Tiger’s Mind (Denmark)
ジョー・タリア (Australia)
Léo Dupleix (France) + 山本達久 DUO
Tiger’s Mind

タイガーズマインドは、クラシック、ジャズ、ノイズ、電子音楽からの影響を元に、即興で音世界をビルド/アンビルドするちょっと風変わりなユニットだ。デンマーク出身ノルウェー在住のマルチ奏者&コンポーザーの Niklas Adam、同じくデンマーク出身ノルウェー在住のサックス奏者 Danielle Dahl、デンマーク人ドラマー Thomas Eiler によるインプロヴィゼイションバンド。かれらは、オーストリア、デンマーク、ノルウェー、ドイツ、日本を巡り、Jazzjuice Festival、Aarhus Jazzfestival などにも参加。そして、Margaret Unknown、河野円、Travis LaPlante、山内桂、mattin との共演を果たした。またメンバー個人として、Jim Denley, Frisk Frugt、中村としまる、Wadada Leo Smith 等々と共演した。
Danielle Dahl (saxophones)
Norwegian saxophone player and composer. She has toured extensively in Europe, as well as in Australia and in the US, both in with her own projects and in different ad hoc-constellations. Danielle is interested in the extremes of sonic variations possible on the acoustic saxophone, combining subtle and minimal means of expression with the aesthetics of noise and free jazz.
Thomas Eiler (drums)
A well known name on the Danish jazz/improv scene, both as a sideman and contractor for own projects. Bands and collaborations includes the common man avant-garde group SVIN, Jesper Zeuthen, Frisk Frugt and Walter Thompson.
Niklas Adam (electronics)
Danish multi-instrumentalist and composer living in Norway. Also works with photography and sculpture, in addition to sound-art and music. Adam uses the mixer and other analog devices to generate electronic sounds with an inherent acoustic or human nature and thus plays on the tension between the physical and the intangible.
[Tiger’s Mind JAPAN Tour 2015](
Joe Talia (drums)

オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のドラマー/コンポーザー/プロデューサー/サウンドエンジニア。もともとコンテンポラリージャズ/インプロビゼーション界のドラマーとして評価を得ていた彼は、Andrea Keller Quartet、Oren Ambarchiとのデュオなど数多くのプロジェクトに参加しているが、近年はそれと平行して、ソロやJames Rushfordとのデュオ、またNed Collette、Francis Plagne、Yuko Konoなどアウトサイダーシンガーソングライターのドラマーとして、幅広く活動している。スタジオエンジニアとしては、NAZORANAI(Oren Ambarchi・Stephen O’Malley・灰野敬二)、灰野敬二・Jim O’Rourke・Oren Ambarchiトリオ、Richard Pinhasなどのアルバムのミックスの他、オーストラリアを中心とした様々なミュージシャンのアルバムのプロデュース・録音・ミックス・マスタリングを手がけている。
[Joe Talia Official website](
Léo Dupleix

パリ出身、東京在住。ピアニスト、エレクトロ音楽家、作曲家。Gregor Siedl, Niels Van heertum, Jakob Warmenbol, Laurens Smet, Lynn Cassiers, Yannick Dupont, Louis Evrard, Guillaume Orti, Antoine Viard, Greg Tirtiaux, Maki Hachiya, Kou Katsuyoshi, Rabito Arimoto, Daisuke Takaoka, Seppe Gebruersと共演。自身のプロジェクトとして「tandapushi」「fantome」をブリュッセルにて活動。ベルリン・ブリュッセル共同のダンスミュージックインプロ コレクティブ「siebengeiste」に参加。演奏活動の他に、映画音楽作曲(ショートフィルム「Zinneke」楽曲担当)、アーティストBonomとのパフォーマンス、舞台(演劇)での演奏(ARS, festival d’avignonに参加)といった活動も行う。現在迄、フランス、ベルギー、オランダ、ルクセンブルグ、ドイツ、レバノン又日本で演奏を行った。

1982年生。純アコースティック非エレクトリックドラマー。2003年、一楽儀光(ドラびでお)とのツインドラムハードスカムコアバンド「香港男祭」でRUINS、ガロリンズと共に韓国ツアーを敢行。賞賛と叱責を同時に浴びる。時期を同じく、佐々木匡士、倉地久美夫トリオ(菊地成孔sax/山内桂sax)など、唯一無二の歌い手との共演を重ねる。その時期から、山本精一、内橋和久、知久寿焼(exたま)、灰野敬二などなど数々のミュージシャンと多数セッションを敢行。同時にZu(ITA)、Lightning Bolt(US)、triosk(AUS)、Hans Reichel(GEL)、Gianni Gebbia(ITA)、Roger Turner(UK)など、来日アーティストのTourサポート、他多数にわたるイベントのオーガナイズも山口bar印度洋でこなす。現在では、数々の即興セッションを主軸に、石橋英子とのduoや、ナスノミツル、井上経康とのzggzag!!!、勝井祐二、marronとのプラマイゼロ、田村夏樹、藤井郷子、Kelly Churkoとのカルテット、el-malo柚木隆一郎ソロ音源へのレコーディング、2008年度芥川賞作家であり、歌手でもある川上未映子BANDへの参加、最近では成田宗弘(HIGHRISE)、田畑満(ZENI-GEVA/AMT & TCI)とのGreenFlames、町田良夫steelpanとのユニット「オハナミ」、大友良英、Jim O’roukeと共にカヒミ・カリィ・バンドでの録音や、AxSxE率いるNATSUMENのメンバーでもある等、数々のプロジェクトに参加、企画し、都内を中心に活動。
写真: 松尾宇人
Tiger's Mind (Denmark)
Joe Talia (Australia)
Léo Dupleix (France) + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto DUO
Artist Information:
Tiger's Mind

Plays improvised music that ranges from the quiet, elegant and introspective to uncontrolled primal screams. The dialectics between opposites such as controlled / uncontrolled, primitive / modern, artifcial / natural is a cornerstone in both approach and expression. Inspired by consciousness expanding techniques they work towards a coherent textural soundscape, only to deconstruct it; scraping off the composed and controlled layer by layer, until the music's primitive, physical and anti-intellectual subcutis emerges.
Danielle Dahl (saxophones)
Norwegian saxophone player and composer. She has toured extensively in Europe, as well as in Australia and in the US, both in with her own projects and in different ad hoc-constellations. Danielle is interested in the extremes of sonic variations possible on the acoustic saxophone, combining subtle and minimal means of expression with the aesthetics of noise and free jazz.
Thomas Eiler (drums)
A well known name on the Danish jazz/improv scene, both as a sideman and contractor for own projects. Bands and collaborations includes the common man avant-garde group SVIN, Jesper Zeuthen, Frisk Frugt and Walter Thompson.
Niklas Adam (electronics)
Danish multi-instrumentalist and composer living in Norway. Also works with photography and sculpture, in addition to sound-art and music. Adam uses the mixer and other analog devices to generate electronic sounds with an inherent acoustic or human nature and thus plays on the tension between the physical and the intangible.
[Tiger's Mind JAPAN Tour 2015](
Joe Talia (drums)

Joe Talia is a drummer, composer and record producer/engineer based in Melbourne, Australia. He first established his reputation as a drummer in contemporary jazz and improvised music, fields in which he is now active as a member of the ARIA award winning Andrea Keller Quartet and in numerous collaborative projects, including a long-term duo with Oren Ambarchi. In the last few years a great deal of his work as a drummer has taken place alongside outsider singer-songwriters (such as Ned Collette, Yuko Kono and Francis Plagne), in groups which synthesize his adventurous, exploratory drumming with the demands of song form. His longstanding musical partnership with Ned Collette has resulted in three records, on which Talia acts as both drummer and producer/engineer, most recently the well-received 2 (Fire Records 2012).
Talia also works in the realm of electro-acoustic composition and performance, working with reel -to-reel tape machines and other analogue devices. Following the release of his musique concrete suite in/exterior in 2006, he established a duo with composer James Rushford. Although the duo’s working methods and sound sources have changed radically between releases (and even performances), all of their work breathes the same peculiar air of lingering obsession and decayed virtuosity. Having worked with extended instrumental timbres and rapid-fire electro-acoustic techniques on previous releases, their most recent LP Manhunter (Kye 2013) develops a unique palette of submerged synthesizers, expiring drum machines and domestic detritus.
In addition to the collaborations above he has performed, recorded and toured with Jim O'Rourke, Anthony Pateras, Boredoms, Richard Pinhas, John Duncan, Brous, Mary Halvorson, The Australian Art Orchestra, Thembi Soddell, Anthea Caddy, Sean Baxter, Robbie Avenaim, David Shea, Marco Fusinato, Rand and Holland, Adam Simmons, and Magic Mountain Band, among others.
As a studio engineer, producer and mixer he has worked on records for Oren Ambarchi, Stephen O’Malley, Keiji Haino, Jim O’Rourke, Fire! and many others.
[Joe Talia Official website](
Léo Dupleix

Born in Paris, currently living in Tokyo, Japan, Léo Dupleix is involved as a piano player, composer, improviser, electronic musician in projects from pop music to free improv. He worked in France with Guillaume Orti, Antoine Viard, in Belgium with Gregor Siedl, Evrard, In Japan with Maki Hachiya, Kou Katsuyoshi, Rabito Arimoto, Daisuke Takaoka, Junji Hirose, etc. In Belgium, he was a menber of the pop band robbing millions, with who he played extensively for a year. He is the leader or coleader of Fantome (electronic bathing music) tandapushi (hard-free-jazz). He composed music for cinema (Zinneke, short movie), participate on the performance of plastician artist Bonom, and played music for theater (ARS, festival d'avignon). He also participates in the long running Berlin-Brussels and Dance-Music improvisation collective « siebengeiste ».
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto

Photo: Ujin Matsuo