Test Tone

2010/12/14 火曜日

Test ToneTest Tone

Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59




Test Tone vol. 64

Material Boundaries of the Song and the Dance

Featuring: Jean-François Laporte (Québec), Cyril Hernandez (France), 濱崎幸友 + shotahirama + 小屋敷 剛 (mAtter), 秋山徹次 + Cal Lyall and DJ Evil Penguin


キャル・ライアル × 鈴木康文 スペシャルインタビュー


Jean-François Laporte (Québec)

(ジャン・フランソワ・ラポート) カナダ・ケベック州のアーティストで90年代半から活動を開始する。視覚芸術と音の探求を統合するハイブリットな方法を求め、直観的な音楽制作アプローチで、具 体的な実験を通した美術を追求する。その独自の視座は、音、対象、物質などを積極的 に聞くということに依拠するものである。そのため、素材とその素材から生まれる構造との複雑な関係の下で制作を行っている。その作品は、審美的な問題や音 源の多様性によって特徴づけられるであろう。昨年は「Facteur d'Instrument de Musique de l'Année」を受賞。これは彼にとって5つ目の音楽賞であり、彼の作品のクオリティと彼が発明した楽器の重要性が評価されたのであろう。

Cyril Hernandez (France)

パーカッショニスト、マルチメディアアーティストのCyril Hernandezは振り付け、インスタレーション、独特な音楽性で、人間の体が空間とどのように作用し合うかを探求して、アートの境界線を超越するような素晴らしい作品を創る。パフォーマーとしては公共の場所を好み、より多くのオーディエンスとのコミュニケーションを積極的に求める。
La Truc

濱崎幸友 + shotahirama + 小屋敷 剛 (mAtter)


秋山徹次 + Cal Lyall

自由主義者、ブルースマンで日本の即興シーンの立役者でもある秋山徹次は多くの若いミュージシャンに影響を与え、海外でも注目を浴び、ギターという楽器の枠を広げてきた。明らかなミニマリズムで、秋山徹次は90年代後半から大友良英 や中村としまると共に音響シーンで名を成してきた。近年では抽象的なブルース、ドローン、ヒプノティックなギターブギなどの色々なアプローチで音を探求している。今回のTest Toneでは即興アーティスト/エレクトロニックミュージシャンのキャル・ライアル (Tetragrammaton、Jahiliyyah) と共演。今回はギターデュオということで、シンプルなブルースに徹するだろう。
秋山徹次 Homepage
Cal Lyall myspace

DJ Evil Penguin


About Test Tone….


Test Tone vol. 64

Material Boundaries of the Song and the Dance

Featuring: Jean-François Laporte (Québec), Cyril Hernandez (France), Yukitomo Hamasaki + shotahirama + Go Koyashiki, Tetuzi Akiyama + Cal Lyall and DJ Evil Penguin

Test Tone Homepage

Cal Lyall and Yasufumi Suzuki Special Interview!! (JP only)

Artist info:

Jean-François Laporte

Integrating visual art and sound exploration, Québécois artist Jean-François Laporte has been an influential figure on the contemporary art scene since the mid-1990s. Taking an intuitive approach to creating music, Laporte has learned his art through concrete experimentation on matter, actively listening to each sound, object or material. Much of his work is the result of working with raw material, devising simple yet ingenious constructions born of each material he explores. Receiving his fifth "Prix Opus" last year, Laporte was named "Facteur d'Instrument de Musique de l'Année" by the CQM (Conseil Québécois de la Musique). This gives timely recognition to the quality of Laporte's work and the importance his visionary musical inventions.

Cyril Hernandez (France)

Percussionist and multimedia artist Cyril Hernandez explores the way our bodies interact with space, using elements of choreography, installation and inventive musicianship to create captivating work that transcends artistic boundaries. As a performing artist, Cyril seeks to communicate with a wide audience, preferring public spaces and environments for his work. He engages viewers by pulling them into his performance with circus sideshow aplomb, while at the same time hoodwinking them to eventually reveal the greater complexity lurking within his visual and rhythmic ideas.
La Truc

Yukitomo Hamasaki + shotahirama + Go Koyashiki

A growing concern, Yukitomo Hamasaki's minimalist sound and design imprint mAtter has expanded to include a new generation of artists, two of whom have become recent collaborators in a number of projects. By joining forces with Go Koyashiki and shotahirama, both accomplished composers in their own right, Hamasaki has created something of a movement within the current Japanese scene. Blending intuitive improvisation with electronic composition, their previous performances have often been set to evocative photography, capturing minimalist patterns in the urban soundscape. As their international activity picks up, it is getting harder to catch all of these fine artists in one sitting. It might do you well to check in on team mAtter while they are still in town.

Tetuzi Akiyama + Cal Lyall

Part-iconoclast, part-bluesman, and one of the leading players in modern Japanese improvisation, Tetuzi Akiyama has taken his guitar far and wide, gaining a large international following while influencing countless younger musicians in the process. With a certain stark minimalism, Akiyama forged a name for himself in the onkyo scene in the late 1990s with the likes of Otomo Yoshihide and Toshimaru Nakamura. These days, he explores the full resonance of his instrument from a myriad of musical gateways, from primitavist leanings to drone and even some hypnotic guitar boogie. On this evening he'll be joined by improvising artist and electronic musician Cal Lyall (Tetragrammaton, Jahiliyyah), who will shed his characteristic layers of drone for a downtuned guitar duo of some (very loose) blues lassitude.
Tetuzi Akiyama Homepage
Cal Lyall myspace

Evil Penguin

Master of disguises, Mexican top-hats, ambient rockabilly to minimal Hawaiian Kumulipo chants, the Evil Penguin poses the primordial question of evanescence against a backdrop of New Wave folk. Celebratory, subliminal, moment-to-moment. A Tasmanian treasure with a penchant for open spaces.

About Test Tone

A monthly experiment offering irregular art, music and performance in Tokyo.
The Test Tone series aims to offer a venue for diverse and challenging artists to bring their ideas to a larger community. As a free event open to the public, we hope to bypass the old economies in order to create new ones, while encouraging collaboration in all forms. A collage of media, sound and art in a space available to anyone off the street, the event is a bazaar of potential collisions, where passersby are treated to the unexpected.
For all of this, we found our home base at Super Deluxe, a unique space in Tokyo's midtown, providing a relaxed atmosphere within its modular interior. The event continues to be a celebration of off-kilter creativity in the city: from installation pieces to performance art and visual collaborations; from noise, electronica, ambient sounds and free rock to disorderly jazz and manipulated field recordings. To date, close to 500 artists have been a part of the event, together creating opportunities for unexpected improvisation, collaboration, and festival spirit.


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