ヤマジ/タツ/須藤 & DENKI UDON

2015/11/02 月曜日

Yamaji Tatsu Sudoh & DENKI UDONヤマジ/タツ/須藤 & DENKI UDON

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




■ ヤマジカズヒデ (el.g)
■ 山本達久 (ds)
■ 須藤俊明 (el.b)

■ ノルベルト・ロボ (el.g & el.b/ポルトガル)
■ ジョヴァンニ・ディ・ドメニコ (fender rhodes/イタリア)
■ 山本達久 (ds)



独自の言語感覚、サイケデリックかつエッジの効いたギター・ワーク、前衛性とポップさを併せ持つ音楽性をもつアーティスト。彼の牽引するバンドdip(ディップ)はThe Birthday、ART-SCHOOL、THE NOVEMBERSを始めとする数多くの国内バンドからリスペクトされる。豊田利晃監督からの信頼も厚く、2014年には映画『クローズEXPLODE』に出演。ex. THE SMITHSのジョニー・マーもファンを公言している。

82年10月25日生。drums & perc担当。07年まで、地元山口県防府市bar印度洋を拠点に、様々な音楽活動と並行して様々なイベントのオーガナイズをするなど精力的に活動し、基本となる音楽観、人生観などなどの礎を築く。 現在では、数々の即興演奏を軸に、完全生演奏でのミニマル一人テクノsolo、SSWである石橋英子との様々な活動、Jim O’Rourke BANDへの参加など様々な現場、プロジェクトに参加し都内を中心に活動中

ミュージシャン/録音エンジニア。日本のアンダーグラウンドなパンクハードコアシーンの伝説的バンド、MELT-BANANAの初代ドラマーでもある。GOMES THE HITMAN、奇形児、MACHINE AND THE SYNERGETIC NUTS、LOUDS(ギタリストはヤマジ)など、ドラムやベースのプレイヤーとして、HARCOや長澤知之、COMBOPIANO-1に至るサポート活動も実に活発。最近も石橋英子やジム・オルークといった才能溢れる人物たちと活動を共にしてる。



ローマ出身のGiovanni Di Domenicoは常に旅をしながら音楽を演奏してきた。Arve Henriksen、坂田明やJim O’Rourkeなどを始めとして様々なジャンル(モダンジャズ、即興、エクスペリメンタルポップ)の音楽に関わってきた。今回の来日でも極上の音楽を届けてくれる事であろう。


Live: Kazuhide Yamaji + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto + Toshiaki Sudoh Kazuhide Yamaji (el.g) Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (ds) Toshiaki Sudoh (el.b) DENKI UDON Norberto Lobo (el.g & el.b / Portugal) Giovanni Di Domenico (fender rhodes / Italy) Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (ds) Artist Information: Kazuhide Yamaji + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto + Toshiaki Sudoh ![/sdlx/151102-yamaji.jpg](/sdlx/151102-yamaji.jpg) DENKI UDON ![/sdlx/151102-udon.jpg](/sdlx/151102-udon.jpg) Denki Udon is a trio composed of Norberto Lobo, Giovanni Di Domenico and Tatsuhisa Yamamoto. Norberto’s case is that of the artist-illusionist that suggests a ground zero for tradition, conjuring several ghosts while leaving them at his door step. It appears that he’s single-handedly changing the relationship between Portuguese music and the guitar. His playing doesn't get insular nor does he try to hide his many influences - yet you feel like you’ve been exorcized just by listening. Giovanni Di Domenico was born in Rome and since his birth has been traveling and playing music. This brought him to perform all over the world in very different contextes and musical genres, from modern jazz to free improvisation and experimental pop, collaborating with very many different musicians. Among them are: Arve Henriksen, Akira Sakata, Jim O'Rourke, Fred Lomberg-Holm, Tatsuya Nakamura, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Alexandra Grimal, Joao Lobo, Toshimaru Nakamura, just to name few. He has released many albums under his name and in collaborations with others. Born on Oct 25, 1982, in Yamaguchi, Japan. Tatsuhisa is a pure acoustic drummer who plays primarily improvised music. He has also collaborated with artists such as Otomo Yoshihide, Jim O'Rourke, Sachiko M, Seiichi Yamamoto (ex Boredoms), Keiji Haino, Makoto Kawabata(AcidMotherTemple)… Norberto Lobo Absolutely mindblowing and prodigious acoustic guitar player from Lisbon, who is just about to release his fourth straight classic, ‘Mel Azul’, on crucial Portuguese label Mbari Records. His 30 years of life have been completely immersed in the most joyous of relationships with music and sound. He’s done his profound reading of the most auspicious and melancholic melodies (a place where Steve Reich, Jim O’Rourke, Paulinho da Viola and Carlos Paredes all make sense together unto one existence), has been deeply enriched by the harmonic depth & richness of the samba/bossa heritage (which he knows by heart), and his composition in both short and longer-form is nothing short of remarkable – a sense of structure, narrative and storytelling complete by a total absence of any tics or theatrical antics, in which every turn is revised and remade for maximum fascination for both musician and audience. That and he has one of the best left-hands around - for a right-hand guitar player. Jack Rose and Ben Chasny said so. His fans include Gary Lucas, Naná Vasconcelos and the tragically defunct Llasa de Sela. We’re yet to meet a single human being who is less that astounded by this man’s music. Living proof that the boldest aesthetical moves are 100% compatible with complete social communion. Giovanni Di Domenico Giovanni Di Domenico was born in Rome and since his birth has been traveling and playing music. This brought him to perform all over the world in very different contextes and musical genres, from modern jazz to free improvisation and experimental pop, collaborating with very many sides of artistic expressions, from modern/contemporary dance to experimental video-making. He also had the chance to play with some of the best musicians around, a.o. are: Arve Henriksen, Akira Sakata, Jim O'Rourke, Chris Corsano, Nate Wooley, Darin Gray, Tetuzi Akiyama, Fred Lomberg- Holm, Tatsuya Nakamura, Toshimaru Nakamura, Sanne Van Hek.....just to name few. He has released many albums under his name and in collaborations with others. His travels and music are not going to stop..... [www.three-four.net](http://www.three-four.net/artists/denkiudon)

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