森で迷う』(秋野翔一監督) や映画『桐島、部活辞めるってよ』のスピンオフ企画としてWOWOWで放送された作中人物、宮部実果を主人公にした短いドラマの音楽などを担当。これまでの自作曲をまとめた『交わらない時間たち』を完成させ、現在Gallery、ライブハウスなどでLIVEを行いながら都内にて活動中。
[Yamada Shunji sound cloud](

shina-G(G)とmika-R(B, Vo, electronics)によるmath rock/electro/音響 + α band。ライブハウスセット、クラブセット、iPad、Laptopなどを使用したエレクトロインプロセットとイベントごとに多彩な表情を使い分け、アンビエントからどハーシュまで、一概にジャンル分けできない独自のサウンドスタイルを披露。フェスティバル出演を含む2度のUSツアーを敢行、Bellini、Jarbow(ex-Swans)、Mick Turner(DirtyThree), School of Seven Bellsなど、海外アーティストとの共演も数多い。シリーズイベント「This Side of Paradice」「Something Wicked This Way Comes」を主宰。「ぐるぐる回る2010」においては、LOOPSTAGE『踊ルオト×鳴ルカラダ』のオーガナイザーをつとめた。今回は墨絵ライブペインター・菩須彦とのコラボレーション・ライブを披露。
[Emulsion soundcloud](

国内では関西と東京中心に、国外ではSeattleやNY、台湾中心に活動。NYのArtBattlesに在籍。SeattleのSushi&Sake Fest、SNIFF OUT 2013、APECのパーティなどに出演。林明日香、Marty Bracey、Daichi Beatboxer、ESIEなど数々のアーティストとコラボ。朝日放送ABC HALLやHEP HALLなどの舞台出演。2003年までテレビ業界でCGや番組オープニングアニメを数多く制作。その後、kiske3設立。Art fest P.A.D.主催。「東京コンテンツマーケット静止画部門奨励賞」「アジアグラフCGアート作品公募展示部門優秀賞」など数々受賞。Michael Jackson追悼本「「THE REAL COMEBACK Japan 2006」のカバーアートに選ばれる。
[BOSSHIKO Homepage](

[Mariya Suzuki Homepage](

Tanya Tanaka
電線は人と人をつなげており、都会の目障り景色も角度を変えてみると日々のアーバンライフの印象も変わる。蜘蛛の巣、テクノロジー、社会的関係が描かれている。カリフォルニアと英国で育ち、長年日本に住み、現在東京で活動している。絵以外の作品も有り、ファッションとインテリアのためのプリントもある。英国ロンドンの美術大学・大学院の学歴:セントラル セイント マーチンズ美術大学卒業 (ファション部ファション・インテリア プリント科)、ザスレイド スクール オブ ファイン アート、ユニバーシティ カレッジ ロンドン大学院卒業。

ヒップホップ・R&B・ジャズを中心にDJ活動を展開するRy。幼少期は、父のレコードを聞きつくし、Earth Wind & Fire, Steely DanやPink Floydなどに熱中。しかしThe RootsとTupacとの出会いをきっかけに、Hip-Hopに傾倒する。。Al GreenからBeatnuts、NasやErykah Baduまで、様々なスタイルをmixし、幅広い世代間をつなげるミッションに取り組んでいる。前職ではTokyo Zepp、Yokohama Bay HallやEbisu Liquid Roomなど、大規模会場でのコンサート企画・制作・運営を経験。、Trey Songz、Erykah Baduや36 Mafia、E-40 & Too Shortなど、有名アーティストの来日公演を手がけ、日本のファンへ本場のHip-HopやR&Bを届けていた。現在は、渋谷の「バー・人と人」で毎月第四土曜日に開催される人気イベント「Blendy Lounge」を主催。自身もDJとしてプレイする。

This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[](>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストからの連絡をお待ちしています。

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Muratap Masaking
Yamada Shunji
Mariya Suzuki
Tanya Tanaka

Artist Information:

“I write stories about the space we share here, while we are here.” The American singer/songwriter Erik Penny is a charismatic storyteller; a philosopher of the little things. His earthy, rootsy songs spring from a subtle, unassuming place and rise to sometimes unexpectedly dramatic heights. Characters and moments turn into stories, brought to life through his distinctive baritone and engaging melodies; his disarmingly charming vibe and the openhearted warmth of his music inspire an infectious, powerfully positive good feeling.
[ERIK PENNY tumblr](

Souldful, bluesy jazz trio featuring choco0 on guitar and vocals, talow on acoustic bass and  Saito on drums.
[RuriIro facebook](ルリイロ/363033170386046)

Muratap Masaking
Masaki Murata was born in Kurokawagun Tomiyamachi, Miyagi-Ken. In 1991, when he was in the 5th grade, Masaki performed for the first time in front of an audience to the sounds of MC Komiya, a famous comedian celebrity at the time. Masaki began learning street dance in high school. He was inspired by the culture of HIPHOP dancing and began to attend club events on a weekly basis. At 24, Masaki encountered tap dancing and it has been his prime passion ever since.
[Muratap Masaking](

Yamada Shunji
Yamada Shunji began his independent study of music composition when he was 20 years old. His works include the music in an independent film “森で迷う” (Lost in a Forest) directed by Shoichi Akino, and the music in a short drama broadcasted on satellite TV channel WOWOW, which is a spin-off program from a highly acclaimed movie “桐島、部活辞めるってよ” (Kirishima Is Quitting the Club). He has put together all the songs he wrote so far in an album “交わらない時間たち” (Solitary Times) and is currently performing live in galleries and music clubs throughout Tokyo.
[Yamada Shunji sound cloud](

emulsion is a Tokyo-based electro duo with shina-G(G) and mika-R(B,Vo, electronics), which has a unique sound style that ranges from math-rock, postrock, electronica and breakbeats, IDM, dubstep, and from ambient to harsh noise. The band explores different playing styles for each event, playing in a rock style for live-music venues, dance music for all-night clubs and open-air parties, and sometimes even improvisation with iPads, Laptops and other electronics / toy instruments. Emulsion toured twice in the US tour twice and took part in several festivals. They often play with touring bands such as Bellini, Jarbow(ex-Swans), Mick Turner (DirtyThree), K. (Ida’s menders’ side project), Art of Fighting, Because of Ghosts, SABOT and so on. In 2008, Emulsion organized a tribute show for “Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls” in Tokyo and brought K. (Karla Schickele, Ruth Keating, Dan Littleton from Ida) as a headliner. in 2010, they organized a show for the indie festival, “GURU GURU MAWARU 2010” held at Saitama Stadium. For This and That&That Café, Emulsion will do a special collaboration with live painter BOSSHIKO.
[Emulsion soundcloud](

BOSSHIKO is a Japanese livepainter. His style of performance is improvising India-ink pictures of holy animals like dragons, on a big canvas whose size is 180cm by 270cm within just 30minutes, with a small light in the darkness. In 2008 and 2009, he was invited for performing in Seattle, and in 2010 he performed in the conference of APEC. Also, he develops his
original art series of “Japanese court music.” In 2008, he won the prizes of ASIAGRAPH and TCM. In 2010, his art was chosen as a cover of the tribute book for Michael Jackson which was published by Mr.Broderick Morris. He is going to hold his solo exhibition in NY in 2011. He continues various activities of art both at home and abroad.
[BOSSHIKO Homepage](

Mariya Suzuki
A graduate of California State University of Long Beach, Mariya currently works as an illustrator/artist. While creating illustrations for books and concert flyers as well as murals, she also focuses on recording everyday life through her sketches. Fascinated by the relationship between the outside physical world and the abstract nature of her own thoughts, her art tends to be very personal. However, at the same time she hopes to connect with others through her art.
[Mariya Suzuki Homepage](

Tanya Tanaka
Tanya Tanaka’s work is inspired by the aerial infrastructure, in particular, the overhead wires of Tokyo’s cityscape which connect us all. Her creative impulses seek to explore and capture non-private space that is often considered part of urban blight. Her work references maps, technology and social connections all at once. Her works also explore the deconstruction of those references to an extent that leave their meaning open to the viewer’s interpretation. Tanya Tanaka was raised in California and Britain, and currently lives and works in Tokyo. She works in a variety of media and also designs textiles for fashion and interiors. She received a BA from Central St Martins College of Art and Design (Fashion Department, Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors, Print) and an MFA from The Slade School of Fine Art (Painting and Print).

Ry is a hip-hop/R&B DJ with a healthy obsession with Jazz. His father was a record collector and would keep the house flowing with old school classics like Earth Wind and Fire, Steely Dan and Pink Floyd…and George Carlin. Musical taste soon began to shift as he fell in love with The Roots and Tupac, marking the start of a lifelong mission to make people head-bob. From Al Green to the Beatnuts to Nas and Erykah Badu, Ry strikes a musical balance that has old and new heads at least mildly satisfied. In a previous life, Ry was a concert and event planner/coordinator for a concert company that did Japan tours for artists including Trey Songz, Erykah Badu, 36 Mafia as well as Bay Area legends E-40 & Too Short. Ry is currently a regular DJ for his event “Blendy Lounge” at Hito to Hito bar in Shibuya every 4th Saturday from 8pm.
[Tokyo Dex Youtube](

This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[](>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.

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