2015/11/06 金曜日金曜日
This&That Café Vol. 26: "Fine Lines and Broad Strokes"This&That Café Vol.26 “Fine Lines and Broad Strokes”
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
ドリンク込み/Drink included
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Reggaelation Independence
Unusual Club (Djs)
Reggaelation Independence
*Photo by URRY

アフリカ、カリブ周辺の音楽をこよなく愛するそれぞれのメンバーが、純粋に好きな音楽をMIXしたらどうなるか。2008年後半にセッションが開始され、2009年9月、初LIVE。以降LIVEを重ねるごとに進化するそのサウンドは、あらゆる音楽のエキスが散りばめられ、「東京発ジャマイカ経由全世界行き」と評される。2011年 FujiRockFestival出演、Rico Rodoriguez Tour東京公演のFront act等を経て2012年リリースされた、1st 7inch EP””Africa-TABU-/Dubrica”は、レゲエシーンだけでなく各方面のDJ達からも高い評価を受け、ヨーロッパを中心に大きな話題を呼ぶ。そして、2013年5月 2nd 7inch EP “BLACK STEEL/IRON MAN STYLE”, 1st CD ALBUM “NEW DAY” リリース!!
[Reggaelation Independence](http://reggaelation.com/)

shina-G(G)とmika-R(B, Vo, electronics)によるmath rock/electro/音響 + α band。ライブハウスセット、クラブセット、iPad、Laptopなどを使用したエレクトロインプロセットとイベントごとに多彩な表情を使い分け、アンビエントからどハーシュまで、一概にジャンル分けできない独自のサウンドスタイルを披露。フェスティバル出演を含む2度のUSツアーを敢行、Bellini、Jarbow(ex-Swans)、Mick Turner(DirtyThree), School of Seven Bellsなど、海外アーティストとの共演も数多い。シリーズイベント「This Side of Paradice」「Something Wicked This Way Comes」を主宰。「ぐるぐる回る2010」においては、LOOPSTAGE『踊ルオト×鳴ルカラダ』のオーガナイザーをつとめた。今回は墨絵ライブペインター・菩須彦とのコラボレーション・ライブを披露。
[Emulsion soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/emulsionjp)


Unusual Club (Djs)

僕らは多岐にわたるスタイルの音楽をやるので、名前も「普通じゃない(Unusual)」ものにしました。演奏は、だいたいいつも2セット続けて行います。1回目と2回目で好みやムードが変わることがあるので不協和音となることもありますが、その結果生ずる「波動」がいいと思っています。ロックからインディー、レゲエ、ダブ、ファンク、ジャズ、ニューウェーブ、ヒップホップまでいろいろな音楽をやりますが、僕らに共通の「ルーツ」でよく立ち返るのはエレクトロニックやテクノ、ハウスです。SNIFF SNIFF(現Roarrr)やCONTROLのパーティで正規のDJをしていました。ポールはイギリス人、セバスチャンはフランス系カナダ人で、2人とも約8年、東京を拠点に活動しています。
[Unusual Club Profile iflyer](http://iflyer.tv/unusualclub/)
This&That Caféは、あらゆるジャンルやバックグラウンドのアーティストが共有の精神のもと時間と作品を持ち寄る、という一般公開の無料イベントです。ここは音楽とヴィジュアル・アートが思いがけないコラボレーションで融け合う場所。東京という濃密で幅広い才能の海で、遠方からのアーティストが現地の輝く才能に出会う、アーティストのためのフォーラム。古い友人と新たな知人が入り混じったコミュニティは、人が集まり、アイディアが飛び交い、アートの傾向や好みが共有され、詩が生まれる場。早めに来て席に着き、SuperDeluxeのおいしそうなメニューを楽しむのもよし。仕事帰りの一杯にちょっと寄るのもよし。みんな大歓迎です。今後のThis & That Caféの企画についてアイディアがあれば、<[thisnthat@tokyodex.com](mailto:thisnthat@tokyodex.com)>へ一言メッセージをください。新しい、刺激的な表現の場を探しているミュージシャンやDJ、ビジュアル・アーティストからの連絡をお待ちしています。
##Powered by TokyoDex

This&That Café marks its 26th edition with the fine lines and broad strokes of artist “Gerutama,” who celebrates her 10th Anniversary as a live painter this year. As always, the music on offer spans a wide range of genres, from the dream-pop stylings of Tecimerico, to the ebullient Afro/Caribbean sounds of Reggaelation Independence. Don’t miss it!
Reggaelation Independence
Unusual Club (Djs)
Artist Information:
Reggaelation Independence
*Photo by URRY

What would happen if members loving African/Caribbean music mixed their favorite sounds? They have done lots of gigs since the project started in 2008, and now, with elements from all kinds of music, their unique & updated sound is described as ”Departing from Tokyo, going to the World via
Jamaica.” After appearing at Fuji Rock Festival 2011 and performing as the opening act for Rico Rodoriguez, they released the 1st 7inch EP “Africa-TABU-/Dubrica,” which became a smash hit and was rated very high not only in Japanese Reggae scene but among DJs especially in Europe.

emulsion is a Tokyo-based electro duo with shina-G(G) and mika-R(B,Vo, electronics), which has a unique sound style that ranges from math-rock, postrock, electronica and breakbeats, IDM, dubstep, and from ambient to harsh noise. The band explores different playing styles for each event, playing in a rock style for live-music venues, dance music for all-night clubs and open-air parties, and sometimes even improvisation with iPads, Laptops and other electronics / toy instruments. Emulsion toured twice in the US tour twice and took part in several festivals. They often play with touring bands such as Bellini, Jarbow(ex-Swans), Mick Turner (DirtyThree), K. (Ida’s menders’ side project), Art of Fighting, Because of Ghosts, SABOT and so on. In 2008, Emulsion organized a tribute show for “Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls” in Tokyo and brought K. (Karla Schickele, Ruth Keating, Dan Littleton from Ida) as a headliner. in 2010, they organized a show for the indie festival, “GURU GURU MAWARU 2010” held at Saitama Stadium. For This and That&That Café, Emulsion will do a special collaboration with live painter BOSSHIKO.
[Emulsion soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/emulsionjp)

Tecimerico was formed in Tokyo in 2009. Our sound combines a cinematic atmosphere with a catchy pop feel, including elements of post-classical music and electronica. Using a unique combination of modern and classical instruments to express our particular view of the world, we put everything we have into our performances.

Live-painting artist Gerutama graduated from the fine arts course at Toukai University’s college of general education. “I studied painting and the plastic arts because of a livelong interest in musicals and the performing arts. To me, ‘drawing’ is an act of personal transformation, like the shedding of a thousand skins. My life work, which I have continued to forge through an evolution of my senses, began in 2006 with my artistic pursuits in the realm of live painting. I began my solo live painting series, ‘Gerutama Siddhartha.’ My live painting is a type of performing art, and is not only the act of creating a painting in public, but is also a performance in which my paintings become a stage upon which to explore the role of my character ‘Shirako.'”
Unusual Club (Djs)

Our musical style is very broad, hence the “Unusual” name. We typically play a back-to-back set. It sometimes creates discordances since our taste and mood can be different, but we appreciate the “wave” that results. Although our musical styles range from rock, indie, reggae, asl the way to dub, funk, jazz, new wave and hip hop, the common ‘roots’ that we often revisit are mostly electronic/techno/house. We have been regular DJs at SNIFF SNIFF (now Roarrr) and CONTROL parties. Paul is English and Sebastien is French Canadian, both based in Tokyo for about 8 years.
[Unusual Club Profile iflyer](http://iflyer.tv/unusualclub/)
This&That Cafe is a free event open to the public in which artists from all genres and backgrounds donate their time and talents in the spirt of sharing. It is a place where music and visual arts meld in unexpected collaborations. A forum for artists from afar to meet with local luminaries amidst the dense and eclectic pool of talent in Tokyo. A venue to gather, exchange ideas, share artistic inclinations and wax poetic in a causal community of old friends and new acquaintances. Come early to get a seat and take advantage of the fetching fare on the SuperDeluxe menu, or just pop in for a drink on your way home from work. All are welcome. If you have an idea for a future This & That Cafe event, please drop a line to <[thisnthat@tokyodex.com](mailto:thisnthat@tokyodex.com)>. We look forward to hearing from musicians, DJ, visual artists et al looking for a new and exciting venue for their expressions.
Powered by TokyoDex

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