ロンドンを拠点に活動する日本人男性4人組サイケデリックロックバンド。ロンドンのアートカレッジで出会い、結成。UKベースに活動しているにもかかわらず全曲日本語で構成された歌詞と、70 年代サイケデ リックを体現したような風貌、ヘビーサイケ、スペースロック、ノーウェイブ、クラウトロック、ベースミュー ジックの要素が混然一体となって押し寄せるグルーヴで人気を確立。これまでに3枚のフル・アルバムをリリースし、グラストンベリー、レディング、コーチェラ、フジロック、サマーソニックなど、世界各地の大型ロックフェスティヴァルにも出演を果たすなど、インターナショナルなロックバンドとして高く評価されている。

ロンドンを拠点とする4 人組サイケデリックロックバンド”Bo Ningen”のBass/Vocalであり、日本のアイドルとプロレス、そしてイギリスの低音音楽を愛する29歳。Bo Ningenの他にも河端一(Acid Mothers Temple)との”Mainliner”、Jan st werner(Mouse on Mars)との”miscontinuum”、ソロ名義ではFaust、でんぱ組.inc、Downy、Aqualung等へのRemix提供など、活動は多義にわたる。ソロ名義のライブではベース弾き語り、ラップトップなど機材とジャンルの幅に囚われない即興演奏を行う。

英国ロンドンをベースに活動する、Bo Ningenのギタリスト。ドラマーのMon Chanと共に、同じくロンドンを拠点とし、ライブ•ミュージックにのみ焦点を絞ったプロジェクト、XaviersとしてもUKポストパンクの重鎮Wireとのコラボレーション等、精力的に活動中。他に、Thurston Moore, Douglas Hart等のソロ作品をリリースするイーストロンドンのレーベル、Blank Editionより、7”ソロシングル ‘I’m Rubbish but I Love You’をリリース。
Like a noise rock Brave New World with echoes of Alphaville, this gorgeous black and white vision of Japan after a nuclear disaster pits chaos against control and secret agents against an oppressive government agency. Featuring Live Movie Screening performances night with
Sierror!〽 (Naoki Kato electronics / Keisuke Masuda guitar)
T.Mikawa electronics (Hijyokaidan, Incapacitants, mn, etc.)
Hiyoyuki Nagashima synthesizer (Dowser)
Ryo Hamamoto guitar
Okamoto Hideyuki voice
Junya Ishii dance
Fukiko Kano dance
Taigen Kawabe bass
Yuki Tsujii guitar
Kohhei Matsuda guitar
Akihide Monna drums

2045Carnival Folklore

BO NINGEN, photo by Adela Loconte
Sierror!〽/ T.Mikawa/ Hiroyuki Nagashima/ Hideyuki Okamoto/ RYO Hamamoto
19:00 FIVE ALIENS AND ELF Music and Dance Performance
Music: BO NINGEN, Taigen Kawabe, Kohhei Matsuda, Yuki Tsujii, Akihide Monna
Dance: Junya Ishii, Fukiko Kano
20:00 2045 Carnival Folklore - Live Screening
Like a noise rock Brave New World with echoes of Alphaville, this gorgeous black and white vision of Japan after a nuclear disaster pits chaos against control and secret agents against an oppressive government agency. Featuring Live Movie Screening performances with Sierror!〽, Bo Ningen, T.Mikawa, Hiroyuki Nagashima, Hideyuki Okamoto, RYO Hamamoto, and Junya Ishii.
2045 Carnival Folklore
Japan | 2015 | 100 minutes | Naoki Kato
Principal Cast:Junya Ishii, Misaki Oka, Ryosuke Hayashi, Hideyuki Okamoto, Ryo Hamamoto
World Premier: Seattle International Film Festival 2015
Inspired by the anarchic spirit of Japanese noise rock, 2045 Carnival Folklore is a fever dream of a science fiction story set after a worldwide nuclear disaster. The country once known as Japan has collapsed. Out of its ashes an authoritarian party called ANIKI has risen up, controlling the population through fear and feeding them human flesh. The story, however, follows a spy from the nether world, “Sun Ra,” who sneaks into the city; the movie is essentially his report. Themes of chaos and control run rampant, with a doctor and nurse team working for ANIKI and trying to control the sexual impulses of the patients in the psycho ward. Similarly, the control over the movie is often ceded to Japanoise interludes, like a performance from the Fukushima Mutant Gandja Turtles or Toshiji Mikawa and his influential noise rock band Incapactants. Anarchy reigns in both story and style. This is a world where people will return to nuclear power, because six months after a major disaster they’ve already forgotten. Come to think of it, that’s a world much like our own.
Director Biography

Naoki Kato is a Japanese director. His first feature Abraxas, inspired by Sokyu Genyu, a novelist and Buddhist monk, was a hit at Sundance Film Festival in 2010.
Interview: Film International

Photo by Junya Ishii
FIVE ALIENS AND ELF Music and Dance Performance
Music: Taigen Kawabe, Yuki Tsujii, Kohhei Matsuda, Akihide Monna
Dance: Junya Ishii, Fukiko Kano
We all think that 2016 gonna be all right. So then, how to create 2016, nicely?
That’s the main purpose to organize this event. Musicians and Dancers are media, which are supposed to approach toward invisible things. They are trying to explain time and space sensibly. However, I reached to the conclusion that all of the opinions can be correct. So here, 6 participants will study and exchange the idea of time and space with the sprits of tolerance. Performance is the art of presence. I wont be able to anticipate how it will be, neither how it will look like. It is not possible to summarize by director, neither dictator. Just want to sketch the map, just want to draw the stream of consciousness, just want to reach to deep vulnerability. Those are the motivations by participants. Musicians and dancers will gather to the zone in Super deluxe from different area, so I will define FIVE ALIENS AND ELF as musical, and dedicate to Lemmy Kilmister and David Bowie. In the end, I will add my favorite quote by Voltaire “I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Junya Ishii
CAST Information:

Sierror!〽 is a Noise Death Match unit established by Naoki Kato (Director of 2045 Carnival Folklore) and Keisuke Masuda (Original Story of 2045 Carnival Folklore) in 2011. They destroy ears with electronics, guitar, howling and feedback as Noise.
Enlightenment activists from far east psychedelic underground.Bo Ningen are from Tokyo, Gunmma, Tajimi, Nishinomiya, but all met in London.In 2006 Taigen (vocal & bass) met Kohhei (guitar) at a gig and they formed the first Bo Ningen duo. It was more noise than a straightforward rock or ‘band’ sound and they performed only once – an improvised set (end up being thrown cups and cans). In 2007, Yuki (guitar) met Taigen they started to jam 10 hours a day in a studio in Hackney without any musical structure, they were later joined by Monchan on drums and the present day Bo Ningen was formed.Being ‘psychedelic’ means to us that stand quietly / loudly in the middle of interzone and stare at both sides at once.





T. Mikawa is a living legend who is highly respected not only in Japan but also around the world. He is a member of Hijo Kaidan and Incapacitants. His performances and sounds are so powerful and original that they draw in many audience members even though they have no experience with the genre of Noise. He also appears in 2045 Carnival Folklore
Hiroyuki Nagashima

Hiroyuki Nagashima (born in 1966 in Kyoto) is a music composer, who is regarded by filmmakers such as Shinji Aoyama, Ishii Sogo/Gakuryu, Otomo Katsuhiro, Kunitoshi Manda. He stared to compose music with tape recorder and synthesiser when he was 10 years old. His first appearance as film music composer was “The master of Shiatsu” directed by Ishii Sogo in 1989. He also participated for the project “Alex-World” , the CD-Rom game which was begging of multi media age. Since then till now, he has composed, played, and mixing 5.1ch for numerous amount of music for movies, TVs, Games. He has electronic music group called Dowser. He also appears in 2045 Carnival Folklore.
Ryo Hamamoto

Singer, songwriter, guitarist based in Tokyo, Ryo Hamamoto started performing solo shows around 2004, and previously had released albums "Leave Some Space" in 2007 and "Ryo Hamamoto & The Wetland" in 2012 while performing, touring, recording and collaborating with many artists of wide range of musical back grounds. His latest release is a 7ep vinyl titled "The Last Train Home" in Nov 2015, which is a single cut from the new album currently being preparing for official release in early 2016.
Hideyuki Okamoto

Hideyuki OKAMOTO (born in Okayama in 1979) is a Japanese Film Producer. His producing credits include “Touching The Skin Of Eeriness” (2013/dir: Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI/cast: Shota SOMETANI) and “Happy Hour”(2015/dir: Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI). He started his career as musician and actor, and most famously for “Intimacies” (2012/dir: Ryusuke HAMAGUCHI), “2045 Carnival Folklore” (2013/dir: Naoki KATO), “Similar but different” (2013/dir. Shota SOMETANI) and “Journey to the Shore” (2015/dir. Kiyoshi KUROSAWA).

Fukiko Kano has studied dance and performing arts specialized for stage art from Saitama High school of Arts, Japan Women's College of Physical Education(JWCPE), and from prestigious academy of contemporary dance Performing Arts Research and Training Studios(p.a.r.t.s.) in Bruxelles. After the academic studies until today she has been developing the performing style "Tadysho" meaning Tady="here" sho="let's do"
In a private times she lives at a mountain hut without water and electricity located in Romania spending her time farming which gives her opportunity to observe the movements of herself and of her own life. Time to time she comes down to share time with other individuals/society through workshops and dance. 2012, together with her husband she established an art group aimed to study and practice "outer and inner self-sufficiency" . The group's name is offcompany, where OFF indicates an alternative way of creating art and life style stressing the importance of process on the expense of effect and also reminding the importance of slowing down the run after outer goals. As offcompany they are active giving lectures about self-sufficiency, travel and natural birth, as well as workshops, concerts and performances of their art. Collaborators: Inadanian, Hico (Japan), Ondra Ondori (Czech-Slovakia), Tenzin Kunsang, Kenji Endo (Japan), and many other unknown artists.

Junya Ishii is dancer, leading actor of “2045 Carnival Folklore” by Kato Naoki, and the organizer of this event. He was born in Saitama in 1983 and grew up in Mexico-city and Toronto. He has been working across the fields of dance, theatre and film. His interest is to discover the state of consciousness and unconsciousness, state of being through the body and its perception. His basic practice is to find the middle ground to live and create through the comparative study of literature, art and nature through the East, the West and the periphery. Since 2009, he has been working for Regional Creative Atelier Josef Nadj,Kanjiza, Serbia to dance for the theatre piece directed by Hungarian/French choreographer Josef Nadj. Since 2014, he has based in Yokohama.
Planning: PLATAUX
Produce:Naoki Kato, Hiromi Fujii