2015/06/19 金曜日金曜日
This&That CafeThis&That Café Vol.24
Open: 20:00:00 | Start: 20:00 - 23:59
ドリンク込み/Drink included
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アツい音楽とクールなアート。金曜の夜に入場無料じゃ、行くっきゃない。 イッツ・グルービーだよ!
Alexander LP & Kombinow
メテオグラフィックス (ライブ・ペイント)
竹田有哉 (VJ)
DJ Ace-K
KINLAY(キンレイ)は日本・東京発の4人組ロック・ファンク・レゲエバンドです。-10年以上定期的なジャムセッションの主催・演奏を行っています。彼らの多才な音楽にはロック、ファンク、レゲエ、ダンス、ソウルそして最近ではアフロビートの要素も含まれています。彼らはこれまで5枚のスタジオアルバムをリリースしています。-最近発売されたLPアルバム「Black Dragon」は現地情報誌にて高い評価を受けました。:[http://metropolisjapan.com/the-black-dragon-sings/](http://metropolisjapan.com/the-black-dragon-sings/) 彼らは恵比寿にあるブリティッシュパブ「What the Dickens!」(ワット ザ ディケンズ)にて毎月・第1水曜日にジャムセッションを主催しています。KINLAYの最新LPアルバム「Black Dragon」からの新曲“Shine on Me”のミュージックビデオはこちらからチェック!:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlMN0-UJ89Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlMN0-UJ89Y) 彼らはこれから来るアツイ夏に向けてホーンセクション(他の現地バンド「Ruby Room Orchestra」(ルビー ルームオーケストラ)より参加)を含む8人組のバンドとして演奏することになっています。
SammとHiroshiの頭文字からとった「S&H」は、Samm Bennettとハブヒロシのデュオユニット。彼らの音楽的コミュニケーションはとても直感的で流れるよう。それぞれのベースとなっている音楽性、グルーヴとダイナミクスがよく調和して、互いを引き立て合います。2人の音楽は、Sammが作曲するブルースやフォーク寄りのオリジナルソング(まれにカバーソングも)を中心に展開されます。Sammが奏でる飾り気のないシンプルなストラムスティックの伴奏は、南アパラチア地方の音楽や初期のブルースなど、オールディーズを思い起こさせる音色。ストラムスティックは、アパラチアの「マウンテン・ダルシマー」を元に作られた3弦ギターで、バンジョーとギターの中間のような音を出します。このストラムスティックとヒロシのシンプルなパーカッション(0から自分で作り上げたドラムを使用)が完璧に調和し、そこから流れ出る透明で人を引きつける音色のなかを、Sammの歌が自由に羽ばたきます。
[www.polarityrecords.com S&M](http://www.polarityrecords.com/s–h.html)
Alexander LP & Kombinow
エイドリアン・ホーガンは 自分を取り巻く世界を常に鋭い観察眼と洞察力で描くイラストレーターである。文化交流や人の素振りを表現の糧に、日常の何気ない様を描写する彼の絵はどことなく滑稽でありながらも美しい。
[Mariya Suzuki Homepage](http://www.mariyasketch.com)
[WAIFone Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/WAIFone)
[WAIFone Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/WAIFone)
[METEOR GRAPHICS facebook](https://www.facebook.com/meteorgraphics)
竹田有哉 (VJ)
[竹田有哉 Homepage](http://cargocollective.com/Skybase/)
DJ Ace-K
Hot tunes, cool art. Entrance is free and it’s a Friday night, so no excuses. It’s gonna be groovy!
Alexander LP & Kombinow
Adrian Hogan
Mariya Suzuki
Yuya Takeda (VJ)
DJ Ace-K
Artist Information:
KINLAY is a 4-piece Rock Funk Reggae band from Tokyo, Japan. With over 10 years of performing and hosting regular jam sessions – their versatile music includes elements of Rock, Funk, Reggae, Dance, Soul and more recently Afrobeat. They have released 5 studio albums – the latest being “Black Dragon” was well-received by local press : [http://metropolisjapan.com/the-black-dragon-sings/](http://metropolisjapan.com/the-black-dragon-sings/) They still host monthly jam session on First Wednesday every month at British Pub What The Dickens! in Ebisu. Music Video of “Shine on Me” – New single (from KINLAY’s “Black Dragon” LP Album) : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlMN0-UJ89Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlMN0-UJ89Y) Aspiring to summer, they will be playing as an 8-piece band including horn section (borrowed from other local band “Ruby Room Orchestra”).
S&H (stands for Samm and Hiroshi) is the duo of Samm Bennett and Hiroshi Habu.Their musical communication is fluid and highly intuitive, their sense of groove and dynamics, and their basic musical personalities, are very complimentary. Their material consists of Samm’s original songs (and the occasional cover), which lean toward a bluesy or folky character. Samm’s stark and simple strumstick accompaniment is a bit reminiscent of old time southern Appalachian music and early blues. The strumstick (a three-stringed instrument adapted from the Appalachian “mountain dulcimer” and sounding like a
cross between banjo and guitar) and Hiroshi’s simple percussion (a drum he’s made himself, from scratch) balance each other perfectly, providing a transparent, compelling musical fabric on which Samm’s songs soar and glide.
Alexander LP & “Kombinow”
Kombinow is a newly formed Latin music group lead by Japan-based cuban singer and guitarist Alexander Laborde Padron. His musical styles vary
from salsa to ballads and beyond, blending unique guitar stylings with a sweet strong voice that attracts seasoned Latin-music fans as well as first-time listeners. Born 1976 in Cuba, Alexander studied under Director Lineres of the Cuba National Opera and became a singer in the National Polyphonic Chorus directed by Professor Carmen Collado from the Cuban National Art University. He has been performing professionally from the age of 21 and his career has taken him throughout Europe and later Asia where his popularity continues to grow.
The current members of this dream pop band started making sound and vision together in the summer of 2013. Their sounds can be heard on
[Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/linguisticool) and videos can be seen on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/jacobdisco/videos)
Adrian Hogan (Live Art)
Illustrating the world surrounding him, Adrian Hogan is an inconspicuous observer of the everyday. Capturing the daily moments that go unnoticed to others, Adrian enjoys highlighting cultural interactions and gestures with humour and beauty.
Mariya Suzuki
A graduate of California State University of Long Beach, Mariya currently works as an illustrator/artist. While creating illustrations for books and concert flyers as well as murals, she also focuses on recording everyday life through her sketches. Fascinated by the relationship between the outside physical world and the abstract nature of her own thoughts, her art tends to be very personal. However, at the same time she hopes to connect with others through her art.
[Mariya Suzuki Homepage](http://www.mariyasketch.com)
WAIFone was born in Fukushima Prefecture in 1986, currently lives in Tokyo and has been performing live art in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area since 2010.
[WAIFone Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/WAIFone)
[WAIFone Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/WAIFone)
Based in Tokyo, METEOR GRAPHICS is an artist and designer who continues to pursue new expressions through live-painting, design and illustration. The appeal of his live painting sessions lie not only within the finished product, but in revealing the process itself.
[METEOR GRAPHICS facebook](https://www.facebook.com/meteorgraphics)
Yuya Takeda (VJ)
Born in 1988, Tokyo. Yuya Takeda is multi 2D/3D, motion graphics, musician, interaction design general artist working in Japan.
[Yuya Takeda Homepage](http://cargocollective.com/Skybase/)
DJ Ace-K
Born in northern Japan, DJ Ace-K currently lives in tokyo with his wife. He started DJing techno 10 years ago but has recemntly turned his focus to Afro Funk. He organizes “interpassional,”a regular DJ party at Ebisu’s Enjoy House as well as “Dominion,” a techno and jamband party.
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