2015/11/12 木曜日


Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




Phew + Rokapenis
Black Zenith
Amplified Elephants
Philip Brophy

Evil Penguin

ご予約は件名を「JOLT TOURING FESTIVAL PASS通し券予約」とし、本文にお名前、人数、お電話番号を明記の上、[]( まで

企画・制作:Jolts Arts Inc. / Test Tone / The Click Clack Project


伝説的なパンクバンド Aunt Sally で活動をスタート。 80 年に、坂本龍一とのコラボレーションシングル『終曲』、81 年にはコニー・プランク、CAN のメンバーらと『Phew』を制作。しばしのブランクを経て、元 DAF やノイバウテンのメンバ ーらとレコーディング。そして、アントン・フィアと 2 枚のアルバムを発表する。最近では、山本精一とのユニットやパンクバンドのMOST など、その活動は多岐にわたっている。2011年に新プロジェクト、Project UNDARKを結成。2012年5月に『Radium Girls 2011』をリリース、音楽はクラスターのメビウスが担当した。
VIDEO: [](

VJ/映像作家である斉藤洋平のユニット。world’s end girlfriendやTHE LEFTY、DAMAGEの専属VJなどをはじめ、ロック・バンドから前衛音楽家まで、幅広いジャンルのミュージシャンとのセッションやコラボレーション、PV制作なども多数敢行、多方面から支持を得ている。映像作家としてダンス・カンパニーのBABY-Qに初期より参加。数々の海外公演にも帯同している。また、2009年より映像作家によるパフォーマンス・ショーケスV.I.I.M projectを主催。
VIDEO: [](

VIDEO: [](

フィリップ・ブロフィー(ミュージシャン、作曲家、サウンドデザイナー、映像作家、作家)は70年代に“→↑→”(aka Tsk-Tsk-Tsk)のオリジナルメンバーとして活動、80年代には数々の実験短編映画での経験を経て93年に自らが監督したデビュー作『Body Melt』を製作。自身の映画のほぼすべて、また、数々の短編映画において作曲とサウンドデザインを提供している。映画音楽とサウンドデザインについての国際協議会「Cinesonic」の元ディレクターでもあり、そのカンファレンスでは3冊の書籍を編集。ブロフィーは現在も映画音楽と音楽に関わるレクチャーや文筆を続けており、特にホラー、B級カルト、日本のアニメなどを専門としている。また、著作『100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS』は、ここ日本でも翻訳・出版がなされている(フィルムアート社)。近作に『100 ANIME』および『PRISCILLA』。

このサウンドアート・アンサンブルは2006年、「Footscray Community Arts Centre」の知的障害者へ向けたアートライフ・プログラムにて発足。アート・ディレクターにジェイムス・ハリックを、そして後援に「The Click Clack Project Inc.」を迎え、生活から拡張されるサウンドの経験を志向し始められた。伝統楽器、ヴォーカル、シンセサイザー、環境音、マルチスピーカー・セット、フィードバック、フィールド・レコーディング、自作楽器などから成る。今回の日本公演でのメンバーには、ダニエル・ボンド、エステル・トゥッデンハム、ダニエル・マネリー、そしてプロデューサーにニッキ・ゼレラ。最近ではメルボルンの屋外会場、Federation Squareにて「THE HOWLING SOUND」の初演が行われている (2012)。
VIDEO: [](


Live: Phew + Rokapenis Black Zenith Amplified Elephants Philip Brophy DJ: Evil Penguin To reserve a 2 DAY PASS: please send a mail with the subject header "JOLT TOURING FESTIVAL PASS" to [](, including your name, phone number, and the number of passes you wish to reserve. Organized by: Jolts Arts Inc. / Test Tone / The Click Clack Project []( []( Artist Information: PHEW ![/sdlx/151112-phew.jpg](/sdlx/151112-phew.jpg) Legendary Japanese avant-garde vocalist Phew first gained notoriety as a member of the art punk band Aunt Sally in the 1970s, who were pushing the realms of no-wave motorik at a time where there were few contenders. In the 1980s and 1990s she collaborated with Ryuichi Sakamoto, Can, Anton Fier and the former members of DAF and Einstürzende Neubauten to create a body of work that has gone a long way to define this period of Japanese avant pop. Continuing her collaborative activity with the groups Novo Tono, Phew Unit, Big Picture (featuring the likes of Otomo Yoshihide, Seiichi Yamamoto and Masahiro Uemura) and Most, she has continued to push the boundaries of experimental punk rock well into this millenium. Her solo performances have likewise stayed ahead of the times, inspiring a new generation of listeners to discover her extraordinarily influential music for the first time. VIDEO: []( []( ROKAPENIS ![/sdlx/151112-rokapenis.jpg](/sdlx/151112-rokapenis.jpg) Since 1999, visual artist Yohei Saito has been active with a bewildering array of video work, from his longstanding collaboration with dance group Baby Q, to handling big-screen visuals at major outdoor festivals, to his mind-bending speed collages with grind-metal karaokeist Maruosa. In recent years, he heads up V.I.I.M, a large-scale performance showcase for video work, remarkable for its sheer chutzpah. In addition to his growing profile internationally, he is also the go-to visual collaborator for bands like World's End Girlfriend and THE LEFTY in Japan. In 2014, he teamed up with Akita Masami (Merzbow) and Muneomi Senju (ex-Boredoms) as part of JOLT's Machinations Touring Festival. VIDEO: []( []( BLACK ZENITH ![/sdlx/151112-blackzenith.jpg](/sdlx/151112-blackzenith.jpg) An audio-visual duo comprised of Darren Moore and Brian O'Reilly, Black Zenith's work investigates the intersecting points between electronic music, improvisation and abstract moving images. Integral to their work is the use analog modular synthesizers that generate live visuals through the transformation of audio signals into images. They investigate the symbiotic relationship between sound and image, considering each element as of equal importance in the output. Black Zenith draws as much influence from noise and electroacoustic music traditions as they do from the foundations of abstract video art. VIDEO: []( []( PHILIP BROPHY ![/sdlx/151112-brophy.jpg](/sdlx/151112-brophy.jpg) A founding member of →↑→ (aka Tsk-Tsk-Tsk) in the 1970s, and after a series of experimental short features in the 1980s, Philip Brophy (musician, composer, sound designer, filmmaker, writer) made his feature directorial debut with Body Melt in 1993. He has acted as composer and sound designer on most of his films, and numerous other shorts. He was also director of the Cinesonic International Conference on Film Scores & Sound Design and has edited 3 books from the conference. Brophy continues to lecture and present on film sound and music internationally, specializing in horror, sex & exploitation, film sound & music and Japanese animation. He is widely published in all three areas, and his book 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS has been translated and published into Japanese. His most recent books are 100 ANIME and PRISCILLA. []( AMPLIFIED ELEPHANTS ![/sdlx/151112-elephants.jpg](/sdlx/151112-elephants.jpg) The Amplified Elephants are an ensemble for sound artists with an intellectual disability. Initiated by the Footscray Community Arts Centre (FCAC) and James Hullick in 2006, the Amplified Elephants form a core component of FCAC’s Artlife Program. In 2010 the Amplified Elephants where one of three feature ensembles in the inaugural year of The Click Clack Project’s artistic program. During this year they were mentored by the professional musicians of the BOLT Ensemble. Through Click Clack, the Elephants developed and performed several new works, both in collaboration with the BOLT Ensemble and the Noise Scavengers (teen sound artists from Northern Geelong). In partnership with JOLT Arts, many Elephants’ projects have been toured internationally and presented in prominent Australian venues. Since 2007 the Amplified Elephants have delivered a range of projects increasingly ambitious in scale that often feature sonic technology: Cranky Robotics (2007); Interactacon (2007); The NIS (fortyfivedownstairs 2009; Monuments (2010) and The Mountain (2010), EXTREMITIES (Japan 2012), MONOLITHICA (Federation Square 2012), THE NIS (FCAC 2013), Sonic Flock (Federation Square 2013), Shimmersong (NGV 2013) and MachiNATIONS International Tour (London, Edinburgh, Tokyo 2014), RE:EVOLITION (Melbourne Festival 2014), SELECT NATURALIS (BIFEM 2015). VIDEO: []( []( ![/sdlx/logos-L.jpg](/sdlx/logos-L.jpg)

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