2019/01/11 金曜日金曜日
ジム・オルーク生誕50周年記念コンサートEnduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke DAY 1
Open: 19:00 | Start: 20:00
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500
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SuperDeluxe presents
● 坂田明ビッグバンド(坂田明、藤原大輔、サミュエル・ダンスコム、ジム・オルーク、ジョバンニ・ディ・ドメニコ、ダリン・グレイ、 ジョー・タリア、アンドモア!)
Akira Sakata Big Band featuring: Akira Sakata, Daisuke Fujiwara, Samuel Dunscombe, Jim O’Rourke, Giovanni di Domenico, Darin Gray, Joe Talia, and more!
● アンドモア!
And more!
坂田明 Akira Sakata
藤原大輔 Daisuke Fujiwara
1970年生まれ。1996年にバークリー音楽大学卒。同年、ジョージ・ラッセルが提唱したジャズ理論のリディアン・クロマチック・コンセプトの教員ライセンスを取得。1997年「phat」結成。2枚のアルバムをBlue Noteよりリリース。その後、「quartz-head」名義でエレクトロのシーンで活躍。現在は文学作品をテーマにした自身のアコースティック・トリオ(井野信義/w-bass、外山明/drums)や、山本達久/drumsとのグループ「煮えたぎった無秩序」を中心に活動。市野元彦/guitarの「rabbitoo」や芳垣安洋/drums率いる「Orquesta Libre」などさまざまなグループに参加。
サミュエル・ダンスコンブ Samuel Dunscombe
オーストラリア メルボルン出身、サンディエゴ在住。現代音楽の研究・作曲から即興演奏、オーディオプログラミング、サウンドインスタレーションなど幅広い分野で活躍する一方、アマゾンの熱帯雨林、米国のモハーヴェ砂漠や軍事基地、ドイツの駅や英国の精神病院など、さまざまな場所でのフィールドレコーディングを行う。
ジム・オルーク Jim O’Rourke
Steamroom bandcamp
ジョヴァンニ・ディ・ドメニコ Giovanni Di Domenico
ローマ出身のGiovanni Di Domenicoは常に旅をしながら音楽を演奏してきた。Arve Henriksen、坂田明やJim O’Rourkeなどを始めとして様々なジャンル(モダンジャズ、即興、エクスペリメンタルポップ)の音楽に関わってきた。今回の来日でも極上の音楽を届けてくれる事であろう。
ダリン・グレイ Darin Gray
Composer / Improviser / Session Bassist, Darin Gray has composing for and performed on stage with Radiolab (NPR) and since joining Jeff Tweedy’s (from Wilco) TWEEDY in 2014 he has in played in 30 states, 16 countries, and has made multiple television appearances including The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Colbert Report, Austin City Limits, Conan, CBS This Morning and many others. Darin has played at numerous historic venues such as The Ryman in Nashville, The Palladium in London, and The Fillmore in San Fransisco. He is best known for his work with TWEEDY, Dazzling Killmen, Brise-Glace, On Fillmore (with Glenn Kotche of Wilco), and as Jim O’Rourke’s go to bassist for many years. He has composed for film, theater and dance; improvised with countless peers, played on over 100 releases, and has toured the Earth relentlessly for over 30 years.
ジョー・タリア Joe Talia
オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のドラマー/コンポーザー/プロデューサー/サウンドエンジニア。もともとコンテンポラリージャズ/インプロビゼーション界のドラマーとして評価を得ていた彼は、Andrea Keller Quartet、Oren Ambarchiとのデュオなど数多くのプロジェクトに参加しているが、近年はそれと平行して、ソロやJames Rushfordとのデュオ、またNed Collette、Francis Plagne、Yuko Konoなどアウトサイダーシンガーソングライターのドラマーとして、幅広く活動している。スタジオエンジニアとしては、NAZORANAI(Oren Ambarchi・Stephen O’Malley・灰野敬二)、灰野敬二・Jim O’Rourke・Oren Ambarchiトリオ、Richard Pinhasなどのアルバムのミックスの他、オーストラリアを中心とした様々なミュージシャンのアルバムのプロデュース・録音・ミックス・マスタリングを手がけている。
Photograph of Akira Sakata live at SuperDeluxe by Hideto Maezawa.
Photograph of Samuel Dunscombe live at SuperDeluxe by Tsuyoshi Kamaike.
Photograph of Giovanni Di Domenico live at SuperDeluxe by Mike Kubeck.
Photographs of Jim O’Rourke, Darin Gray, Joe Talia courtesy of the artists.
1/9(水)石橋英子&ダリン・グレイ|工藤冬里 ピアノソロ|dj Kayo
Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray | Tori Kudo piano solo | dj Kayo
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY 2
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY 3
出演:”Plays Paul Motian” ジム・オルーク、Marty Holoubek、ジョー・タリア、藤原大輔、アンドモア!|ジム・オルーク、石橋英子、ジョー・タリア トリオ
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
SuperDeluxe presents
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke (not a birthday party)
Jim O’Rourke turns 50 in January 2019. Come join us for a special three days featuring some of O’Rourke’s new projects. We’ve been lucky to host numerous legendary performances by O’Rourke over the years. These will be his last performances at SuperDeluxe. Do Not Miss!
● Akira Sakata Big Band featuring: Akira Sakata, Daisuke Fujiwara, Samuel Dunscombe, Jim O’Rourke, Giovanni di Domenico, Darin Gray, Joe Talia, and more!
● And more!
Artist information:
Akira Sakata
Akira Sakata was born in Kure-city, Hiroshima in 1945. Studied marine biology at Hiroshima university. Formed a group Saibo-bunretsu (Cell fission) in Tokyo in 1969, and was also performing with various free-jazz musicians during this time. Since the late 1960s, Sakata has been a constant figure in jazz and creative music scenes as an ever evolving and adventurous, multi-instrumentalist, and member of classic groups such as Yamashita Yosuke Trio, from 1972 till 1979, and Wha-ha-ha plus many of his own, like the Sakata Akira mii. He has recorded with Chris Cosey, Peter Brotzmann in Last Exit, DJ Krush, Yoshimio, and others. In 2005 he began peforming with guitarist Jim O’Rourke, drummer Chris Corsano and acoustic bassist Darin Gray. They’ve since released three albums together. Friendly Pants is the first American release by Sakata in more than 20 years. It pairs the 65-year-old traveler alongside bombast Chikamorachi (Corsano/Gray) and O’Rourke as the producer.
Daisuke Fujiwara
He started playing the tenor saxophone at the age of nineteen. Graduated from Berklee College of Music in 1996 and studied with George Garzone, he is a licensed teacher of Lydian Chromatic Concept, a theory developed by George Russell. He returned to Japan in 1997 and formed his own band, ‘phat’. Characterised by the introductions of rhythms inspired by minimal techno and electronic filters and effects on acoustic instruments, the group released two recordings on Blue Note/EMI Records that established him as one of the leading players in Japan. His interest in bringing improvisation together with electronic music resulted in three solo recordings which include collaborations with the Detroit techno musicians such as Jeff Mills and Underground Resistance. Currently he leads a trio with Nobuyoshi Ino (bass) and Akira Sotoyama (drums) that aims to accumulate various aspects of free jazz, improvisations, and noise, and is also active in various ensembles such as Orquesta Libre, led by drummer Yasuhiro Yoshigaki.
Samuel Dunscombe
Samuel Dunscombe is an Australia performer-composer specializing in the use of clarinets, computers, and microphones. From free improvisation to field recording, MaxMSP coding, and performing notated 20th and 21st century repertoire, Samuel is involved in a diverse array of sonic practices. His work has been presented at the Tokyo Experimental Festival, Toronto Electro-Acoustic Symposium, and the Bendigo International Festival of Exploratory Music in Australia. He has worked with musicians from improvisation legends Toshimaru Nakamura and Seijiro Murayama, to composers including Richard Barrett, Chikako Morishita, Iancu Dumitrescu and Ana-Maria Avram. He has undertaken field recording projects in the Brazilian Amazon (with Francisco López), Japan (at Taizai-Katsudou-Izu with Michiko Ogawa), and the Australian outback (with Thembi Soddell). Samuel’s latest projects include creating a set of three grid based field recording maps of the state of California, and a new revision of Horatiu Radulescu’s Capricorn’s Nostalgic Crickets. He is an ABD doctoral candidate at the University of California, San Diego.
Jim O’Rourke
Jim O’Rourke is a musician, composer and filmmaker whose borderless activity goes beyond the common labels Alternative, Post-rock, Experimental-pop, Film music, Free music, Jazz, Americana, Contemporary music and continues to defy classification.
Steamroom bandcamp
Giovanni Di Domenico
Giovanni Di Domenico, pianist, performer, composer, was born in Rome on the 20th July 1977, a significantly tempestuous period in socio-political terms, featuring hostile polarizations and an ostensive para-militarism, mutinous ideological confrontations and bloody terrorist attacks, rendered infamous in the description ‘Years of Lead’. In that particularly caustic summer, the so-called ‘Movement of 1977’, non-aligned, without any ties to the Parliament and non-violent, broke into the scene of prevalent conspiracy-steeped paranoia condemning the repressive, discriminatory and authoritarian tendencies of the Italian State and demanding equality for minorities and further civil rights. The coinciding liberalization of the media market, putting an end to RAI’s monopoly, further defined this period as the prime moment for pirate radio, with the consequence of a libertarian fragmentation of youth culture, epitomized by punk. One could argue that Giovanni, self-taught until the age of 24, inherited – in philosophy, politics and artistically – the most benign and affirmative traits of that period, diversifying his action in the context of a recently unified Europe, promoting improbable connections, exploring varied geographies, comfortably manoeuvring aesthetical fringes and making a commitment to live performance at its most liberating and engaging. Surprisingly, the path that lead him to that point had an unexpected detour: following his father’s consecutive assignments as a civil engineer he actually lived out his first decade in Africa – until he was five in Libya, from then until his eight anniversary in the Cameroons and until ten in Algeria. His far off native country was not synonymous with civil unrest as much as with opera, whose arias he would memorize with his siblings in order to practice the language and provide some family entertainment. The condition of expatriate had a strong influence in his education – he clearly remembers the calls of the muezzin, the sound of exotic musical instruments in local markets, the ritualistic expression music took in the streets of Yaoundé, or the songs he heard from his nanny in the Cameroons. When he finally enrolled in music school – majoring in ‘jazz piano’- he further built on an encyclopedic technique; rhythm, harmony and tone are informed by non-western traditions yet equally sensitive to Debussy’s “Préludes”, Luciano Berio’s “Sequenzas”, to the ‘ambi-ideation’ heard in Borah Bergman’s Soul Note recordings, Cecil Taylor’s polissemic density, Paul Bley’s bruised transparency and of course, the most radical manifestations stemming from the underworld of pop music, invariably tied together by his own original praxis. A distinction – one would call it generational – he shares with many of the musicians he has crossed paths with recently, of which we could enumerate Nate Wooley, Chris Corsano, Arve Henriksen, Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Alexandra Grimal, Tetuzi Akiyama, João Lobo or Toshimaru Nakamura. Di Domenico has founded his own label, Silent Water, home of an eclectic and occasionally unclassifiable production. He lives in Brussels.
Darin Gray
Composer / Improviser / Session Bassist, Darin Gray has composing for and performed on stage with Radiolab (NPR) and since joining Jeff Tweedy’s (from Wilco) TWEEDY in 2014 he has in played in 30 states, 16 countries, and has made multiple television appearances including The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Colbert Report, Austin City Limits, Conan, CBS This Morning and many others. Darin has played at numerous historic venues such as The Ryman in Nashville, The Palladium in London, and The Fillmore in San Fransisco. He is best known for his work with TWEEDY, Dazzling Killmen, Brise-Glace, On Fillmore (with Glenn Kotche of Wilco), and as Jim O’Rourke’s go to bassist for many years. He has composed for film, theater and dance; improvised with countless peers, played on over 100 releases, and has toured the Earth relentlessly for over 30 years.
Joe Talia
Joe Talia is an Australian drummer, composer and record producer/engineer based in Tokyo. He first established his reputation as a drummer in contemporary jazz and improvised music fields in which he is now active as a member of the ARIA award winning Andrea Keller Quartet and in numerous collaborative projects, including a long-term duo with Oren Ambarchi. In the last few years a great deal of his work as a drummer has taken place alongside outsider singer-songwriters (such as Ned Collette, Yuko Kono and Francis Plagne), in groups which synthesize his adventurous, exploratory drumming with the demands of song form. His longstanding musical partnership with Ned Collette has resulted in four records, on which Talia acts as both drummer and producer/engineer, most recently Networking in Purgatory (Bronze Rat 2013). In addition to the collaborations above he has performed, recorded and toured with Jim O’Rourke, Anthony Pateras, Richard Pinhas, John Duncan, Brous, Mary Halvorson, The Australian Art Orchestra, Thembi Soddell, Anthea Caddy, Sean Baxter, Robbie Avenaim, David Shea, Marco Fusinato, Rand and Holland, Adam Simmons, Magic Mountain Band, among others.
Related Events:
1/9 (WED) Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray | Tori Kudo
featuring: Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray duo, Tori Kudo (Maher Shalal Hash Baz) piano solo, dj Kayo
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
1/12 (SAT) Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY TWO
Live: Peter Rehberg | Jim O’Rourke | and more!
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
1/13 (SUN) Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY THREE
Live: “Plays Paul Motian” Jim O’Rourke, Marty Holoubek, Joe Talia, Daisuke Fujiwara & more! | Jim O’Rourke, Eiko Ishibashi, Joe Talia trio
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
Some live photos from the SuperDeluxe archives.
World Premier of Jim O’Rourke’s composition for Big Band and Tapes live at SuperDeluxe, Tokyo on 2013-6-20. Photo by Ujin Matsuo.
Akira Sakata, Mette Rasmussen, Jim O’Rourke, Chris Corsano live at SuperDeluxe, Tokyo on 2017-5-20 Opposite DKJP 150. Photo by Mike Kubeck.
Akira Sakata & Chikamorachi (Darin Gray & Chris Corsano) with Min Tanaka live at SuperDeluxe, Tokyo on 2015-10-23. Photo by Mike Kubeck.
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