The Quartet NL.

2017/09/06 水曜日

The Quartet NL.The Quartet NL.

Open: 19:30:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




ピーター・ビーツ (p)
ベンジャミン・ハーマン (sax)
エルンスト・グレラム (b)
ハン・ベニンク (dr)

オランダのジャズシーンを代表するドラマーでその輝かしいキャリアから生ける伝説との呼び声も高い75歳を迎えるハン・ベニンク、待望の来日公演が実現!ベニンク率いるThe Quartet NL.はICPオーケストラにて苦楽を共にした末、今年永い眠りについたピアニストのミシャ・メンゲルベルクに捧げられたニュー・アルバムを携え登場。今回のメンバーはオランダのジャズシーンのドリーム・チームとも呼べるミュージシャンが集合。

凛々しさに溢れた演奏スタイルでヨーロッパを代表するピアニストとして君臨し続けるピーター・ビーツ、オランダのダンス・ジャズを代表するNew Cool Collectiveのリーダーもつとめ、現代的でありながらジャズの系譜をしっかりと網羅する懐の広い演奏を魅せるサックスのベンジャミン・ハーマン、ベーシストのエルンスト・グレラムもICPオーケストラへの参加など本国で厚い信頼を得る人気ベーシスト。素晴らしい個性と音楽的キャリアを持つ4人が一堂に介し生み出されるThe Quartet NL.はミシャが生み出したオランダのジャズの本当に豊かな楽曲群に現代のミュージシャンが新しい響きを与える実に刺激的で喜びに満ちたライブとなることでしょう。



ピーター・ビーツ (p)
若い頃、兄二人と「The Beets Brothers」を結成。1988年に名誉あるPall Mall Swing賞、翌年にはPrincess Christina賞を受賞。これまでにチック・コリア、ウィントン・マルサリス、エルヴィン・ジョーンズ、ジョージ・コールマン、ジョニー・グリフィン、ジョン・クレイトンなど、ジャズ界の巨匠と共演。2001年、「New York Trio」をリリースし、世界中で称賛される地位を築いた。2010年10月、ジョー・コーン、リューベン・ロジャース、グレゴリー・ハッチンソンをリズムセクションに迎えて、5枚目のアルバム「Chopin meets the Blues」を発表。2013年、オスカー・ピーターソンの楽曲をカバーした「Portrait of Peterson」でEdison賞を受賞。 現在、ハン・ベニンク、ルード・ジェイコブス、ベンジャミン・ハーマンが参加するグループ、自身が率いるピーター・ビーツ・トリオでも活動中。

ベンジャミン・ハーマン (sax)
12歳の頃に初めてサックスを手に取り、13歳の頃にはクラブで演奏していた。10代の頃にソロアーティストとして名を広め、キャンディ・ダルファーやミッシャ・メンゲルベルクといったアーティストの作品に参加。New Cool Collectiveやその他のバンドではダンスフロアジャズ、パンク、フリージャズ、世界の様々な伝統音楽から影響を受けたライブを披露し、ジャズの愛好家のみならず多くの音楽ファンを魅了。ジャッキー・バイアードやセロニアス・モンク、ミッシャ・メンゲルベルクなどの作曲家が手がけた楽曲を深く掘り下げ、ジャズの枠を超えた挑戦を続けている。2006年には名誉ある「VPRO/Boy Edgar Award」を受賞し、Esquire誌の「Best Dressed Dutchman of 2008」に選ばれた。

1955年オランダ生まれ。アムステルダムのSweelinck Conservatoryでクラシックのコントラバスを専攻し、在学中は現代音楽アンサンブル(ASKOなど)や即興音楽グループ(Curtis Clark、Hans Dulfer、JC Tans、Theo Loevendie)に参加。また、 Amsterdam String TrioとInstant Composers Poolのメンバーとして、国外でも数々の公演に出演した。彼の頻繁な共演者ハン・ベニンクの他、 スティーヴ・レイシー、リー・コニッツ、ユリ・ケイン、テディ・エドワーズ、ベニー・モウピン、 ジミー・ネッパー、John Zorn、バド・シャンク、アート・ホーディス、ドン・バイロンなど、多くのアーティストと共演してきた。2009年にはBoy Edgar Prizeを受賞。

ハン・ベニンク (ds)
1942年4月17日、オランダのアムステルダム近郊のザーンダムで生まれる。 60年代には、多彩で非凡なドラマーとして認められ、彼が師と仰ぐケニー・クラークの代役として、アメリカン・ジャズ・スターズのツアーに同伴した。当時の彼のプレイは、64年のエリックドルフィーの「ラスト・デイト」や69年のデクスター・ゴードンのアルバム「ライブ・アット・アムステルダム・パラディソ」で聴くことができる。同時期ベニンクは、ジャズを起源とはしない新たな独自性として発展しはじめたヨーロッパの即興音楽の創造に参加していた。67年ミシャ・メンゲルベルグ (pf)らと共に、ミュージシャンの集合体であるインスタント・コンポーザーズ・プール (ICP)を設立する。これが後にICPオーケストラと発展する。その活動はICPオーケストラを始め、現在にいたるまで、ウィレム・ブロイカー、ペーター・ブロッツマンなどに並んで、ヨーロッパ・フリージャズ / フリー・インプロヴィゼーション・シーンのパイオニア的ドラマーとして輝かしいキャリアを築き、その精力的な活動、素晴らしいセンスとスキルにより生み出されるドラムプレイは未だ多く音楽ファンの心をつかんで離さない。

ハン・ベニンク × ジム・オルーク
MUGAMICHIRU (中村達也 + ナカコー + ナスノミツル)
DJ 小林径

開場 19:30 / 開演 20:00


Live: Peter Beets (p) Benjamin Herman (sax) Ernst Glerum (b) Han Bennink (ds) The joy is contagious when these four magnificent musicians take the the stage - with swing and élan! The lyrical, melodious Peter Beets, the dapper and dynamic Benjamin Herman, the good natured and delightful Ernst Glerum standing in for the indisposed Ruud Jacobs, and the one-and-only mad drummer of jazz, Han Bennink, who just celebrated his 75th birthday. The repertoire is full of gems - Misha Mengelberg's melodies that seem like old favorites, and American songbook standards brought with a fresh and cheerful vibe. Tokyo's 55 records is releasing their CD to coincide with the tour. Artist information: Peter Beets (p) ![/sdlx/170906-peter-beets-388.jpg](/sdlx/170906-peter-beets-388.jpg) Beets has shared the stage with musicians including Chick Corea, Wynton Marsalis, Dee Dee Bridgewater, George Coleman, Johnny Griffin, Chris Potter, Kurt Rosenwinkel and John Clayton. Beets recorded with Jeff Hamilton and Curtis Fuller and in 2001 he released his New York Trio, which was the start of his international career.In 2010 Peter Beets released two CDs. Blues for the Date is a live recording Peter made with the Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw. This album features mainly songs composed by Beets. It won an Edison Award (the Dutch equivalent of the Grammy).In Autumn 2010, Criss Cross released the fifth album by Beets: Chopin Meets the Blues. On this album he uses Chopin melodies as a basis for jazz improvisation. He recorded this album with Joe Cohn (guitar), Reuben Rogers (double bass) and Greg Hutchinson (drums). In February 2013 he recorded again with this rhythm section. This CD, called Portrait of Peterson is an hommage to one of his biggest idols, Oscar Peterson. Peter has had tours with his trio in Germany, Switzerland, Finland and Poland as well as in Japan and the USA. He played at the Birdland Club in New York as a "special guest" for one week. [Peter Beets official]( Benjamin Herman (sax) ![/sdlx/170906-benjamin-herman-388.jpg](/sdlx/170906-benjamin-herman-388.jpg) Herman got his first saxophone at the age of twelve. At thirteen he was already playing on the professional club circuit. Within a few years he was appearing with different groups around the world and initiating projects of his own. His fame spread beyond jazz circles in the 1990s when he formed the groundbreaking ensemble New Cool Collective. Having made a name as soloist while still a teenager, Benjamin Herman has appeared on over a hundred records with all kinds of artists, from Candy Dulfer to Misha Mengelberg. Herman has also built a career in Holland and abroad as a composer. With New Cool Collective as well as with his smaller band’s his gigs are inspired by dance floor jazz, surf and punk music, free jazz and traditional music from all over the world, attracting music fans of all genres as well as straight ahead jazz aficionados. At the same time he has explored in depth the repertoire of composers such a Byard, Monk and Mengelberg. [Benjamin Herman official]( Ernst Glerum (b) ![/sdlx/170906-ernst-glerum-388.jpg](/sdlx/170906-ernst-glerum-388.jpg) Glerum studied classical double-bass at the Sweelinck Conservatory of Amsterdam. During his studies he joined contemporary music ensembles (ASKO ensemble) as well as improvised music groups (Curtis Clark, Hans Dulfer, JC Tans, Theo Loevendie). With the Amsterdam String Trio and Instant Composers Pool he played many international stages. Frequently with Han Bennink he performed with such artists as Steve Lacy, Lee Konitz, Uri Caine, Teddy Edwards, Benny Maupin, Jimmy Knepper, Jamaladeen Tacuma, John Zorn, Bud Shank, Art Hodes, Don Byron and many others. As a composer/arranger he initiated projects like New Klookabilities (NOS Radio Jazz Festival), Universal Metropolitan Music, Omnibus, Continuo Continued (string-project with a.o. Mark Feldman) and recently Jazz Sampler (Ebony String Quartet & Michiel Borstlap). In 1997 his cd `Elbow Room`was released. In 2004 he founded his own recording label "Favorite". Besides the Instant Composers Pool [with Misha Mengelberg] and Amsterdam String Trio he performs in the Guus Janssen Trio, Michiel Scheen Quartet, Trio Continuo, Trio Bennink/Borstlap/Glerum and Available Jelly. He doubles on piano in Glerum Omnibus with Clemens van der Feen and Owen Hart. [Ernst Glerum official]( Han Bennink (ds) ![/sdlx/170906-han-bennink-388.jpg](/sdlx/170906-han-bennink-388.jpg) Drummer and multi-instrumentalist Han Bennink was born in Zaandam near Amsterdam in 1942. His first percussion instrument was a kitchen chair. Later his father, an orchestra percussionist, supplied him with a more conventional outfit, but Han never lost his taste for coaxing sounds from unlikely objects he finds backstage at concerts. He is still very fond of playing chairs.In Holland in the 1960s, Bennink was quickly recognized as an uncommonly versatile drummer. As a hard swinger in the tradition of his hero Kenny Clarke, he accompanied touring American jazz stars, including Sonny Rollins, Ben Webster, Wes Montgomery, Johnny Griffin, Eric Dolphy and Dexter Gordon. He is heard with Gordon on the 1969 album "Live at Amsterdam Paradiso" (on the Affinity label) and with Dolphy on 1964s "Last Date" (PolyGram). At the same time, Bennink participated in the creation of a European improvised music which began to evolve a new identity, apart from its jazz roots. With fellow Dutch pioneers, pianist Misha Mengelberg and saxophonist Willem Breuker, he founded the musicians collective Instant Composers Pool in 1967. Bennink anchored various bands led by Mengelberg or Breuker, and appeared in their comic music-theater productions.Bennink attended art school in the 1960s, and is also a successful visual artist in several media, often constructing sculpture from found objects, which may include broken drum heads and sticks. He has designed the covers for many LPs and CDs on which he appears. Bennink is represented by Amsterdam's Galerie Espace, and has been the subject of several one-man shows, including one at the Gemeente Museum in the Hague in 1995. In 1966, Bennink played the US's Newport Jazz Festival with the Mengelberg quartet. From the late 1960s through the '70s Bennink collaborated frequently with Danish, German, English and Belgian musicians, notably saxophonists John Tchicai and Peter Brötzmann, guitarist Derek Bailey and pianist Fred van Hove. Bennink, Brötzmann and van Hove had a longstanding trio well documented on FMP Records. There Bennink also showcased his talents on clarinet, trombone, soprano saxophone and many other instruments, also featured in a series of solo albums he began in 1971. Bennink's many recordings from the 1980s include sessions with Mengelberg's ICP Orchestra (where he remains), South African bassist Harry Miller, soprano saxophonist Steve Lacy, trombonists Roswell Rudd and George Lewis, and big-bandleaders Sean Bergin and Andy Sheppard. From 1988 to '98 Bennink's main vehicle was Clusone 3, with saxophonist and clarinetist Michael Moore and cellist Ernst Reijseger, a band noted for its free-wheeling mix of swinging jazz standards, wide-open improvising, and tender ballads. Clusone played Europe and North America, West Africa, China, Vietnam and Australia, and recorded five CDs for Gramavision, hat Art and Ramboy. Nowadays he is frequently heard with tenor saxophonist Tobias Delius's quartet and in a trio with pianist/keyboardist Cor Fuhler and bassist Wilbert de Joode, and he still collaborates occasionally with jazz luminaries such as Johnny Griffin, Von Freeman and Ray Anderson. A conspicuous feature of Bennink's musical life since the 1960s is the spontaneous duo concert with musicians of many nationalities and musical inclinations; in the '90s he recorded in duo with among others pianists Mengelberg, Irene Schweizer and Myra Melford, guitarist Eugene Chadbourne, trumpeter Dave Douglas and tenor saxophonist Ellery Eskelin. Since 2008 Bennink has his own Han Bennink Trio with Joachim Badenhorst on clarinet and Simon Toldam on piano. [Han Bennink official]( Related Event Thursday, September 7th 2017 SuperDeluxe 15th Anniversary VOLUME EIGHT Han Bennink × Jim O'Rourke MUGAMICHIRU (Tatsuya Nakamura + Koji Nakamura + Mitsuru Nasuno) DJ Kei Kobayashi Open: 19:30 / Start: 20:00 Reservation / Detail:[SuperDeluxe]( Cajón provided by [](

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