2019/01/13 日曜日日曜日
ジム・オルーク生誕50周年記念コンサートEnduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke DAY 3
Open: 18:00 | Start: 19:00
前売/Advance: ¥0.00 | 当日/Door: ¥3500
ドリンク別/Plus drink
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SuperDeluxe presents
● “Plays Paul Motian” ジム・オルーク(g)、Marty Holoubek(cb)、ジョー・タリア(ds)、藤原大輔(sax)、アンドモア!
“Plays Paul Motian” Jim O’Rourke (g), Marty Holoubek (double-bass), Joe Talia (ds), Daisuke Fujiwara (sax), and more!
● ジム・オルーク、石橋英子、ジョー・タリア トリオ
Jim O’Rourke, Eiko Ishibashi, Joe Talia trio
ジム・オルーク Jim O’Rourke
Steamroom bandcamp
Marty Holoubek
Marty Holoubek is a Tokyo-based bassist and composer from Adelaide, Australia. After being a fixture in the Melbourne music scene for many years, Marty currently resides in Tokyo performing with local and international acts as well as working as a freelancer on various other musical projects.
ジョー・タリア Joe Talia
オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のドラマー/コンポーザー/プロデューサー/サウンドエンジニア。もともとコンテンポラリージャズ/インプロビゼーション界のドラマーとして評価を得ていた彼は、Andrea Keller Quartet、Oren Ambarchiとのデュオなど数多くのプロジェクトに参加しているが、近年はそれと平行して、ソロやJames Rushfordとのデュオ、またNed Collette、Francis Plagne、Yuko Konoなどアウトサイダーシンガーソングライターのドラマーとして、幅広く活動している。スタジオエンジニアとしては、NAZORANAI(Oren Ambarchi・Stephen O’Malley・灰野敬二)、灰野敬二・Jim O’Rourke・Oren Ambarchiトリオ、Richard Pinhasなどのアルバムのミックスの他、オーストラリアを中心とした様々なミュージシャンのアルバムのプロデュース・録音・ミックス・マスタリングを手がけている。
藤原大輔 Daisuke Fujiwara
1970年生まれ。1996年にバークリー音楽大学卒。同年、ジョージ・ラッセルが提唱したジャズ理論のリディアン・クロマチック・コンセプトの教員ライセンスを取得。1997年「phat」結成。2枚のアルバムをBlue Noteよりリリース。その後、「quartz-head」名義でエレクトロのシーンで活躍。現在は文学作品をテーマにした自身のアコースティック・トリオ(井野信義/w-bass、外山明/drums)や、山本達久/drumsとのグループ「煮えたぎった無秩序」を中心に活動。市野元彦/guitarの「rabbitoo」や芳垣安洋/drums率いる「Orquesta Libre」などさまざまなグループに参加。
石橋英子 Eiko Ishibashi
千葉県茂原市出身。映画音楽の制作をきっかけとしてソロとしての作品を作り始め、6枚のソロアルバムをリリース。音楽雑誌の年間ベストに選ばれるなど高い評価を受ける。ピアノをメインとしながらドラム、フルート、ヴィブラフォン等も演奏するマルチ・プレイヤー。近年は演劇、映画の音楽も多く手掛けている。4年間の歳月を費やした最新アルバム「The Dream My Bones Dream」は米インディレーベルDrag Cityから全世界発売。
Photographs of Jim O’Rourke, Marty Holoubek, Joe Talia, Eiko Ishibashi courtesy of the artists
1/9(水)石橋英子&ダリン・グレイ|工藤冬里 ピアノソロ|dj Kayo
Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray | Tori Kudo piano solo | dj Kayo
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY 1
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY 2
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
SuperDeluxe presents
Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke (not a birthday party)
Jim O’Rourke turns 50 in January 2019. Come join us for a special three days featuring some of O’Rourke’s new projects. We’ve been lucky to host numerous legendary performances by O’Rourke over the years. These will be his last performances at SuperDeluxe. Do Not Miss!
● “Plays Paul Motian” Jim O’Rourke (g), Marty Holoubek (double-bass), Joe Talia (ds), Daisuke Fujiwara (sax), and more!
● Jim O’Rourke, Eiko Ishibashi, Joe Talia trio
Artist information:
Peter Rehberg
Jim O’Rourke is a musician, composer and filmmaker whose borderless activity goes beyond the common labels Alternative, Post-rock, Experimental-pop, Film music, Free music, Jazz, Americana, Contemporary music and continues to defy classification.
Steamroom bandcamp
Jim O’Rourke
Jim O’Rourke is a musician, composer and filmmaker whose borderless activity goes beyond the common labels Alternative, Post-rock, Experimental-pop, Film music, Free music, Jazz, Americana, Contemporary music and continues to defy classification.
Steamroom bandcamp
Marty Holoubek
Marty Holoubek is a Tokyo-based bassist and composer from Adelaide, Australia. After being a fixture in the Melbourne music scene for many years, Marty currently resides in Tokyo performing with local and international acts as well as working as a freelancer on various other musical projects.
Joe Talia
Joe Talia is an Australian drummer, composer and record producer/engineer based in Tokyo. He first established his reputation as a drummer in contemporary jazz and improvised music fields in which he is now active as a member of the ARIA award winning Andrea Keller Quartet and in numerous collaborative projects, including a long-term duo with Oren Ambarchi. In the last few years a great deal of his work as a drummer has taken place alongside outsider singer-songwriters (such as Ned Collette, Yuko Kono and Francis Plagne), in groups which synthesize his adventurous, exploratory drumming with the demands of song form. His longstanding musical partnership with Ned Collette has resulted in four records, on which Talia acts as both drummer and producer/engineer, most recently Networking in Purgatory (Bronze Rat 2013). In addition to the collaborations above he has performed, recorded and toured with Jim O’Rourke, Anthony Pateras, Richard Pinhas, John Duncan, Brous, Mary Halvorson, The Australian Art Orchestra, Thembi Soddell, Anthea Caddy, Sean Baxter, Robbie Avenaim, David Shea, Marco Fusinato, Rand and Holland, Adam Simmons, Magic Mountain Band, among others.
Daisuke Fujiwara
He started playing the tenor saxophone at the age of nineteen. Graduated from Berklee College of Music in 1996 and studied with George Garzone, he is a licensed teacher of Lydian Chromatic Concept, a theory developed by George Russell. He returned to Japan in 1997 and formed his own band, ‘phat’. Characterised by the introductions of rhythms inspired by minimal techno and electronic filters and effects on acoustic instruments, the group released two recordings on Blue Note/EMI Records that established him as one of the leading players in Japan. His interest in bringing improvisation together with electronic music resulted in three solo recordings which include collaborations with the Detroit techno musicians such as Jeff Mills and Underground Resistance. Currently he leads a trio with Nobuyoshi Ino (bass) and Akira Sotoyama (drums) that aims to accumulate various aspects of free jazz, improvisations, and noise, and is also active in various ensembles such as Orquesta Libre, led by drummer Yasuhiro Yoshigaki.
Eiko Ishibashi
Eiko Ishibashi is a session musician, producer, and singer song writer who is based in Japan. Though mainly playing the piano, she is a multi-instrumentalist who is also able to play the drums, flute, and vibraphone. In recent years, she has been performing over 100 shows annually, sharing the stage with many artists such as Jim O’Rourke, Keiji Haino, Akira Sakata, Charlemagne Palestine, Seiichi Yamamoto, Gasper Claus, Oren Ambarchi, Glenn Kotche, Darling Gray and Merzbow. She has also recently had 2 European tours and has performed in the Fuji Rock Festival. Eiko Ishibashi started her musical career as a drummer, performing in several bands. She started playing the piano a few years back, when she began to score music for films and work as a solo musician. Since then, she has released 2 solo albums and the album “slip beneath the distant tree” under the name of Eiko Ishibashi + Tatsuya Yoshida. Her 2nd album “drifting devil” which featured artist such as Seiichi Yamamoto, had created buzz being critically appraised by both critics and fellow musicians, and was selected for the years best album list in Japanese magazines. Her first album in 4 years was released in July 2018 to wide acclaim.
Photographs of Jim O’Rourke, Marty Holoubek, Joe Talia, Eiko Ishibashi courtesy of the artists
Related Events:
1/9 (WED) Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray | Tori Kudo
featuring: Eiko Ishibashi & Darin Gray duo, Tori Kudo (Maher Shalal Hash Baz) piano solo, dj Kayo
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
1/11 (FRI) Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY ONE
Live: Akira Sakata Big Band | and more!
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
1/12 (SAT) Enduring 50 Years of Jim O’Rourke – DAY TWO
Live: Peter Rehberg | Jim O’Rourke | and more!
Thank you, love you, see you soon! SuperDeluxe Closing Celebration
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