オーロラ-世界で一番美しい光- The Northern Lights

2017/04/05 水曜日

The Northern Lightsオーロラ-世界で一番美しい光- The Northern Lights

Open: 19:00:00 | Start: 19:30 - 23:59




エレン・ボートケル (ハープ from ノルウェー) & おおたか静流 (歌)
Pål Brekke (太陽物理学者 from ノルウェー)


エレン・ボートケル(Ellen Bødtker)
[Ellen Bødtker オフィシャルサイト (英語) ](http://harpe.no)

東京都出身。7歳よりクラシックの声楽家に師事。その後、Jazz、民族音楽の洗礼を受け現在のノンジャンルに至る。これまでにオリジナルアルバムを21枚リリース、映像、絵画、朗読、ダンスとのコラボレーション等、ジャンルや国境を越えた音楽活動を展開している。即興のワークショップ「声のお絵描き」を主宰。NHK Eテレのテレビ番組「にほんごであそぼ」にレギュラー出演中。
[Sizzle Ohtaka オフィシャルサイト](http://sizzle-ohtaka.com)

Pål Brekke
[Northern Lights オフィシャルサイト (英語) ](http://www.solarmax.no/Aurora/Home.html)

Live: Ellen Bødtker (harp - from Norway) & Sizzle Ohtaka (voice) Talk: Pål Brekke (solar physicist & internationally recognized lecturer on the Sun, The Sun Earth connection and the Northern Lights - from Norway) Artist Information: Ellen Bødtker ![/sdlx/170405-ellen-jeg-ser-388.jpg](/sdlx/170405-ellen-jeg-ser-388.jpg) Ellen Bødtker has performed in most concert halls, stages, and festivals in Norway, and around the world. She is a harpist with distinctive features and is today one of Scandinavia’s leading harp soloists. She was educated at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Hochschule für Musik und Dartstellende Kunst Vienna, and at Indiana University, USA. Ellen is known for her strong commitment to contemporary music and works with many leading Scandinavian composers. She holds the position of solo harpist in the ensemble Oslo Sinfonietta. With the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, she has participated in prestigious festivals in many parts of the world. Ellen has recorded eight solo albums and has been a guest artist for numerous recordings in completely different genres, which has lead to concerts in Japan, USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia and Canada. [Ellen Bødtker official site](http://harpe.no) Sizzle Ohtaka ![/sdlx/170405-sizzle-388.jpg](/sdlx/170405-sizzle-388.jpg) Born in Tokyo, Sizzle Ohtaka studied under a classical vocalist from age 7. It was crucial encounters with jazz and world music that led her to pursue non-genre music. Sizzle’s music career has spun beyond genres and geographical borders. She has released 21 original albums and collaborated with artists in films, paintings, book recitations and dances. Currently, Sizzle leads improvisation workshops called “Voice Drawing” and regularly appears in “Nihongo de Asobo (Let’s Play with Japanese)” on NHK’s (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Educational Channel. [Sizzle Ohtaka official site](http://sizzle-ohtaka.com) Pål Brekke ![/sdlx/170405-brekke-388.jpg](/sdlx/170405-brekke-388.jpg) Pål Brekke is a Norwegian solar physicist who received his PhD, from University of Oslo in 1992. His thesis focused on the ultraviolet (UV) emissions from the Sun observed with instruments on sounding rockets and the space shuttle Challenger. His work focused on dynamical aspects of the Sun and measuring variations in solar UV radiation. Since 1993 he participated in the Norwegian involvement's in preparing the EUV spectrometers CDS and SUMER on Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and was in charge of developing analysis software for CDS. After the launch of SOHO in December 1995 he was part of the science operation team at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In 1999 he joined the European Space Agency (ESA) as the SOHO Deputy Project Scientist stationed at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. He was also in charge of outreach and media activities, making SOHO to one of the most well known current satellite projects. He has also published several popular science books. [Northern Lights (Book & DVD) official site](http://www.solarmax.no/Aurora/Home.html)

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